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Breach Notifications: A Step towards Cyber Security for Consumers and Citizens

Posted by Amelia Andersdotter at Nov 14, 2017 03:38 PM |
Through the Digital India project the Indian government is seeking to establish India as a digital nation at the forefront. Increasingly, this means having good cyber-security policies in place and enabling a prosperous business environment for companies that implement sound cyber-security policies. This paper will look at one such policy, which enables investments in cyber-security for IT products and services through giving consumers a way to hold business owners and public authorities to account when their security fails.

Electronic data processing has awarded societies with lots of opportunities for improvements that would not have been possible without them. Low market entrance barriers for new innovators have caused a flood of applications and automations that have the potential to improve citizens’ and consumers’ lives, as well as government operations. But while the increasing prevalence of electronic hardware and programmable software in many different parts of society and industry, combined with the intricate value chains of international communications networks, devices and equipment markets and software markets, have created a large number of opportunities for economic, social and public activity, they have also brought with them a number of specific problems pertaining to consumer rights.

Read full report here

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