Digital native: What’s in a name? Privilege
Nishant Shah
Sep 10, 2017
last modified
Oct 13, 2017 12:51 AM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Digital Natives
Anonymity-based internet apps like Sarahah may not be as vicious for those surrounded by the comfort of social status. If your experience of Sarahah has been positive, it might be good to reflect on your own cultural and social capital.
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The Digital Humanities from Father Busa to Edward Snowden
Puthiya Purayil Sneha
Sep 04, 2017
last modified
Oct 04, 2017 11:02 AM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
RAW Blog,
Digital Humanities
What do Edward Snowden, the whistle-blower behind the NSA surveillance revelations, and Father Roberto Busa, an Italian Jesuit, who worked for almost his entire life on Saint Thomas Aquinas, have in common? The simple answer would be: the computer. Things however are a bit more complex than that, and the reason for choosing these two people to explain what the Digital Humanities are, is that in some sense they represent the origins and the present consequences of a certain way of thinking about computers. This essay by Dr. Domenico Fiormonte, lecturer in the Sociology of Communication and Culture in the Department of Political Sciences at University Roma Tre, was originally published in the Media Development journal.
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Mrutyunjay Mishra - India Online: Measuring, Understanding, and Making Decisions about Internet in India (Delhi, September 01, 6 pm)
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Aug 29, 2017
last modified
Aug 29, 2017 10:18 AM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Internet Studies,
RAW Events
With great pleasure we announce that Mrutyunjay Mishra, co-founder of Juxt-SmartMandate and India Open Data Association, will be the speaker for the September #FirstFriday event at the CIS office in Delhi. Mrutyunjay is a recognised expert in data-driven decision-making and a leading commentator on Indian consumer behaviour. His talk will focus on the evolution of measurement of users and activities in the Indian telecommunication and online market sectors, and will highlight the critical challenges and opportunities faced by public and private entities in reliably and timely measuring, understanding, and making commercial and policy decisions about 'India Online'. If you are joining us, please RSVP at the soonest as we have only limited space in our office.
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Digital native: You are not alone
Nishant Shah
Aug 27, 2017
last modified
Sep 12, 2017 01:22 PM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Digital Natives
Away from the guidance of adults, the internet can be a lonely place for youngsters, pushing them towards self-harm.
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July 2017 Newsletter
Prasad Krishna
Jul 31, 2017
last modified
Aug 23, 2017 02:03 AM
filed under:
Access to Knowledge,
Internet Governance,
Researchers at Work
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About Us
Digital native: Ever on the go
Nishant Shah
Jul 30, 2017
last modified
Aug 07, 2017 03:54 PM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Digital Natives
It is time to insist that the infrastructure of digital India is accompanied by the infrastructure of care for the digital Indian.When the telephone was first introduced as a mass communication tool, one of the biggest fears was that it would allow people to lie and cheat at will.
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Digital native: Not only words
Nishant Shah
Jul 16, 2017
last modified
Aug 07, 2017 03:33 PM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Digital Natives
Emoticons, or if you prefer the original Japanese word emojis, are everywhere. We are used to emoticons in all shapes and sizes — from animated gifs jumping out at us on our social media feed to yellow-faced smileys that we use to add tone and feeling, nuance and layers to our text-heavy conversations in the digital world.
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Dr. Prerna Prabhakar - Impact of Digitisation of Land Recods in Rural India (Delhi, July 07, 5 pm)
Saikat Datta
Jul 06, 2017
filed under:
Land Records,
Researchers at Work,
It is our priviledge to annouce that Dr. Prerna Prabhakar will be the speaker for the July #FirstFridayAtCIS event. Dr. Prabhakar is an Associate Fellow with the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER). She is involved in a project that looks at the digitisation of land records in India and its impact on land ownership across the country. In the talk, she will evaluate the impact that digitisation of land records has had in parts of rural India. If you are joining us, please RSVP at the soonest as we have only limited space in our office.
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CISxScholars Delhi - Harsh Gupta - FAT ML for Lawyers and Lawmakers (June 29, 5:30 pm)
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Jun 27, 2017
last modified
Jun 27, 2017 09:16 AM
filed under:
Big Data,
Machine Learning,
Researchers at Work,
Artificial Intelligence
We are proud to announce that Harsh Gupta will discuss "FAT ML (Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency in Machine Learning) for Lawyers and Lawmakers" at the CIS office in Delhi on Thursday, June 29, at 5:30 pm. This will be a two and half hour session: beginning with a 45 minute talk, followed by 15 minute break, another talk for 45 minutes, and then a discussion session. Please RSVP if you are joining us: <
[email protected]>.
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Digital Native: On mute, the Voice of the People
Nishant Shah
Jun 24, 2017
last modified
Jul 05, 2017 05:04 PM
filed under:
Researchers at Work,
Digital Natives
We are at the mercy of trigger-happy governments and profit-hungry corporations that hold our digital lives ransom. They have the capacity to censor, contain, control and eradicate all our digital data without our consent and without repercussions.
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