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Andhra Loyola College and the Centre for Internet & Society sign MoU for Better Net Access

Posted by Rahmanuddin Shaikh at Aug 19, 2014 09:30 AM |
Andhra Loyola College (ALC) and the Centre for Internet and Society's Access to Knowledge team (CIS-A2K) have entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to steward the growth of Telugu Wikipedia and to make available free knowledge in Telugu to all Telugus across the globe.


  1. Ten theosophical books authored by Rev. Fr. P. Jojaiah, SJ released under free license (CC-BY-SA-4.0)
  2. For the first time an educational institution in the state of Andhra Pradesh is signing an MoU with CIS-A2K to work collaboratively to qualitatively improve Telugu Wikipedia.
  3. ALC faculty and students to create free e-content in Telugu on Telugu Wikipedia.
  4. Digital content from the fields of Botany, Physics, Chemistry, Telugu, Statistics, Ethics and Religion, Music and Dance to be produced on Telugu Wikipedia

This is a big leap for the college in opening up itself to the internet world. The college is planning to train its faculty and students to create free e­content in Telugu. These resources will in turn be dedicated to the society.

The signing of the MoU took place in the college premises on August 14, 2014 at 2.00 p.m.

Ten theosophical books authored by Rev. Fr. P. Jojaiah, SJ was released under free license (CC­-BY­-SA­-4.0) on the same stage.

The event was organized by ALC and CIS.

CIS­-A2K has been closely working with ALC. They have organised 4 workshops for students and faculty. CIS­-A2K also helped in QR coding of the institute.

Now, this MoU would further enable CIS­A2K and ALC to collaboratively work on creating free and open knowledge in Telugu across various disciplines on Telugu Wikipedia. This collaboration is set to benefit millions of Telugus to freely access knowledge in Telugu on the internet.

Media Coverage

ALC signs MoU for better net access (The Hindu, August 15, 2014)

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