Call, text, email complaint against rogue auto driver
Prasad Krishna
Aug 08, 2010
last modified
Apr 02, 2011 10:45 AM
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Internet Governance
Harassed by an auto driver? Helplines give you no relief? Here's the people's way to help you out. Just report your issue online, call or even SMS sitting in a noisy restaurant, and be heard.
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News & Media
Digital Activism and Online Advocacy: Experiences from the Tibetan Freedom Movement – A Talk by Shibayan Raha
Prasad Krishna
Aug 06, 2010
last modified
Sep 23, 2011 05:46 AM
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Internet Governance
A talk on the role of digital activism, online advocacy and use of social media in the Tibetan freedom struggle by Shibayan Raha at the Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore on 9 August, 2010.
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Civil Liberties and the amended Information Technology Act, 2000
Malavika Jayaram
Aug 05, 2010
last modified
Mar 21, 2012 10:13 AM
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IT Act,
Internet Governance
This post examines certain limitations of the Information Technology Act, 2000 (as amended in 2008). Malavika Jayaram points out the fact that when most countries of the world are adopting plain English instead of the conventional legal terminology for better understanding, India seems to be stuck in the old-fashioned method thereby, struggling to maintain a balance between clarity and flexibility in drafting its laws. The present Act, she says, is although an improvement over the old Act and seeks to address and improve on certain areas in the right direction but still comes up short in making necessary changes when it comes to fundamental rights and personal liberties. The new Act retains elements from the previous one making it an abnormal document and this could have been averted if there had been some attention to detail.
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Internet Governance
Feedback to the NIA Bill
Elonnai Hickok
Jul 30, 2010
last modified
Mar 21, 2012 10:14 AM
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Internet Governance
Malavika Jayaram and Elonnai Hickok introduce the formal submission of CIS to the proposed National Identification Authority of India (NIA) Bill, 2010, which would give every resident a unique identity. The submissions contain the detailed comments on the draft bill and the high level summary of concerns with the NIA Bill submitted to the UIDAI on 13 July, 2010.
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Internet Governance
More Debate on UID Project Needed
Prasad Krishna
Jul 28, 2010
last modified
Apr 02, 2011 11:13 AM
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Internet Governance
A press conference on UID was held at the Press Club in Bangalore on 26 July, 2010. It was co-organised by Citizen's Action Forum, Alternate Law Forum and the Centre for Internet and Society. Mathew Thomas and Vinay Baindur spoke about the UID. Proceedings from the conference was covered in the Hindu on 27 July, 2010.
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News & Media
UID coverage in Udayavani
Prasad Krishna
Jul 28, 2010
last modified
Apr 02, 2011 11:13 AM
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Internet Governance
A press conference was held at the Press Club in Bangalore on 26 July, 2010. It was co-organised by Citizen's Action Forum, Alternate Law Forum and the Centre for Internet and Society. Mathew Thomas and Vinay Baindur were the speakers. Leading Kannada newspaper Udayavani covered this event.
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News & Media
June 2010 Bulletin
Prasad Krishna
Jul 23, 2010
last modified
Aug 10, 2012 09:38 AM
filed under:
Access to Knowledge,
Digital Natives,
Internet Governance,
Greetings from the Centre for Internet & Society. We bring you updates of our research, news and media coverage, information on events for the month of June 2010.
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About Us
Networking? Not working
Prasad Krishna
Jul 15, 2010
last modified
Apr 02, 2011 11:12 AM
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Internet Governance
Concerns about privacy, wastage of time and trivialized communication are some reasons ‘refuseniks’ are going off sites such as Facebook and MySpace, writes Shreya Ray in Livemint.
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News & Media
Digital humanities: How social sciences may benefit from the digital revolution?
Prasad Krishna
Jul 07, 2010
last modified
Apr 05, 2011 04:06 AM
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Internet Governance
Centre for Contemporary Studies in collaboration with the Centre for Internet and Society presents a talk on Digital Humanities by Dominique Boullier, Professor at Sciences Po Paris on 9 July, 2010 at the Centre for Contemporary Studies.
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UID Act may be released for debate, may be introduced in monsoon session
Prasad Krishna
Jul 01, 2010
last modified
Apr 02, 2011 11:27 AM
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Internet Governance
An article by Karen Leigh & Surabhi Agarwal in livemint on June 30, 2010.
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News & Media