Mrutyunjay Mishra - India Online: Measuring, Understanding, and Making Decisions about Internet in India (Delhi, September 01, 6 pm)
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Aug 29, 2017
last modified
Aug 29, 2017 10:18 AM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Internet Studies,
RAW Events
With great pleasure we announce that Mrutyunjay Mishra, co-founder of Juxt-SmartMandate and India Open Data Association, will be the speaker for the September #FirstFriday event at the CIS office in Delhi. Mrutyunjay is a recognised expert in data-driven decision-making and a leading commentator on Indian consumer behaviour. His talk will focus on the evolution of measurement of users and activities in the Indian telecommunication and online market sectors, and will highlight the critical challenges and opportunities faced by public and private entities in reliably and timely measuring, understanding, and making commercial and policy decisions about 'India Online'. If you are joining us, please RSVP at the soonest as we have only limited space in our office.
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Tech Anthropology Today: Collaborate, Rather than Fetishize from Afar
Geert Lovink and Ramesh Srinivasan
May 16, 2017
last modified
May 16, 2017 02:51 PM
filed under:
Internet Studies,
RAW Blog,
Researchers at Work
"That is why the 'offline' if you will is so critical to understanding the 'online'—because they do not exist in isolation and what we have constructed is an illusory binary between the two." In this interview, Geert Lovink discusses with Ramesh Srinivasan: “how can we embrace the realities of communities too-often relegated to the margins?”
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Internet Researchers' Conference 2017 (IRC17) - Selected Sessions
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Jan 20, 2017
last modified
Jan 20, 2017 01:28 PM
filed under:
Internet Studies,
Internet Researcher's Conference,
Researchers at Work
With great pleasure we announce the eleven sessions selected for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2017 (IRC17) to be held at the IIIT Bangalore campus during March 03-05. The Conference is being organised by the Centre for Information Technology and Public Policy (CITAPP) at IIIT Bangalore and the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS).
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Internet Researchers' Conference 2017 (IRC17) - Selection of Sessions
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Nov 16, 2016
last modified
Dec 12, 2016 01:37 PM
filed under:
Internet Studies,
Internet Researcher's Conference,
Researchers at Work,
We have a wonderful range of session proposals for the second Internet Researchers' Conference (IRC17) to take place in Bengaluru on March 03-05, 2017. From the 23 submitted session proposals, we will now select 10 to be part of the final Conference agenda. The selection will be done through votes casted by the teams that have proposed the sessions. This will take place in December 2016. Before that, we invite the session teams and other contributors to share their comments and suggestions on the submitted sessions. Please share your comments by December 14, either on session pages directly, or via email (sent to raw at cis-india dot org).
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Mobilizing Online Consensus: Net Neutrality and the India Subreddit
Sujeet George
Sep 27, 2016
last modified
Sep 27, 2016 04:52 AM
filed under:
Internet Studies,
RAW Blog,
Net Neutrality,
Researchers at Work
This essay by Sujeet George is part of the 'Studying Internet in India' series. The author offers a preliminary gesture towards understanding reddit’s usage and breadth in the Indian context. Through an analysis of the “India” subreddit and examining the manner and context in which information and ideas are shared, proposed, and debunked, the paper aspires to formulate a methodology for interrogating sites like reddit that offer the possibilities of social mediation, even as users maintain a limited amount of privacy. At the same time, to what extent can such news aggregator sites direct the ways in which opinions and news flows change course as a true marker of information generation responding to user inputs.
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The Curious Incidents on Matrimonial Websites in India
Abhimanyu Roy
Aug 30, 2016
last modified
Aug 30, 2016 10:52 AM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Internet Studies,
RAW Blog
This essay by Abhimanyu Roy is part of the 'Studying Internet in India' series. The author explores how the curious interplays between the arranged marriage market in India the rise of matrimonial sites such as Jeevansathi.com and Shaadi.com. The gravity of the impact that such web-based services have on the lives of users is substantially greater than most other everyday web-enabled transactions, such as an Uber ride or a Foodpanda order. From outright fraud to online harassment, newspaper back pages are filled with nightmare stories that begin on a matrimonial website. So much so that the Indian government has set up a panel to regulate matrimonial sites. The essay analyses the role of matrimonial websites in modern day India, and the challenges this awkward amalgamation of the internet and love gives rise to.
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101 Ways of Starting an ISP:* No. 53 - Conversation, Content and Weird Fiction
Aug 03, 2016
filed under:
Internet Studies,
RAW Blog,
Researchers at Work
This essay by Surfatial is part of the 'Studying Internet in India' series. It argues that the internet has created a space for philosophical questioning among contemporary Indian participants which can develop further, despite common assertions that online spaces are largely uncivil and abusive. It actively explores how anonymous and pseudonymous content production may offer a method for exploring and expressing the internet in India, with a certain degree of freedom, and how spam-like methods may prove effective in puncturing filter bubbles.
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Studying Internet in India (2016): Selected Abstracts
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Jul 05, 2016
last modified
Jul 06, 2016 06:24 AM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Internet Studies,
RAW Blog
We received some great submissions and decided to select twelve abstracts, and not only ten as we planned earlier. Here are the abstracts.
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Call for Essays: Studying Internet in India
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
May 20, 2016
last modified
Jul 04, 2016 12:48 PM
filed under:
Internet Studies,
RAW Blog,
Researchers at Work
As Internet makes itself comfortable amidst everyday lives in India, it becomes everywhere and everyware, it comes in 40 MBPS Unlimited and in chhota recharges – though no longer in zero flavour – the Researchers at Work (RAW) programme at the Centre for Internet and Society invites abstracts for essays that explore how do we study internet in India today.
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The Many Lives and Sites of Internet in Bhubaneswar
Sailen Routray
Sep 21, 2015
filed under:
Internet Studies,
RAW Blog,
Researchers at Work
This post by Sailen Routray is part of the 'Studying Internets in India' series. Sailen is a researcher, writer, editor and translator who lives and works in Bhubaneswar. In this essay, he takes a preliminary step towards capturing some of the experiences of running and using internet cafes, experiences that lie at the interstices of (digital) objects and spaces, that are at the same time a history of the internet as well as a personal history of the city.
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