Internet Governance Blog
The Technology behind Big Data
— by Geethanjali Jujjavarapu and Udbhav Tiwari — last modified Dec 04, 2016 09:53 AMThe authors undertakes a high-level literature review of the most commonly used technological tools and processes in the big data life cycle. The big data life cycle is a conceptual construct that can be used to study the various stages that typically occur in collecting, storing and analysing big data, along with the principles that can govern these processes.
Comments to the BIS on Smart Cities Indicators
— by Elonnai Hickok, Rohini Lakshané and Udbhav Tiwari — last modified Dec 11, 2016 07:56 AMThe Bureau of Indian Standards released the Smart Cities - Indicator on 30 September 2016. The Centre for Internet & Society (CIS) presented its views.
Navigating the 'Reconsideration' Quagmire (A Personal Journey of Acute Confusion)
— by Padmini Baruah and Geetha Hariharan — last modified Nov 30, 2016 01:48 PMAn earlier analysis of ICANN’s Documentary Information Disclosure Policy already brought to light our concerns about the lack of transparency in ICANN’s internal mechanisms. Carrying my research forward, I sought to arrive at an understanding of the mechanisms used to appeal a denial of DIDP requests. In this post, I aim to provide a brief account of my experiences with the Reconsideration Request process that ICANN provides for as a tool for appeal.
Demonetisation Survey Limits the Range of Feedback that can be Provided by the User
— by tiwari — last modified Nov 24, 2016 02:50 PMThe government has faced increasingly targeted attacks by the Opposition and the public on the merits of the demonetisation move carried out a fortnight ago. In an attempt to placate this ire and to create a feedback loop that directly engages with the public, the government has decided to conduct a mass survey to gauge public perception. The survey is hosted on the Narendra Modi mobile application that can be found on the Android and iOS app stores. This article will attempt to analyse the mobile application by looking at the design principles followed in the survey and the scope given to survey takers to express their true opinion of the demonetisation move.

CERT-In's Proactive Mandate - A Report on the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team’s Proactive Mandate in the Indian Cyber Security Ecosystem
— by tiwari — last modified Nov 19, 2016 04:14 AMCERT-IN’s proactive mandate is defined in the IT Act, 2000 as well as in the Information Technology (The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team and Manner of Performing Function and Duties ) Rules, 2013 (CERT-In Rules, 2013) both of which postdate the existence of the organisation itself, which has been operational since 2004.
Conference on the Digitalization of the Indian Legal System
— by Leilah Elmokadem — last modified Nov 16, 2016 03:34 PMOn Legal Services Day, November 9, 2016, collaborated with iSPIRT to host a conference on the “Digitalization of the Indian Legal System”. The event invited prominent speakers to present their organizations’ work and to participate in a panel discussion followed by a Q&A period for the audience.
Big Data in India: Benefits, Harms, and Human Rights - Workshop Report
— by Vidushi Marda, Akash Deep Singh and Geethanjali Jujjavarapu — last modified Nov 18, 2016 12:58 PMThe Centre for Internet and Society held a one-day workshop on “Big Data in India: Benefits, Harms and Human Rights” at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi on the 1st of October, 2016. This report is a compilation of the the issues discussed, ideas exchanged and challenges recognized during the workshop. The objective of the workshop was to discuss aspects of big data technologies in terms of harms, opportunities and human rights. The discussion was designed around an extensive study of current and potential future uses of big data for governance in India, that CIS has undertaken over the last year with support from the MacArthur Foundation.
Privacy after Big Data: Compilation of Early Research
— by Saumyaa Naidu — last modified Nov 12, 2016 01:37 AMEvolving data science, technologies, techniques, and practices, including big data, are enabling shifts in how the public and private sectors carry out their functions and responsibilities, deliver services, and facilitate innovative production and service models to emerge. In this compilation we have put together a series of articles that we have developed as we explore the impacts – positive and negative – of big data. This is a growing body of research that we are exploring and is relevant to multiple areas of our work including privacy and surveillance. Feedback and comments on the compilation are welcome and appreciated.
ICANN Begins its Sojourn into Open Data
— by Padmini Baruah and Sumandro Chattapadhyay — last modified Nov 12, 2016 01:17 AMThe Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) recently announced that it will now set up a pilot project in order to introduce an Open Data initiative for all data that it generates. We would like to extend our congratulations to ICANN on the development of this commendable new initiative, and would be honoured to support the creation of this living document to be prepared before ICANN 58.
How Workstream 2 Plans to Improve ICANN's Transparency
— by Asvatha Babu — last modified Nov 11, 2016 10:05 AMThe Centre for Internet and Society has worked extensively on ICANN’s transparency policies. We are perhaps the single largest users of the Documentary Information Disclosure Policy. Our goal in doing so is not to be a thorn in ICANN’s side, but to try and ensure that ICANN, the organisation, as well as the ICANN community have access to the data required to carry out the task of regulating the global domain name system.
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