Internet Governance Blog
The AI Task Force Report - The first steps towards India’s AI framework
— by Elonnai Hickok, Shweta Mohandas and Swaraj Paul Barooah — last modified Jun 27, 2018 02:32 PMThe Task Force on Artificial Intelligence was established by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry to leverage AI for economic benefits, and provide policy recommendations on the deployment of AI for India.
Comments on the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations
— by Sandeep Kumar, Torsha Sarkar, Swaraj Barooah, Gurshabad Grover — last modified Jun 23, 2018 12:44 AMThis submission presents comments by the Centre for Internet & Society, India (“CIS”) on the Telecom Commercial Communications Customer Preference Regulations which was released to the public by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on 29th May 2018 for comments and views.
NITI Aayog Discussion Paper: An aspirational step towards India’s AI policy
— by Sunil Abraham, Elonnai Hickok, Amber Sinha, Swaraj Barooah, Shweta Mohandas, Pranav M Bidare, Swagam Dasgupta, Vishnu Ramachandran and Senthil Kumar — last modified Jun 13, 2018 01:08 PMThe National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence — a discussion paper on India’s path forward in AI, is a welcome step towards a comprehensive document that reflects the government's AI ambitions. The 115-page discussion paper attempts to be an all encompassing document looking at a host of AI related issues including privacy, security, ethics, fairness, transparency and accountability.
Why NPCI and Facebook need urgent regulatory attention
— by Sunil Abraham — last modified Jun 12, 2018 02:07 AMThe world’s oldest networked infrastructure, money, is increasingly dematerialising and fusing with the world’s latest networked infrastructure, the Internet.

Network Disruptions Report by Global Network Initiative
— by Akriti Bopanna — last modified Jun 12, 2018 01:31 AMAround 70% of all known shutdowns in the world took place in India in 2017. The same year Telecom Authority of India (TRAI) released the “Temporary Suspension of Internet Services” giving State and Central Government officials the power to terminate Internet services as per the guidelines.
Comments on the Draft National Policy on Official Statistics
— by Gurshabad Grover and Sandeep Kumar — last modified Jun 07, 2018 02:54 AMThis submission presents comments by the Centre for Internet & Society, India (“CIS”) on the Draft National Policy on Official Statistics which was released to the public by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation on 17th May 2018 for comments and views.

CIS contributes to ABLI Compendium on Regulation of Cross-Border Transfers of Personal Data in Asia
— by Amber Sinha and Elonnai Hickok — last modified Jun 03, 2018 03:10 PMThe Asian Business Law Institute, based in Singapore published a compendium on “Regulation of cross-border transfer of personal data in Asia”. This was part of an exercise to explore legal convergence around issues such as data protection, enforcement of foreign judgments and principle of restructuring in Asia.
Design Concerns in Creating Privacy Notices
— by Saumyaa Naidu — last modified Jun 06, 2018 01:45 PMThe purpose of privacy notices and choice mechanisms is to notify users of the data practices of a system, so they can make informed privacy decisions.
DIDP Request #30 - Employee remuneration structure at ICANN
— by Paul Kurian and Akriti Bopanna — last modified Aug 24, 2018 06:57 AMWe have requested ICANN to disclose the employee pay structure at ICANN with specific enquiries about the payment across the institutional hierarchy, gender, and region.
Indian Intermediary Liability Regime: Compliance with the Manila Principles on Intermediary Liability
— by Divij Joshi — last modified May 20, 2018 03:14 PMThis report assesses the compliance of the Indian intermediary liability framework with the Manila Principles on Intermediary Liability, and recommends substantive legislative changes to bring the legal framework in line with the Manila Principles.
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