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Consumer Care Society: Silver Jubilee Year Celebrations

Posted by Arindrajit Basu at Aug 27, 2018 01:51 PM |
Arindrajit Basu delivered a talk the Silver Jubilee Celebrations of the Consumer Care Society (CCS )on 'Privacy and Security in the Age of the Internet.

CONSUMER CARE SOCIETY (CCS) is an active volunteer based not-for-profit organization involved in Consumer activities. Established as a registered society in the year 1994, CCS has for the past 3 decades functioned as the voice of consumer in many forums. Today CCS is widely recognized as an premier consumer voluntary organization (CVO) in Bangalore and Karnataka. CCS is registered with many goverenmental agencies and regulators like TRAI,BIS, Petroleum and Natural Gas Regulatory Board, DOT, ICMR at the Central Government levels and with almost all service providers at the State Level like BWSSB, BESCOM, BDA, BBMP.

Shreenivas.S. Galgali, ITS, Adviser,  TRAI Regional Office, Bangalore and Aradhana Biradar, User Education and Research Specialist, Google were the other speakers at the event held at CCS.

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