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Blog Entry Technology, Social Justice and Higher Education
by Prasad Krishna published Dec 07, 2011 last modified Mar 30, 2015 02:54 PM — filed under: , , ,
Since the last two years, we at the Centre for Internet and Society, have been working with the Higher Education Innovation and Research Applications at the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society, on a project called Pathways to Higher Education, supported by the Ford Foundation.
Located in Digital Natives / Pathways to Higher Education / Blog
Blog Entry Reading from a Distance — Data as Text
by Sneha PP published Jul 23, 2014 last modified Nov 13, 2015 05:29 AM — filed under: , , , ,
The advent of new digital technologies and the internet has redefined practices of reading and writing, and the notion of textuality which is a fundamental aspect of humanities research and scholarship. This blog post looks at some of the debates around the notion of text as object, method and practice, to understand how it has changed in the digital context.
Located in RAW / Digital Humanities
Blog Entry Asia in the Edges: A Narrative Account of the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Summer School in Bangalore
by Nishant Shah published Jul 25, 2014 last modified Apr 14, 2015 12:47 PM — filed under: , , , ,
The Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Summer School is a Biennial event that invites Masters and PhD students from around Asia to participate in conversations around developing and building an Inter-Asia Cultural Studies thought process. Hosted by the Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society along with the Consortium of universities and research centres that constitute it, the Summer School is committed to bringing together a wide discourse that spans geography, disciplines, political affiliations and cultural practices for and from researchers who are interested in developing Inter-Asia as a mode of developing local, contextual and relevant knowledge practices.
Located in RAW / Digital Humanities
Blog Entry Figures of Learning: The Conditional Artist
by Tara Kelton published May 05, 2015 last modified Nov 13, 2015 05:42 AM — filed under: , , ,
As part of its Making Methods for Digital Humanities project, CIS-RAW organized two consultations on new figures of learning in the digital context. For a proposed journal issue on the theme of ‘bodies of knowledge’ which draws upon these conversations, participants were invited to write short sketches on these figures of learning. This abstract by Tara Kelton explores the conditional artist, and the outcomes of inserting chance in the realization of art work through the use of new multimedia and digital technologies.
Located in RAW
Research Symposium on Digital Transitions in Cultural and Creative Industries in India, New Delhi, Feb 27-28
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published Feb 11, 2018 last modified Feb 26, 2018 11:04 AM — filed under: , , , , , ,
It is our privilege to collaborate with LabEx ICCA (Université Paris 13), UNESCO New Delhi, Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities (CSH), and Centre d'études de l'Inde et de l'Asie du Sud (CEIAS), to organise a Research Symposium on Digital Transitions in Cultural and Creative Industries in India. The symposium gathers researchers and practitioners engaging with the changing landscape of cultural and creative industries in India in the context of the rapid expansion of digital technologies and social media. We invite you to join us for a critical exploration of the prevalent discourse around cultural and creative industries, to identify what could be the different forms of digital creative and cultural industries developing in India, and how they problematise the questions of cultural expression, knowledge production, creativity, and labour.
Located in RAW
NIPFP Seminar on Exploring Policy Issues in the Digital Technology Arena
by Admin published Oct 20, 2019 — filed under: , , , ,
Anubha Sinha participated in this seminar as a discussant on the "Regulating emerging technologies" panel. The event was held at Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla on October 10 - 11, 2019.
Located in Internet Governance / News & Media
Blog Entry Decolonizing the Internet’s Languages 2019 - From Conversations to Actions
by Puthiya Purayil Sneha published Oct 21, 2019 last modified Nov 01, 2019 05:53 PM — filed under: , , , ,
Whose Knowledge? is organising the Decolonizing the Internet's Languages 2019 gathering in London on October 23-24 — with a specific focus on building an agenda for action to decolonize the internet’s languages. Puthiya Purayil Sneha is participating in this meeting with scholars, linguists, archivists, technologists and community activists, to share the initial findings towards the State of the Internet’s Language Report (to be published in 2020) being developed by Whose Knowledge?, Oxford Internet Institute, and the CIS.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Call for Contributions and Reflections: Your experiences in Decolonizing the Internet’s Languages!
by Puthiya Purayil Sneha published Aug 07, 2019 last modified Aug 07, 2019 12:29 PM — filed under: , , , , , , , ,
Whose Knowledge?, the Oxford Internet Institute, and the Centre for Internet and Society are creating a State of the Internet’s Languages report, as baseline research with both numbers and stories, to demonstrate how far we are from making the internet multilingual. We also hope to offer some possibilities for doing more to create the multilingual internet we want. This research needs the experiences and expertise of people who think about these issues of language online from different perspectives. Read the Call here and share your submission by September 2, 2019.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry State of the Internet's Languages 2020: Announcing selected contributions!
by Puthiya Purayil Sneha published Nov 01, 2019 last modified Nov 01, 2019 06:12 PM — filed under: , , , , , , ,
In response to our call for contributions and reflections on ‘Decolonising the Internet’s Languages’ in August, we are delighted to announce that we received 50 submissions, in over 38 languages! We are so overwhelmed and grateful for the interest and support of our many communities around the world; it demonstrates how critical this effort is for all of us. From all these extraordinary offerings, we have selected nine that we will invite and support the contributors to expand further.
Located in RAW
Blog Entry Living in the Archival Moment
by Sneha PP published Jun 19, 2014 last modified Nov 13, 2015 05:27 AM — filed under: , , , ,
The archive has been and continues to be a key concept in Digital Humanities discourse, particularly in India. The importance of the archive to knowledge production in the Humanities, the implication of changes in archival practice with the advent of electronic publishing and digitisation, and the focus on curation as a critical and creative process are some aspects of the debate that this blog post looks at.
Located in RAW / Digital Humanities
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