Internet Governance Blog
DIDP Request #14: Keeping track of ICANN’s contracted parties: Registrars
— by Asvatha Babu — last modified Jul 28, 2016 04:34 PMIn September 2016, we filed two separate DIDP requests regarding ICANN’s Contractual Compliance Goals.
DIDP Request #13: Keeping track of ICANN’s contracted parties: Registries
— by Asvatha Babu — last modified Jul 28, 2016 03:40 PMOn multiple occasions, Fadi Chehade, then President and CEO of ICANN has emphasized the importance of conducting audits (internal and external) to ensure compliance of ICANN’s contracted parties. At a US congressional hearing, he spoke about the contract monitoring function of ICANN.
DIDP Request #9 - Exactly how involved is ICANN in the NETmundial Initiative?
— by Asvatha Babu — last modified Jul 27, 2016 03:53 PMThe importance and relevance of knowing ICANN’s involvement in the NETmundial Initiative cannot be overstated.
DIDP Request #10 - ICANN does not know how much each RIR contributes to its Budget
— by Asvatha Babu — last modified Jul 27, 2016 02:57 PMIn an effort to understand the relationship between the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) and ICANN, we requested current and historical information on the contract fees paid by the five RIRs (AfriNIC, ARIN, APNIC, LACNIC and RIPE NCC) to ICANN annually.
One Pokémon to Rule Them All
— by Nishant Shah — last modified Jul 25, 2016 01:16 AMAmerica’s head start on the augmented reality game Pokémon Go shows that the interweb is not an egalitarian space.
The Gay Pride Charade
— by Nishant Shah — last modified Jul 25, 2016 01:10 AMFor most of the milllenials, news is formed by trends, what goes viral, and often open to speculation, projection, manipulation and deceit.
Perumal Murugan and the Law on Obscenity
— by Japreet Grewal — last modified Aug 09, 2016 01:01 PMNew Approaches to Information Privacy – Revisiting the Purpose Limitation Principle
— by Amber Sinha — last modified Nov 09, 2016 01:54 PMArticle on Aadhaar throwing light on privacy and data protection.

No, India did NOT oppose the United Nations move to “make internet access a human right”
— by Pranesh Prakash and Japreet Grewal — last modified Jul 13, 2016 04:09 PMLast Friday, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) passed a resolution titled “The promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet.”
Trans Pacific Partnership and Digital 2 Dozen: Implications for Data Protection and Digital Privacy
— by Shubhangi Heda — last modified Jul 12, 2016 07:56 AMIn this essay, Shubhangi Heda explores the concerns related to data protection and digital privacy under the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement signed recently between United States of America and eleven countries located around the pacific ocean region, across South America, Australia, and Asia. TPP is a free trade agreement (FTA) that emphasises, among other things, the need for liberalising global digital economy. The essay also analyses the critical document titled ‘Digital 2 Dozen’ (D2D), which compiles the key action items within TPP addressing liberalisation of digital economy, and sets up the relevant goals for the member nations.
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