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Statement on the Proposed Treaty for the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations at WIPO SCCR 28

Posted by Nehaa Chaudhari at Jul 02, 2014 03:10 PM |
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Nehaa Chaudhari, attending the 28th Session of the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (“SCCR”) at Geneva from 30 June, 2014 to 04 July, 2014, made this statement on the Proposed Treaty for the Protection of Broadcasting Organizations on behalf of CIS on Day 3, 02 July, 2014.

Thank you, Mister Chair.

Mister Chair, there are two things that I would like to talk about, on behalf of CIS- first, on justifications for this Treaty; second on the scope and the rights sought to be granted under this Treaty, which I will speak of together, if I may.

On justifying the need for this Treaty, Mr. Chair, we would reiterate what we have said in past sessions of this Committee – there has been no conclusive demonstration on the need for this Treaty and on why existing mechanisms in international legal instruments, including, among others TRIPS and the Rome Convention are not sufficient to address the concerns of the broadcasters. We have heard that these are insufficient, but no justifications as to why- something that KEI also pointed out in their statement before us. Further, Mr. Chair, we’re concerned by the fact that the latest study on the unauthorised use of signals presented to this Committee is the one from 2010 at the 20th Session of this Committee. We strongly support the proposal made by India, TWN, CCIA and TACD to update this study and include an impact assessment of ALL the stakeholders, something that the earlier study does not address; in order to more comprehensively assess not just the need, but also the impact of this proposed treaty, and address some of the questions and concerns raised by TACD and TWN in their statement earlier.

Without prejudice to this submission on the need for this treaty, Mr. Chair, we would also like to comment on the scope of, and the rights under this Treaty.

Mr. Chair, we would continue to submit that this proposed treaty should be based on a signals based approach and not a rights based approach. We have heard submissions by broadcasters at this and at previous sessions of this Committee, where the basis of seeking additional protection for broadcaster is to protect the underlying investment. Mr. Chair, investments made in infrastructure for broadcasting in the traditional sense are very different from those required for an IP based transmission, even if the same broadcaster is engaging in both. Therefore, Mr. Chair, given that the rationale for seeking this additional layer of rights over and above existing copyright is the protection of investment for broadcasting in the traditional sense is the , IP based transmissions should not be covered in any way under this Treaty.

Further, Mr. Chair, fixation and post fixation rights envisaged under Article 9 of Working Document SCCR 27/2/ Rev. and indicated in the Informal Document circulated today, are inconsistent with a signals based approach. We are strongly opposed to all of the rights indicated in the Third Row of this Informal Discussion Document. This Document, we believe, is moving the discussion towards a rights based approached and not a signals based approach, which we find deeply concerning. We also believe, Mr. Chair, that it is not logical to prescribe a term of protection (beyond the life of a signal), least of all 20 or 50 year term (as under Article 11 of this Working Document) for a signal that lasts milliseconds.

Thank you, Mr. Chair.


Videos of the WIPO's proceedings from June 30, 2014 to July 04, 2014  are available online. To view CIS' Statement, select 'Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights: Twenty-Eighth Session- June 30 to July 4, 2014 (Geneva, Switzerland)' from the drop-down list of videos. CIS' Statement is in the video titled SCCR/28- Wed2 - English - Morning session. The length of the video is 44:51. The statement is available in this video from 24 minutes, 00 seconds- when the Chair recognizes CIS.

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