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Mapping Institutions of Intellectual Property: Part C — Comparing Intellectual Property Institutions
Earlier this year, a proposal to establish a National Institute of Intellectual Property Rights (“NIIPR”) was presented at a Stakeholders Consultation held in New Delhi organized by the Planning Commission and the Ministry of Human Resource Development (“MHRD”), Government of India. As a third part in the series on Mapping Institutions of Intellectual Property, this article undertakes a comparison of the functions of this proposed Institute with similarly placed Institutions of Intellectual Property around the world.
Private Censorship and the Right to Hear
Very little recourse is available against publishers or intermediaries if these private parties censor an author’s content unreasonably.
First Privacy and Surveillance Roundtable
The Privacy and Surveillance Roundtables are a CIS initiative, in partnership with the Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), as well as local partners. From June 2014 – November 2014, CIS and COAI will host seven Privacy and Surveillance Roundtable discussions across multiple cities in India. The Roundtables will be closed-door deliberations involving multiple stakeholders.
Department of Biotechnology and Department of Science, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, release first draft of Open Access Policy
The Department of Biotechnology and the Department of Science, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, recently published a draft Open Access Policy in consultation with several open access experts, government officials and CIS. This post discusses open access and the exercise undertaken to draft this policy.
GNI and IAMAI Launch Interactive Slideshow Exploring Impact of India's Internet Laws
The Global Network Initiative and the Internet and Mobile Association of India have come together to explain how India’s Internet and technology laws impact economic innovation and freedom of expression.
Patent Valuation and License Fee Determination in Context of Patent Pools
The focus of this research paper is on an extremely limited though important aspect of patent pools — that of patent valuation and license fee determination. It is important to bear in mind that the concept of patent valuation and license fee determination as it exists independently is modified when it is applied in context of patent pools.
Delhi High Court Orders Blocking of Websites after Sony Complains Infringement of 2014 FIFA World Cup Telecast Rights
Of late the Indian judiciary has been issuing John Doe orders to block websites, most recently in Multi Screen Media v. Sunit Singh and Others. The order mandated blocking of 472 websites, out of which approximately 267 websites were blocked as on July 7, 2014. This trend is an extremely dangerous one because it encourages flagrant censorship by intermediaries based on a judicial order which does not provide for specific blocking of a URL, instead provides for blocking of the entire website.
CIS Cybersecurity Series (Part 15) – Malavika Jayaram
CIS interviews Malavika Jayaram, lawyer and researcher, as part of the Cybersecurity Series.
CIS Cybersecurity Series (Part 16) – Nitin Pai
CIS interviews Nitin Pai, policy analyst, as part of the Cybersecurity Series.
Selections of news on online freedom of expression and digital technology from across India (and some parts of the world)
State of Odia Language in Computing and Future Steps
I participated in a "National Level Seminar on, Computer Application and Odia Language" organized by the Institute of Odia Studies and Research in Bhubaneswar on July 6, 2014 as a panelist to discuss about the state of Odia language in computing, work in progress highlighting CIS-A2K's work in the knowledge and education sector and further steps.
Aircel & Wikimedia Foundation announce Wikipedia Zero
Aircel and Wikimedia Foundation came together to announce Wikipedia Zero. As per this, users of Aircel need not pay for data for accessing Wikipedia. Dr. U.B.Pavanaja wrote a report on this in Prajavani.
Free Speech and Surveillance
Gautam Bhatia examines the constitutionality of surveillance by the Indian state.
Opening Comments by India on Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives at WIPO SCCR 28
This was the statement made by the Indian delegation at the 28th session of the World Intellectual Property Organization Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights on July 2, 2014.
ଇଣ୍ଟରନେଟରେ ଓଡ଼ିଆ ଅକ୍ଷରସଜ୍ଜା
This article was published in the Samaja (Odia newspaper) on July 4, 2014.
Facebook and its Aversion to Anonymous and Pseudonymous Speech
Jessamine Mathew explores Facebook's "real name" policy and its implications for the right to free speech.
The Constitutionality of Indian Surveillance Law: Public Emergency as a Condition Precedent for Intercepting Communications
Bedavyasa Mohanty analyses the nuances of interception of communications under the Indian Telegraph Act and the Indian Post Office Act. In this post he explores the historical bases of surveillance law in India and examines whether the administrative powers of intercepting communications are Constitutionally compatible.
Statement on the Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives at WIPO SCCR 28
Nehaa Chaudhari, attending the 28th Session of the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (“SCCR”) at Geneva from 30 June, 2014 to 04 July, 2014, made this statement on the Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries and Archives on behalf of CIS on Day 4, 03 July, 2014.
Models for Surveillance and Interception of Communications Worldwide
This is an evaluation of laws and practices governing surveillance and interception of communications in 9 countries. The countries evaluated represent a diverse spectrum not only in terms of their global economic standing but also their intrusive surveillance capabilities. The analysis is limited to the procedural standards followed by these countries for authorising surveillance and provisions for resolving interception related disputes.
Reading the Fine Script: Service Providers, Terms and Conditions and Consumer Rights
This year, an increasing number of incidents, related to consumer rights and service providers, have come to light. This blog illustrates the facts of the cases, and discusses the main issues at stake, namely, the role and responsibilities of providers of platforms for user-created content with regard to consumer rights.
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