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Is the govt bid to regulate content on the Internet a good thing?
by Prasad Krishna published Dec 08, 2011 last modified Dec 08, 2011 07:12 AM — filed under: ,
The recent move by Union Minister Kapil Sibal to engage leading Internet platform providers like Google, Facebook, etc in regulating content has seen netizens react in different manners. The question of freedom of expression vis-a-vis objectionable content has come to the fore. Pranesh Prakash who deals with such issues on a regular basis at the Centre for Internet and Society was answering questions (more like comments) live on CNN-IBN's chat feature on December 7, 2011.
Located in News & Media
‘Chilling’ Impact of India’s April Internet Rules
by Prasad Krishna published Dec 08, 2011 last modified Jan 27, 2012 04:32 AM — filed under: ,
Kapil Sibal’s demand that Internet companies self-censor users’ content is just the latest move by the Indian government to restrict information on Facebook and other social media Web sites. This article by Heather Simmons was published in the New York Times on December 7, 2011.
Located in News & Media
Twitter, Facebook take the lead in blogosphere as blog searches fall by half
by Prasad Krishna published Dec 07, 2011 — filed under:
Blogging is old hat. A prominent trend-tracking tool shows that blog searches around the globe have halved, while micro-blogging platforms Twitter and Facebook have grown, suggesting a seminal shift in online communication.
Located in News & Media
File Understanding WebAccessibility - A Guide to create Accessible Work Environments
by Prasad Krishna last modified Dec 07, 2011 09:49 AM
NASSCOM Foundation has published the Understanding WebAccessibility — A Guide to Create Accessible Work Environments. Nirmita Narasimhan has written one chapter, 'The Business Case for Web Accessibility'
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Image mobile accessibility
by Prasad Krishna last modified Dec 07, 2011 09:39 AM
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Kapil Sibal to sterilise Net but undercover sting shows 6 of 7 websites already trigger-happy to censor under ‘chilling’ IT Act
by Prasad Krishna published Dec 07, 2011 — filed under: ,
The Bangalore-based Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) has carried out an undercover investigation into the "chilling effects" of new information technology laws on freedom of expression online, with six out of seven major websites removing innocent content online without proper investigation, creating a "private censorship regime".
IT Inc oppose Sibal’s ‘great’ firewall proposal
by Prasad Krishna published Dec 07, 2011
Information Technology and social media experts have questioned telecom and IT minister Kapil Sibal’s directive to social media and search engine firms to remove "disparaging, inflammatory or defamatory" user generated content from India and are doubting the cogency of such an exercise.
Facebook, Google tell India they won’t screen for derogatory content
by Prasad Krishna published Dec 07, 2011 last modified Dec 07, 2011 05:25 AM — filed under: ,
In the world’s largest democracy, the government wants Internet sites like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google to screen and remove offensive content about religious figures and political leaders as soon as they learn about it. But those companies now say they can’t help.
Image varun gandhi
by Prasad Krishna last modified Dec 07, 2011 05:16 AM
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Image pragmatic
by Prasad Krishna last modified Dec 07, 2011 05:15 AM
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