Cybersecurity Compilation: Indian Context

Posted by Leilah Elmokadem and edited by Elonnai Hickok at Jun 18, 2017 01:16 PM |
This document intends to serve as a comprehensive source compiling all the cyber-security related regulations, policies, guidelines, notifications, executive orders, court rulings, etc.

Ultimately, it attempts to collect all the cyber security initiatives that have been put out by Indian regulatory bodies and organizations. To approach this end, we identified they actors and institutions in cyber security and record their published guidelines, frameworks, ongoing projects and any policies released to strengthen cyber security. We have mostly followed a general framework in which, for each document found, we indicate the definition of cyber security (if stated), the objectives, recommendations/guidelines and scope. This format was sometimes difficult to follow for some types of initiatives in the documents. For example, a document of questions and answers to parliament could not be recorded in this fashion. As a result, the document is not entirely uniform in structure. This research compendium is in continuous progress, expanding along with the base of our knowledge and ongoing research.

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