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A.I. Hype Cycles and Artistic Subversions
Gene Kogan will give a talk on "A.I. hype cycles and artistic subversions" on Friday, January 22, 2016 at the Centre for Internet and Society office, 6 pm - 8 ... by Sharath Chandra Ram last modified Jan 01, 2016 07:52 AM — Filed under: , , , , , ,
Transformaking 2015 : International Summit on Critical and Transformative Making, Yogyakarta
Transformaking 2015 brought together makers, scientist, hackers, bricoleurs, researchers, artists, designers and other interdisciplinary practitioners from ... by Sharath Chandra Ram last modified Jun 18, 2016 06:00 PM — Filed under: ,
NASA International Open Data Challenge 2015
As part of the initial NASA Open Government 2.0 plan, the NASA International Open Data challenge brings together the FOSS community, citizen scientists, open ... by Sharath Chandra Ram last modified Apr 27, 2015 01:08 AM — Filed under: , , ,
From Open Citizen Radio Networks to the Race for .RADIO gTLD
In light of the recent shutdown of INDYMEDIA ATHENS server and its associated antagonistic Internet radio streaming services, Radio98FM and Radio Entasi, ... by Sharath Chandra Ram last modified May 05, 2013 05:00 AM — Filed under:
What’s In a Name? — DNS Singularity of ICANN and The Gold Rush
March 2013 being the 28th birthday of the first ever registered Internet domain as well as the exigent launch of the Trademark Clearing House disguised as a ... by Sharath Chandra Ram last modified Mar 31, 2013 05:35 AM — Filed under: ,
Who Minds the Maxwell's Demon (Revisiting Communication Networks through the Lens of the Intermediary)
A holistic reflection on information networks and it’s regulatory framework is possible only when the medium-specific boundary that has often separated the ... by Sharath Chandra Ram last modified Mar 05, 2013 07:37 AM — Filed under:
Mining the Web Collective
In March 2012, Dr Bruno Latour and his team from the Sciences Po Media Lab organized a workshop that assembled a selected group of researchers from India to ... by Sharath Chandra Ram last modified Jan 06, 2013 11:48 PM — Filed under:
Human Machine Interfaces: The History of an Uncertain Future
"Multimodal interfaces maybe re-engineered much more easily now and can transform the ways in which the physically,cognitively and sensorially disabled can ... by Sharath Chandra Ram last modified Jan 04, 2013 11:30 AM — Filed under: