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A Public Meeting on DNA Profiling Bill in Delhi
On September 27, 2012, the Centre for Internet and Society hosted a public talk at the Indian International Centre focused on the draft DNA Profiling Bill. ... by Elonnai Hickok last modified Oct 10, 2012 10:58 AM — Filed under: ,
New Trends in Industry Self-Governance
Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK and Media Change & Innovation Division, IPMZ, University of Zurich, Switzerland and Nominet, UK is ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Oct 04, 2012 11:37 AM — Filed under: ,
September 2012 Bulletin
Welcome to the newsletter of September 2012 from the Centre for Internet & Society (CIS). The present issue features a second analysis by Snehashish Ghosh on ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Oct 09, 2012 06:48 AM — Filed under: , , , , , ,
Submission by Indian Civil Society Organisations on Proposals for the Future ITRs and Related Processes
The Centre for Internet & Society was one of the signatories of this submission which was sent in November 2012, in response to the International ... by Pranesh Prakash last modified Dec 07, 2012 08:00 AM — Filed under: , ,
Statement of Civil Society Members and Groups Participating in the "Best Bits" pre-IGF meeting at Baku in 2012
The Centre for Internet & Society was one of the signatories for this submission made to the ITU on November 16, 2012. by Pranesh Prakash last modified Dec 07, 2012 08:06 AM — Filed under: , ,
Submission on India's Draft Comments on Proposed Changes to the ITU's ITRs
Given below are the responses from the representatives of civil society in India (The Society for Knowledge Commons, Centre for Internet & Society, The Delhi ... by Pranesh Prakash last modified Dec 07, 2012 04:15 AM — Filed under: , ,
Will The International Telecommunication Regulations (ITRs) Impact Internet Governance? A Multistakeholder Perspective
Pranesh Prakash made a presentation at the India Internet Governance Conference (IIGC) held at the FICCI, Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi on October 4 ... by Pranesh Prakash last modified Dec 10, 2012 04:40 AM — Filed under: ,
Global Censorship Conference
The Abrams Institute for Freedom of Expression at Yale Law School is holding a conference on global censorship from March 30 to April 1, 2012, at Yale Law ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 30, 2012 11:34 AM — Filed under: ,
Save Your Voice — A movement against Web censorship
‘Save Your Voice (SYV)’ is a movement against Web censorship and its main demand is the repealing of the Information Technology Act, said SYV founders, Aseem ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 13, 2012 11:44 AM — Filed under: , , ,
John Doe order in Reliance Big Entertainment v. Multivision Network and Ors. (movie Bodyguard)
This is the case filed by Reliance Big Entertainment, producer of movie 'Boduguard' against Jyoti Cable Network and other unkown network operators restraining ... by Jai Anand last modified May 26, 2012 10:34 AM — Filed under:
India's Data Protection Framework Will Need to Treat Privacy as a Social and Not Just an Individual Good
The idea that technological innovations may compete with privacy of individuals assumes that there is social and/or economic good in allowing unrestricted ... by Amber Sinha last modified May 18, 2018 06:22 AM — Filed under: ,
More errors in Aadhaar data in Andhra Pradesh than in voter database
As much as eight per cent of Aadhaar data collected in Andhra Pradesh has errors, mostly related to name, address and date of birth, which is more than the ... by Admin last modified May 20, 2018 02:04 PM — Filed under:
Fairness, Transparency and Accountable AI
Amber Sinha participated remotely in the inaugural meeting of Fairness, Transparency and Accountable AI working group of the Partnership on Artificial ... by Admin last modified May 20, 2018 02:26 PM — Filed under:
Complying with Europe’s GDPR will be a “matter of survival” for Indian IT firms
Europe’s new data laws could shake up Indian IT companies. by Admin last modified May 26, 2018 12:22 AM — Filed under:
Emerging Technologies: Issues & Way Forward
