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Blog Entry Changing Our Game
by Shyam Ponappa published Sep 06, 2012 — filed under:
Adopting 'co-ordination models' like the Stag Hunt could reduce contention and improve outcomes.
Located in Telecom
Broadband Wireless Access – Standards
by Jürgen Kock published Aug 21, 2012 last modified Mar 15, 2013 09:21 AM — filed under:
In this unit, Jürgen Kock tells us about the broadband wireless access standards, why do we need technical standards, who defines BWA standards, WiMAX standards and long term evolution.
Located in Telecom / Resources
Mesh Networks
by Ravikiran Annaswamy published Aug 21, 2012 last modified Mar 15, 2013 09:39 AM — filed under:
Ravikiran Annaswamy tells us the definition of Mesh Networks, its importance, applications and the things to explore in future.
Located in Telecom / Resources
Frequently Asked Questions (Module 7.2.2)
by Tina Mani published Aug 21, 2012 last modified Aug 21, 2012 05:27 AM — filed under:
In this unit, Tina Mani gives answers to some frequently asked questions relating to Internet Protocol Television (IP TV), Mobile TV, role of Set Top Box (STB) in an IP TV network, features provided with IP TV services, Time Shift Television, Digital Video Recording, the difference between an MPEG-2 and MPEG-4, etc.
Located in Telecom / Knowledge Repository on Internet Access
Indian Telegraph Act, 1885
by Snehashish Ghosh published Aug 20, 2012 last modified Mar 15, 2013 06:13 AM — filed under:
The main object of the Telegraph Act was to give power to the Government to install telegraph lines on private as well as public property.
Located in Telecom / Resources
National Telecom Policy, 2012
by Snehashish Ghosh published Aug 20, 2012 last modified Mar 15, 2013 06:00 AM — filed under:
The National Telecom Policy, 2012 was approved by the Union Cabinet on May 31, 2012.
Located in Telecom / Resources
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997
by Snehashish Ghosh published Aug 20, 2012 last modified Mar 15, 2013 06:21 AM — filed under:
The main objective of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997 (TRAI Act) was to establish the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) and Telecom Dispute Settlement Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT). The main purpose of these two institutions established under the TRAI Act is to regulate telecommunication services, adjudicate disputes, dispose appeals and protect the interest of the service providers as well as the consumers. The Act also aims at promoting and ensuring orderly growth of the telecom sector.
Located in Telecom / Resources
Blog Entry Decision Analysis for Interest Rates - II
by Shyam Ponappa published Aug 18, 2012 last modified Sep 04, 2012 10:14 AM — filed under:
India needs to make practical choices that prioritise growth. This is the second column. The previous column was published in the Business Standard on July 5, 2012. It explained how lower interest rates could improve growth by increasing net profits.
Located in Telecom
New Telecom Policy, 1999
by Snehashish Ghosh published Aug 17, 2012 last modified Mar 15, 2013 05:56 AM — filed under:
The New Telecom Policy, 1999 was formulated on the basis of the report of Group on Telecommunication. The Government, constituted a high level Group on Telecommunication (GoT) to review the existing telecom policy i.e., the National Telecom Policy, 1994. The main reason for a new telecom policy was that the goals of the National Telecom policy, 1994 were not achieved within the stipulated time period and on the other hand there was immense growth in information and communication technology, this led to the need for a change in the telecom policy.
Located in Telecom / Resources
National Telecom Policy, 1994
by Snehashish Ghosh published Aug 17, 2012 last modified Mar 15, 2013 05:51 AM — filed under:
The National Telecom Policy, 1994 was formulated for the purpose of opening up the Indian markets for foreign direct investment as well as domestic investment in the telecom sector. The Policy also aimed at providing ‘world class’ quality telecom services and development of telecom services in India. One of the main goals of the 1994 Policy was to increase accessibility to telecom services.
Located in Telecom / Resources