News & Media
Climate change will be a priority in talks with Modi: U.S.
Mr. Modi will have a bilateral meeting with President Barack Obama on Tuesday and address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday.
NGOs tell PM not to succumb to pressure from US on IPR
A group of NGOs have appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi not to succumb to pressure from the US on the issue of intellectual property regime (IPR).
Mapping & Mobility
Carnegie India invited Anubha Sinha for an interaction with Brian McClendon, Vice-President of Technology at Uber on June 28, 2016 at Taj Palace Hotel, Sardar Patel Marg, New Delhi.
शंभर वर्षापूर्वीचे ग्रंथ मराठी विकिपीडियावर
Online space for Odia
From a few hundred articles in 2002 to over 10,600 articles on various aspects of Odisha today, Odia Wikipedia has certainly made a mark as far as promotion of the language is concerned. Wikipedia, the volunteer driven web-based multilingual encyclopedia project, is an important reference source on the Internet for all kinds of information.
NGOs tell PM not to succumb to pressure from US on IPR
NGOs urge PM to ‘resist pressure’ from U.S. on IPRs
Govt. to ensure transparency on engagements with the U.S. on IPR
National Conference on Competition & IPR in ICT, Telecom & Mobile Sets
Rohini Lakshané and Anubha Sinha attended this conference held at Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi on May 18, 2016. The event was organized by CMAI.
International Copyright Law
Anubha Sinha will be attending the 2016 IViR Summer Course on International Copyright Law as a beneficiary of the OSF Civil Society Scholarship in Amsterdam from July 4 to 8, 2016. The event is being organized by the University of Amsterdam.
Cultural institution AKA GLAM for more OER
The OER conference was held in Edinburgh, Scotland on April 19 and 20, 2016. Subhashish Panigrahi gave a talk at the event organised by the University of Edinburg.
Promoting Online Content Through 'Wiki Malayalam'
Practical sessions on using Wiki Malayalam as a medium to preserve the language and promote digital media were held on Thursday, the final day of the two-day workshop on ‘Wiki Malayalam.’
Spread awareness through Malayalam Wikipedia: Gadgil
"Contribution of information by people of Rukadi village near Kolhapur to Marathi Wikipedia, by referring to media reports, helped spread the word about mass fish deaths in the region. Similar efforts should be initiated in Kerala so that information about local movements like Plachimada campaign would be available in the public domain," opined environmentalist Madhav Gadgil. He was speaking at the Malayalam Wikipedia workshop hosted by Swadeshabhimani Media Study Centre at Vakkom Moulavi Memorial Hall here on Wednesday.
T’puram to host Wikipedia workshop on May 4, 5
The workshop will be led by Prof. Madav Gadgil and a team of experienced Wikipedia editors.
Tulu Wiki may go live soon as writers work day and night
An article about Tulu Wikipedia progress was published in the Times of India, Mangaluru edition on April 30, 2016.
Exercise to Correct articles in Tulu Wikipedia begins
It will go on till Saturday at the Ramakrishna pre-university college.
First Round-table on Innovation, IP and Competition
The First Annual Roundtable on Innovation, Intellectual Property and Competition was organized by the recently established Centre for Innovation, Intellectual Property & Competition (CIIPC) at the National Law University, Delhi. Dr. Arul George Scaria and Prof. Yogesh Pai are the co-directors of this Centre. The event was held on April 1 and 2, 2016 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Nehaa Chaudhari and Anubha Sinha participated in the event.
Typography Day 2016
Typography Day was organized for the 9th time at Srishti Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore in collaboration with the Industrial Design Centre (IDC), Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT Bombay) with support from India Design Association (InDeAs) and Aksharaya.
Odia gets more space in e-world
A survey conducted by the Odia Wikipedia community and the Centre for Internet and Society reveals that the online presence of Odia language is gradually increasing.
Sensitization Seminar on IPR for Electronics & ICT Sectors
Role of IP as a Strategic and Financial tool in the Global Market. Rohini Lakshané attended the event held in Vishakhapatnam on April 21, 2016.
Brainstorming Workshop on PG Programme on Media Studies for UGC E-Pathshala Programme
Nehaa Chaudhari will be speaking at this conference to be organized by Jamia Milla Islamia on April 5, 2016 in New Delhi.
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