"All Indian Enterprises should Be Very Worried": Centre for Internet and Society
Prasad Krishna
Feb 28, 2013
last modified
Feb 28, 2013 09:21 AM
filed under:
IT Act,
Internet Governance
The DoT’s CERT team has successfully censored more than 70 URLs that didn’t particularly contain praises of IIPM. Amusingly, a URL containing a public notice issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC) in July 2012 was also blocked.
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News & Media
John Doe order in Reliance Big Entertainment v. Multivision Network and Ors. (movie Don 2)
Jai Anand
May 26, 2012
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Internet Governance
This is the case filed by Reliance Big Entertainment, producer of movie 'Don 2' against Multivision Network and other unknown network operators restraining them from infringing their copyrights and the Court granted an interim injunction called 'john doe' order under Order 39 Rule 1 and Rule 3 of CPC, 1908.
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Internet Governance
John Doe order in Viacom 18 Motion Pictures v. Jyoti Cable Network and Ors. (movie Players)
Jai Anand
May 26, 2012
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Internet Governance
This is the case filed by Viacom 18 Motion Pictures, producer of movie 'Players' against Jyoti Cable Network and other unknown cable operators restraining them from infringing their copyrights and the Court granted an interim injunction called 'john doe' order under Order 39 Rule 1 and Rule 3 of CPC, 1908.
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Internet Governance
John Doe order in Viacom 18 Motion Pictures v. Jyoti Cable Network and Ors. (movie Bitoo Boss)
Jai Anand
May 26, 2012
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Internet Governance
This is the case filed by Viacom 18 Motion Pictures, producer of movie 'Bitoo Boss' against Jyoti Cable Network and other unknown cable operators restraining them from infringing their copyrights and the Court granted an interim injunction called 'john doe' order under Order 39 Rule 1 and Rule 3 of CPC, 1908.
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Internet Governance
Privacy and Governmental Databases
Elonnai Hickok
Mar 23, 2011
last modified
Mar 22, 2012 05:41 AM
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Internet Governance,
In our research we have found that most government databases are incrementally designed in response to developments and improvements that need to be incorporated from time to time. This method of architecting a system leads to a poorly designed database with many privacy risks such as: inaccurate data, incomplete data, inappropriate disclosure of data, inappropriate access to data, and inappropriate security over data. To address these privacy concerns it is important to analyze the problem that is being addressed from the perspective of potential and planned interoperability with other government databases. Below is a list of problems and recommendations concerning privacy, concerning government databases.
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Internet Governance
TRAI urged to take action against P2P throttling and DNS hijacking
Anand Priya Singh
Nov 09, 2011
last modified
Mar 27, 2012 06:07 AM
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Internet Governance
On 4 November 2010, Anand had sent a complaint letter to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) regarding unethical practices adopted by Internet Service Providers (ISPs), particularly Airtel. The letter was sent by post and through an e-mail. It was addressed to the Advisor, CN & IT, TRAI. Anand got no help from the ISP and the reply from TRAI (No. 340-1\2010-CA/VOLv) stated that he contact the nodal officer. We have reproduced below the complaint letter that Anand sent to TRAI.
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Internet Governance
Report on ICANN 50
Jyoti Panday
Jun 29, 2014
last modified
Oct 12, 2014 05:42 AM
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Internet Governance
Jyoti Panday attended ICANN 50 in London from 22-26 June. Below are some of the highlights from the meeting.
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Internet Governance
The India Conference on Cyber Security and Cyber Governance
Prasad Krishna
Oct 13, 2014
filed under:
Internet Governance,
Following the success of CYFY 2013 the CYFY 2014 will be held from October 15 to 17, 2014 in New Delhi. The Centre for Internet and Society is a knowledge partner for this event and Sunil Abraham is participating as a panelist in the session "Privacy is Dead".
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Internet Governance
News & Media
If MNCs make early inroads, they will keep market share: Sunil Abraham, CIS
Prasad Krishna
Oct 24, 2014
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Internet Governance
The recent visits of the high-profile CEOs of internet/technology companies have made it clear that India, with its 200-million internet users, is increasingly becoming important for the multinational corporations (MNCs).
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Internet Governance
News & Media
The Gujarat High Court Judgment on the Snoopgate Issue
Vipul Kharbanda
Oct 27, 2014
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Internet Governance,
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Internet Governance