Aayush Rathi and Gurshabad Grover attended a two day conference on 'Emerging Technologies: Issues & Way Forward' organised by the Technology Policy team at the ... by Admin last modified May 26, 2018 12:39 AM — Filed under: ,
IETF Indian Community Meetup: RFCs We Love (IoT edition)
On May 19, 2018, Gurshabad Grover and Sandeep Kumar attended a 'RFCs We Love Meetup' of the Indian IETF Community held at Zoomcar's office in Bangalore. This ... by Admin last modified May 26, 2018 12:46 AM — Filed under:
Alexa’s recording leak in US ‘echoes’ privacy issues here
Market analyst Sanjay Mehta (name changed) has been keeping his Amazon Echo smart speaker mostly unplugged since reports surfaced last week of the device’s ... by Admin last modified May 30, 2018 12:49 AM — Filed under: ,
IPv6: The Transition Challenge
The future of our connected networks is Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). Not only is it more efficient and faster than IPv4 which we are currently working ... by Nishant Shah last modified Jun 13, 2012 09:59 AM — Filed under:
IPv6: Embrace The Change
A moment of transition is always filled with anxiety. There is concern over the unknown and there is a reluctance to move out of the familiar. However, a ... by Nishant Shah last modified Jun 13, 2012 06:09 AM — Filed under:
Biz moving to IPv6 but lower costs, support needed
Organisations such as Cisco Systems, Equinix and Singapore Internet Exchange are all gearing up for migration to IPv6 in time for the World IPv6 Launch day ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Jun 14, 2012 05:01 AM — Filed under:
The War for India's Internet
Why is the world's biggest democracy cracking down on Facebook and Google? Rebecca Mackinnon's article was published in Foreign Policy on June 6, 2012. by Prasad Krishna last modified Jun 14, 2012 09:12 AM — Filed under: ,
Digital Native: The bigger picture
For all our sleek machines, we are slaves to the much larger Internet of Things. by Nishant Shah last modified Aug 01, 2018 12:11 AM — Filed under: , ,
Digital Native: How smart cities can make criminals out of denizens
People download information and share it without knowing about the intellectual property rights. On social media bullying, harassment and hate speech find easy ... by Nishant Shah last modified Aug 01, 2018 12:19 AM — Filed under: , ,
Arrest of girl over Thackeray FB update a clear misuse of Sec 295A
The arrest of 21-year-old Shaheen Dhada over her Facebook status update questioning the shutdown of Mumbai over Shiv Sena supremo Bal Thackeray‘s death, is a ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Nov 20, 2012 12:00 PM — Filed under: , ,
Women arrested for Facebook post: Did cops act under Sena pressure?
After Bal Thackeray's death, during the Mumbai Bandh, a 21-year-old criticised the shutdown on her Facebook page — her friend approved of it — next thing they ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Nov 21, 2012 11:17 AM — Filed under: , , , ,
Indians Rank Second For Online Snooping
Indians rank second globally when it comes to seeking details of private individuals online, as per Google transparency report. by Prasad Krishna last modified Nov 30, 2012 06:10 AM — Filed under: ,
Interview with Pranesh Prakash
Pranesh Prakash of the Centre for Internet and Society talks to Mint’s Surabhi Agarwal about the controversial Section 66A of the IT Act and the government’s ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Nov 30, 2012 06:58 AM — Filed under: , , , , ,
Yes, You Can Get Arrested for a Facebook Status Update Now
A 21-year-old Indian woman thought Mumbai shouldn't have been shutdown for the funeral of an Islamophobic leader. Broadcasting such opinions on Facebook was ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Nov 30, 2012 08:16 AM — Filed under: , ,
Govt tweaks enforcement of IT Act after spate of arrests
The government on Thursday tweaked the law to make it tougher for citizens to be arrested for online comments that are deemed offensive after recent arrests ... by Prasad Krishna last modified Nov 30, 2012 08:27 AM — Filed under: , , , , ,
The flaw in cyber law
Legal experts and netizens want the controversial clause in the IT Act to be scrapped after two Mumbai girls were arrested for a post on Facebook. by Prasad Krishna last modified Nov 30, 2012 09:06 AM — Filed under: , ,