
by kaeru — last modified Dec 15, 2015 08:27 AM
Innovation and creativity are fostered through openness and collaboration. The advent of the Internet radically defined what it means to be open and collaborative. The Internet itself is built upon open standards and free/libre/open source software. Our work in the Openness programme focuses on open data, especially open government data, open access, open education resources, open knowledge in Indic languages, open media, and open technologies and standards - hardware and software. We approach openness as a cross-cutting principle for knowledge production and distribution, and not as a thing-in-itself.

Key Works





  • Workshop on Open Data for Human Development, organised with UNDP India and Akvo to support officials from the Government of Sikkim to draft an implementation plan for the state level open data policy, June 2015.
  • Iraqi Public Data Scenario Workshop: A Summary, notes from a workshop organised with UNDP Iraq to support officials of the Government of Iraq to draft an open data policy and build usage scenarios for open government data, October 2012.