Media Coverage & Book Reviews

by kaeru — last modified Sep 23, 2014 07:24 AM

Nishant Shah: “We will develop new textual and visual practices to facilitate the transfer of knowledge worldwide”

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 06, 2014 12:05 PM

Today we are starting with a new format for the blog of the Hybrid Publishing Lab. There will be an interview series with our International Tandem Partners giving an insight on their current work, interest and cooperation with HP.

Nishant Shah: “We will develop new textual and visual practices to facilitate the transfer of knowledge worldwide” - Read More…

Whose Change is it Anyway?

by Prasad Krishna last modified Jun 05, 2013 08:40 AM

The first product from the Whose Change is it Anyway? Hague workshop with Hivos in February is out. The video captures the process of knowledge generation there.

Whose Change is it Anyway? - Read More…

A lifetime of five years on the internet

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 20, 2013 09:04 AM

Centre for Internet and Society observes its fifth anniversary on Sunday.

A lifetime of five years on the internet - Read More…

CIS anniversary

by Prasad Krishna last modified May 06, 2013 07:28 AM

The Centre for Internet and Society will celebrate five years of its existence with an exhibition showcasing its works and accomplishments.

CIS anniversary - Read More…

Video Vortex # 9 Re:assemblies of Video

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 04, 2013 03:44 AM

Nishant Shah is a speaker at this event organized by the Institute of Network Cultures, Post Media Lab, Moving Image Lab, Leuphana, The event is being held at Luneberg from February 28, 2013 to March 2, 2013.

Video Vortex # 9 Re:assemblies of Video - Read More…

D:coding Digital Natives - Seminar with Nishant Shah

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 06, 2013 05:21 AM

Nishant Shah gave a talk on D:coding Digital Natives at Samhällsvetarhuset on February 26, 2013, from 1.15 p.m. to 3.00 p.m. The event was organized by HUMlab.

D:coding Digital Natives - Seminar with Nishant Shah - Read More…

What does it mean to be a digital native?

What does it mean to be a digital native?

by Prasad Krishna last modified Dec 10, 2012 04:21 AM

The war between natives and immigrants is ending. The natives have won.

What does it mean to be a digital native? - Read More…

10th International ISTR Conference

by Prasad Krishna last modified Aug 05, 2012 08:03 AM

The 10th international ISTR conference was organised by ISTR at Universita Degli Studi Di Siena in Italy from July 10 to 13, 2012. Nishant Shah gave a lecture on Beyond Normative Citizenships: Exploring the ‘New’ in Digital Activism.

10th International ISTR Conference - Read More…

Immigrants not Natives

by Sally Wyatt last modified Apr 30, 2012 10:27 AM

Sally Wyatt reviews the four-book collective, Digital AlterNatives with a Cause? edited by Nishant Shah & Fieke Jansen.

Immigrants not Natives - Read More…

Digital Natives and the Myth of the Revolution: Questioning the Radical Potential of Citizen Action

Digital Natives and the Myth of the Revolution: Questioning the Radical Potential of Citizen Action

by Prasad Krishna last modified Apr 03, 2012 08:36 AM

Nishant Shah made a presentation on 'Questioning the radical potential for citizen action' at the Annenberg School of Communication at the University of South California on March 8, 2012.

Digital Natives and the Myth of the Revolution: Questioning the Radical Potential of Citizen Action - Read More…

5 Challenges for the Future of Learning: Digital Natives and How We Shall Teach Them

by Prasad Krishna last modified Apr 30, 2012 01:04 PM

At the Digital Media and Learning Conference on beyond education technologies, Nishant Shah gave a ignite talk on 5 Challenges for the Future of Learning: Digital Natives and How We Shall Teach Them on March 1, 2012. There was an author's table where he presented and shared the Digital AlterNatives books and info-kits.

