A Compilation of Research on the Gig Economy
Aayush Rathi, Ambika Tandon, Sumandro Chattapadhyay
May 19, 2020
filed under:
Digital Labour,
RAW Research,
Researchers at Work,
Digital Domestic Work
Over the past year, researchers at CIS have been studying gig economies and gig workers in India. Their work has involved consultative discussions with domestic workers, food delivery workers, taxi drivers, trade union leaders, and government representatives to document the state of gig work in India, and highlight the concerns of gig workers.
The imposition of a severe lockdown in India in response to the outbreak of COVID-19 has left gig workers in precarious positions. Without the privilege of social distancing, these workers are having to contend with a drastic reduction in income, while also placing themselves at heightened health risks.
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Announcing Selected Researchers: Welfare, Gender, and Surveillance
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Feb 13, 2020
last modified
Feb 13, 2020 03:04 PM
filed under:
Welfare Governance,
Gender, Welfare, and Privacy,
Researchers at Work
We published a Call for Researchers on January 10, 2020, to invite applications from researchers interested in writing a narrative essay that interrogates the modes of surveillance that people of LGBTHIAQ+ and gender non-conforming identities and sexual orientations are put under as they seek sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in India. We received 29 applications from over 10 locations in India in response to the call, and are truly overwhelmed by and grateful for this interest and support. We eventually selected applications by 3 researchers that we felt aligned best with the specific objectives of the project. Please find below brief profile notes of the selected researchers.
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Roundtable on India’s Gig-work Economy
Noopur Raval, Anushree Gupta, Rajendra Jadhav, Sarah Zia, and Simiran Lalvani
Feb 05, 2020
last modified
May 19, 2020 06:36 AM
filed under:
Digital Labour,
Future of Work,
Network Economies,
Researchers at Work,
Mapping Digital Labour in India
Working in the gig-economy has been associated with economic vulnerabilities. However, there are also moral and affective vulnerabilities as workers find their worth measured everyday by their performance of—and at—work and in every interaction and movement. This roundtable discussion marks the end of our series on 'India’s Gig-work Economy' published by the Platypus blog of the Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing (CASTAC). In this discussion, the researchers reflect on methods, challenges, inter-subjectivities and possible future directions for research on the topic. Listen to the audio track below or read the transcript for the full discussion.
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Call for Researchers: Welfare, Gender, and Surveillance
Ambika Tandon
Jan 10, 2020
last modified
Feb 13, 2020 03:05 PM
filed under:
Welfare Governance,
Gender, Welfare, and Privacy,
Researchers at Work
We are inviting applications for two researchers. Each researcher is expected to write a narrative essay that interrogates the modes of surveillance that people of LGBTHIAQ+ and gender non-conforming identities and sexual orientations are put under as they seek sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in India. The researchers are expected to undertake field research in the location they are based in, and reflect on lived experiences gathered through field research as well as their own experiences of doing field research. Please read the sections below for more details about the work involved, the timeline for the same, and the application process for this call.
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Stakeholder Consultation on Digital Assets for Women’s Economic Empowerment | UN Women + SEWA
Dec 15, 2019
last modified
Apr 07, 2020 01:14 PM
filed under:
Internet Governance
On December 06, 2019, Ambika Tandon and Aayush Rathi participated in a "Stakeholder Consultation on Digital Assets for Women’s Economic Empowerment: Addressing Barriers and Enhancing Opportunities for Women in Informal Economy and in Agriculture".
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Internet Governance
News & Media
Project on Gender, Health Communications and Online Activism with City University
Ambika Tandon
Nov 28, 2019
last modified
Dec 02, 2019 09:38 AM
filed under:
Internet Governance
CIS is a partner on the project 'Gender, Health Communications and Online Activism in the Digital Age'. The project is lead by Dr. Carolina Matos, Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Media in the Department of Sociology at City University.
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Internet Governance
Comments to the United Nations Human Rights Commission Report on Gender and Privacy
Aayush Rathi, Ambika Tandon and Pallavi Bedi
Oct 24, 2019
last modified
Dec 30, 2019 05:40 PM
filed under:
Internet Governance,
Gender, Welfare, and Privacy,
Researchers at Work
This submission to UNHRC presents a response by researchers at the CIS to ‘gender issues arising in the digital era and their impacts on women, men and individuals of diverse sexual orientations gender identities, gender expressions and sex characteristics’. It was prepared by Aayush Rathi, Ambika Tandon, and Pallavi Bedi in response to a report of consultation by a thematic taskforce established by the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy on ‘Privacy and Personality’ (hereafter, HRC Gender Report).
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Internet Governance
Doing Standpoint Theory
Ambika Tandon and Aayush Rathi
Oct 10, 2019
last modified
Dec 06, 2019 04:59 AM
filed under:
Digital Economy,
Digital Labour,
Researchers at Work,
Digital Domestic Work
Feminist research methodology has evolved from different epistemologies, with several different schools of thought. Some of the more popular ones are feminist standpoint theory, feminist empiricism, and feminist relativism. Standpoint theory holds the experiences of the marginalised as the source of ‘truth’ about structures of oppression, which is silenced by traditional objectivist research methods as they produce knowledge from the standpoint of voices in positions of power. In this essay published on the GenderIT website, Ambika Tandon and Aayush Rathi [1] discuss the practical applicability of these epistemologies to research practices in the field of technology and gender.
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Doing Standpoint Theory
Ambika Tandon and Aayush Rathi
Sep 01, 2019
last modified
Sep 19, 2019 02:22 PM
filed under:
Internet Governance
Feminist research methodology has evolved from different epistemologies, with several different schools of thought. Some of the more popular ones are feminist standpoint theory, feminist empiricism, and feminist relativism.
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Internet Governance
Lecture at International Summer School, Delhi
Jul 22, 2019
filed under:
Future of Work,
Internet Governance,
Ambika Tandon and Aayush Rathi, on July 12, 2019, delivered a lecture at the International Summer School, Delhi.
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Internet Governance
News & Media