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India’s Central Monitoring System: Security can’t come at cost of privacy
by Prasad Krishna published Jul 15, 2013 — filed under: , ,
During a Google hangout session in June this year, Milind Deora, minister of state for communications and information technology, addressed concerns related to the central monitoring system (CMS).
Located in News & Media
Blog Entry The DNA Profiling Bill 2007 and Privacy
by Elonnai Hickok published Apr 25, 2011 last modified Mar 21, 2012 09:40 AM — filed under: ,
In 2007 a bill known as the Draft DNA Profiling Bill was piloted by the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, an autonomous organization funded by the Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. The below is a background to DNA collection/analysis in India, and a critique of the Bill a from a privacy perspective.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog / Privacy
Blog Entry Draft Law Would Prohibit Showing ‘Disputed Areas’ on Maps of India
by Subhashish Panigrahi published May 15, 2016 — filed under:
Maps that label geographic areas of conflict as “disputed” territories in India could put one behind bars for seven years with 1B Indian Rupees (US$15M) penalty if a recently proposed bill becomes law.
Located in Access to Knowledge / Blogs
Understanding Aadhaar and its New Challenges, May 26-27, 2016
by Sumandro Chattapadhyay published May 26, 2016 last modified May 26, 2016 10:29 AM — filed under: , , , , ,
A workshop on “Understanding Aadhaar and its New Challenges” is being organised by the Centre for Studies in Science Policy, Jawaharlal Nehru University, and the Centre for Internet and Society, during May 26-27. It is also supported by the Centre for Communication Governance at NLU Delhi, Free Software Movement of India, Knowledge Commons, PEACE, and Center for Advancement of Public Understanding of Science & Technology. This is a legal and technical workshop to be attended by various key researchers and practitioners to discuss the current status of the implementation of the project, in the context of the passing of the Act and the various ongoing cases.
Located in Internet Governance / Events
India's Proposed Map Law Prompts Outcry
by Prasad Krishna published May 29, 2016 — filed under:
In India, proposed legislation to ban use of maps or satellite images of the country without approval from the government has led to an outcry and triggered an online campaign called “Save The Map.”
Located in Internet Governance / News & Media
Blog Entry Submission by the Centre for Internet and Society on Draft New ICANN By-laws
by Vidushi Marda published May 30, 2016 last modified May 31, 2016 02:49 AM — filed under: ,
The Centre for Internet & Society sent its comments on the Draft New ICANN Bylaws. The submission was prepared by Pranesh Prakash, Vidushi Marda, Udbhav Tiwari and Swati Muthukumar. Special thanks to Sunil Abraham for his input and feedback.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
CPRsouth 2016 – Young Scholars Programme
by Prasad Krishna published May 30, 2016 — filed under: ,
Rohini Lakshané, Amber Sinha and Vidushi Marda have been selected to attend the two-day Young Scholars' Programme to be held in Zanzibar, Tanzania in early September this year. The programme is a part of the CPRSouth conference.
Located in Internet Governance / News & Media
Internet L@w
by Prasad Krishna published May 30, 2016 — filed under:
Vanya Rakesh will attend the Internet law course organized by the University of Geneva from 20 June 2016 to 1 July 2016 as part of the Geneva Summer School.
Located in Internet Governance / News & Media
Blog Entry Criminal Defamation and the Supreme Court’s Loss of Reputation
by Bhairav Acharya published Jun 03, 2016 — filed under: ,
The Supreme Court’s refusal, in Subramanian Swamy v. Union of India, to strike down the anachronistic colonial offence of criminal defamation is wrong. Criminalising defamation serves no legitimate public purpose; the vehicle of criminalisation – sections 499 and 500 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) – is unconstitutional; and the court’s reasoning is woolly at best.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog
Blog Entry Women's Safety? There is an App for That
by Rohini Lakshané published May 19, 2016 last modified Jan 10, 2017 02:48 AM — filed under: ,
“After locking ourselves in a room for more than 6 days, this is what we came out [sic] with. Join us in helping make WOMEN feel SAFE,” read a gloating press release about a smartphone app for women to notify their near ones that they were in distress. It was one among many such PRs frequently landing in my mailbox after the rape and murder of a young student on board a private bus in Delhi in 2012.
Located in Internet Governance / Blog