You can still get into trouble for online posts: Digital law experts
Prasad Krishna
Mar 30, 2015
last modified
Apr 02, 2015 01:44 AM
filed under:
IT Act,
Freedom of Speech and Expression,
Internet Governance,
Chilling Effect
The internet in India is freer now, but individuals could still to get into trouble for online posts, say digital media and law experts. Hailing the Supreme Court judgment on Tuesday as a landmark verdict for free speech in India, experts who have closely read the judgment say there is much to be careful about too.
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Internet Governance
News & Media
You Have the Right to Remain Silent
Anja Kovacs
Apr 19, 2011
last modified
Aug 02, 2011 07:55 AM
filed under:
Freedom of Speech and Expression,
human rights,
Internet Governance,
India has a long history of censorship that it justifies in the name of national security. But new laws governing the Internet are unreasonable and — given the multitude of online voices — poorly thought out, argues Anja Kovacs in this article published in the Sunday Guardian on 17 April 2011.
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Internet Governance
You Have the Right to Remain Silent
Nishant Shah
Jul 22, 2013
last modified
Jul 22, 2013 06:59 AM
filed under:
Freedom of Speech and Expression,
Social Media,
Internet Governance,
Intermediary Liability
Reflecting upon the state of freedom of speech and expression in India, in the wake of the shut-down of the political satire website narendramodiplans.com.
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Internet Governance
You will need a license to create a WhatsApp group in Kashmir
Prasad Krishna
Apr 21, 2016
filed under:
Social Media,
Freedom of Speech and Expression,
Internet Governance,
The internet rights activists have criticised the move stating it as unconstitutional.
Located in
Internet Governance
News & Media
Young Scholar Tutorials
Prasad Krishna
Sep 09, 2013
last modified
Sep 30, 2013 11:21 AM
filed under:
Internet Governance
Communication Policy Research South organised this workshop on September 3 and 4, 2013. Nehaa Chaudhari participated in the event organised by CPR South.
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News & Media
Young Scholars' Programme, CPRSouth 2016
Prasad Krishna
Sep 23, 2016
filed under:
Internet Governance,
Rohini Lakshané took part in the Young Scholars' Programme organized by Communication Policy Research South from September 6 to 7, 2016 in Zanzibar.
Located in
Internet Governance
News & Media
Your digital wallet can be a ‘pickpocket’
Prasad Krishna
Dec 05, 2016
filed under:
Internet Governance,
Data Management,
If you have installed a wallet app on your smartphone, be careful. Many such apps can access data, even sensitive personal information, and have features that do more than just make payments. All that, with your due “permission”.
Located in
Internet Governance
News & Media
Your life's an open Facebook
Prasad Krishna
Jul 26, 2013
filed under:
Internet Governance,
The jury's out on Facebook's newly introduced Graph Search. While some argue that it's a stalker's dream come true, others say it's a great tool for social research. Shikha Kumar jumps right into the debate.
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News & Media
Your mobile apps have the permission to spy on you
Apr 03, 2018
filed under:
Internet Governance,
The top applications on the Android Play store in India seek permission like access to your camera, microphone, modify contacts and download files without notifications depending on the use of the app.
Located in
Internet Governance
News & Media
Your phone is a surveillance device, your ISP a surveillance provider…: Pranesh Prakash
Prasad Krishna
May 27, 2015
last modified
Jun 17, 2015 02:53 PM
filed under:
Internet Governance
“In India there is no special privilege for journalists over ordinary citizens,” Pranesh Prakash, Policy Director at the Centre for Internet and Society began at the workshop entitled ‘Digital Security for Journalists’ organised by the Mumbai Press Club and the Centre for Internet and Society.
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Internet Governance
News & Media