
Report on 15 days Training in Basic Computing at RNKS
— by Nirmita Narasimhan — last modified Jul 21, 2015 03:16 PMThe NVDA team organized a 15 days training in basic computing at Rajasthan Natrahin Kalyan Sansthan (RNKS) in Jaipur. The training programme held from June 1 - 15, 2015 was attended by 12 delegates. Mrityunjay Kumar was the trainer. The basic training for computers was targeted for school going children of RNKS.
Report on eSpeak Tamil Computing with NVDA Training Workshop
— by Nirmita Narasimhan — last modified Jul 21, 2015 02:46 PMThe NVDA team held a five days training (June 3 - 7, 2015) at Anne Jane Askwith Higher Secondary School for the Visually Impaired, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli.

Report on Kannada eSpeak Training with NVDA
— by Nirmita Narasimhan — last modified Jul 22, 2015 02:14 AMNVDA team conducted a two day training programme at Mitra Jyothi in Bangalore (June 8 and 9, 2015). Forty-three delegates attended the training programme.
Report on 30 Days Summer Course on Basic Computer Competencies and Language Proficiency
— by Nirmita Narasimhan — last modified Jul 12, 2015 01:55 PMThe month long summer course was held at Karna Vidya Technology Centre, Thiru-Vi-Ka, Industrial Estate, Chennai and was attended by 20 delegates.
Report on eSpeak Tamil Computing with NVDA Training Workshop
— by Nirmita Narasimhan — last modified Jun 04, 2015 01:44 PMThe training programme was held from May 25 to 29, 2015 at Differently Abled Children Section, District Central Library, Coimbatore. Twenty-one delegates attended.
Report on Training in Basic Computing with use of NVDA and eSpeak in Assamese
— by Nirmita Narasimhan — last modified Jun 03, 2015 02:44 AMThis training was held at Monfort School in Guwahati on May 9 and 10, 2015. Laishram Lingappa was the trainer. Eleven participants attended the programme.
Report on Training on the Use of eSpeak Hindi on Windows and Android Platforms
— by Nirmita Narasimhan — last modified Jul 21, 2015 02:30 PMIndian Association for the Blind conducted a one day workshop on the use of eSpeak for Windows and Android platforms on May 28, 2015. Twenty-seven delegates attended the training programme held at Indian Association for the Blind, Delhi. Kaifee Asami was the trainer. The programme introduced eSpeak for reading and writing in Hindi on both computers and mobiles.
Report on the Training in the Use of eSpeak for Indian Languages during TOT Conducted by Enable India
— by Nirmita Narasimhan — last modified Jul 21, 2015 02:32 AMEnable India, Bangalore conducted a TOT for training computer teachers for the blind, which was held from May 11 to 20, 2015 at Blind Empowerment Association, Kolkata and was attended by 26 delegates.
Report on Training in Basic Computing with use of NVDA and eSpeak in Marathi & Konkani
— by Nirmita Narasimhan — last modified Jun 03, 2015 03:47 PMThe training programme was organized at International Youth Hostel and Estrila du Mar, sponsored by Rotary Club of Goa and Estrila Du Mar from April 20 to 22, 2015. Seventy-seven delegates attended the training programme.

Report on Training in Basic Computing with use of eSpeak and NVDA in Oriya
— by Nirmita Narasimhan — last modified Jun 03, 2015 01:24 AMThis training was held at Orissa Association for the Blind at Bhubaneswar from February 8 to 10, 2015. Thirty six delegates attended the programme.
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