5 Challenges for the Future of Learning: Digital Natives and How We Shall Teach Them - Read More…

Digital Natives and the Myth of the Revolution: Questioning the Radical Potential of Citizen Action

Digital Natives and the Myth of the Revolution: Questioning the Radical Potential of Citizen Action

by Prasad Krishna last modified Apr 03, 2012 07:15 AM

At UC Santa Cruz, on Monday, March 5, 2012, Nishant Shah gave a lecture on "Digital Natives and the Myth of the Revolution: Questioning the Radical Potential of Citizen Action". The lecture focused more on the India Against Corruption case-study rather than the theoretical framework to understanding revolutions.

Digital Natives and the Myth of the Revolution: Questioning the Radical Potential of Citizen Action - Read More…

An Experiment in Social Engineering: The Cultural Context of an Avatar

An Experiment in Social Engineering: The Cultural Context of an Avatar

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 06, 2012 06:03 AM

Pramod K. Nayar reviews Nilofar Shamim Ansher’s essay ‘Engineering a Cyber Twin’ (Digital Alternatives with a Cause? Book One: To Be).

An Experiment in Social Engineering: The Cultural Context of an Avatar - Read More…

How to Put Up a Facebook Resistance

How to Put Up a Facebook Resistance

by Oliver Leistert last modified Feb 21, 2012 08:47 AM

Review of Marc Stumpel’s essay, "Mapping the Politics of Web 2.0: Facebook Resistance", in Digital Alternatives with a Cause Book 2: To Think, pp.24-31 by Oliver Leistert.

How to Put Up a Facebook Resistance - Read More…

Alternative Approaches to Social Change

Alternative Approaches to Social Change

by Prasad Krishna last modified Jan 30, 2012 06:04 AM

Review of Maesy Angelina’s essay, "Digital Natives’ Alternative Approach to Social Change", in Digital Alternatives with a Cause Book 2: To Think, pp.64-76 by Nuraini Juliastuti.

Alternative Approaches to Social Change - Read More…

Unpacking Digital Natives from their Shiny Packaging

Unpacking Digital Natives from their Shiny Packaging

by Prasad Krishna last modified Dec 25, 2011 05:04 AM

The ‘Digital natives’ concept is neither necessarily nor inherently positive, as YiPing Tsou highlights in her article Digital Natives in the Name of a Cause: From "Flash Mob" to "Human Flesh Search". The essay was published in the Digital AlterNatives with a Cause? Book 2, To Think. Argyri Panezi reviews the essay.

Unpacking Digital Natives from their Shiny Packaging - Read More…

On Natives, Norms and Knowledge

On Natives, Norms and Knowledge

by Prasad Krishna last modified Dec 23, 2011 04:40 AM

Philip Ketzel reviews Ben Wagner's essay "Natives, Norms and Knowledge: How Information Technologies Recalibrate Social & Political Power Relations Communications" published in Book 4: To Connect.

On Natives, Norms and Knowledge - Read More…

Digital Native: Twin Manifestations or Co-Located Hybrids

Digital Native: Twin Manifestations or Co-Located Hybrids

by Prasad Krishna last modified Dec 23, 2011 04:36 AM

Samuel Tettner reviews ‘Digital Natives and the Return of the Local Cause’ from Book 1: To Be. The essay is authored by Anat Ben-David.

Digital Native: Twin Manifestations or Co-Located Hybrids - Read More…

The Write Stuff

The Write Stuff

by Prasad Krishna last modified Nov 14, 2011 03:32 AM

“Digital natives are no longer those youngsters who fit in the bracket of a Harvard return professional, glued to their PC all day,” says Nishant Shah, director of research, Centre for Internet and Society, a Bengaluru-based organisation. For Nishant, and many youngsters across the globe, digital natives are not any of those secluded geeks who spend hours on the Internet. “I am a homemaker, yet I am a digital native,” says Nilofer Ansher, a community manager who manages members from across three continents.

The Write Stuff - Read More…

Making a difference, online and offline

Making a difference, online and offline

by Prasad Krishna last modified Sep 28, 2011 07:09 AM

A new collection examines how technology and issues of connectivity are shaping the lives of ‘digital natives’—and how the Net can influence social change, writes Gopal Sathe in an article published in LiveMint on September 27, 2011.

Making a difference, online and offline - Read More…

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