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Blog Entry Statutory Motion Against Intermediary Guidelines Rules
by Pranesh Prakash published Mar 26, 2012 last modified Apr 03, 2012 09:35 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
Rajya Sabha MP, Shri P. Rajeev has moved a motion that the much-criticised Intermediary Guidelines Rules be annulled.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry The Online Video Environment in India - A Survey Report
by Pranesh Prakash published Jan 25, 2011 last modified Oct 03, 2011 09:31 AM — filed under: , , ,
iCOMMONS, the OPEN VIDEO ALLIANCE, and the CENTRE FOR INTERNET AND SOCIETY have initiated a research project which seeks to survey the online video environment in India and the opportunities this new medium presents for creative expression and civic engagement. This report seeks to define key issues in the Indian context and begins to develop a short-term policy framework to address them.
Located in Openness
Blog Entry India's Broken Internet Laws Need a Shot of Multi-stakeholderism
by Pranesh Prakash published Apr 26, 2012 last modified Apr 26, 2012 01:45 PM — filed under: , , , , , ,
Cyber-laws in India are severely flawed, with neither lawyers nor technologists being able to understand them, and the Cyber-Law Group in DEIT being incapable of framing fair, just, and informed laws and policies. Pranesh Prakash suggests they learn from the DEIT's Internet Governance Division, and Brazil, and adopt multi-stakeholderism as a core principle of Internet policy-making.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry Surveillance and the Indian Constitution - Part 3: The Public/Private Distinction and the Supreme Court’s Wrong Turn
by Pranesh Prakash published Feb 25, 2014 last modified Mar 06, 2014 11:02 PM — filed under: , ,
After its decision in Gobind, the Supreme Court's privacy floodgates opened; a series of claims involving private parties came before its docket, and the resulting jurisprudence ended up creating confusion between state-individual surveillance, and individual-individual surveillance.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry India's Internet Jam
by Pranesh Prakash published Aug 31, 2012 last modified Mar 20, 2014 12:41 PM — filed under: , ,
As authorities continue to clamp down on digital freedom, politicians and corporations are getting a taste for censorship too. Pranesh Prakash reports.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry CIS Statement at ICANN 49's Public Forum
by Pranesh Prakash published Mar 27, 2014 last modified Jun 04, 2014 05:31 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
This was a statement made by Pranesh Prakash at the ICANN 49 meeting (on March 27, 2014), arguing that ICANN's bias towards the North America and Western Europe result in a lack of legitimacy, and hoping that the IANA transition process provides an opportunity to address this.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Free and Open Source Software
by Pranesh Prakash published Jan 11, 2010
Free and open source software (FOSS) is a good thing from both the perspective of programmer and user freedoms as well as from the perspective of better and more efficient software production. Also, FOSS forms the backbone of the Internet (BIND/NSD for DNS servers, Apache for web servers, sendmail/postfix/qmail for mail servers, Asterisk for VoIP servers, etc.), and the Internet as we know it would not exist without FOSS.
Located in Openness / Publications
Free and Open Source Software
by Pranesh Prakash published Oct 08, 2009 last modified Jan 11, 2010 10:59 AM
Free and open source software (FOSS) is a good thing from both the perspective of programmer and user freedoms as well as from the perspective of better and more efficient software production. Also, FOSS forms the backbone of the Internet (BIND/NSD for DNS servers, Apache for web servers, sendmail/postfix/qmail for mail servers, Asterisk for VoIP servers, etc.), and the Internet as we know it would not exist without FOSS.
Located in Openness / Publications
by Pranesh Prakash published Dec 01, 2008
Photographs of Open Access Day
Located in Openness / Publications / Open Content and Open Access
Second Response to Draft National Policy on Open Standards for e-Governance
by Pranesh Prakash published Jul 07, 2009 last modified Jul 07, 2009 04:49 PM — filed under: , ,
Another draft (labelled "version 2", dated May 26, 2009) of the draft national policy on open standards for e-governance was made available to Fosscomm, while many software companies were speaking out against NASSCOM's position on the policy. CIS drafted a second response addressing both the allegations against NASSCOM as well as the few shortcomings we perceive in the draft policy.
Located in Openness / Publications / Open Standards
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