Internet Governance Blog

by admin last modified Apr 05, 2016 03:40 AM
Too Clever By Half: Strengthening India’s Smart Cities Plan with Human Rights Protection

Too Clever By Half: Strengthening India’s Smart Cities Plan with Human Rights Protection

by Vanya Rakesh — last modified Mar 22, 2016 01:49 PM
March 22, 2016

The data involved in planning for urbanized and networked cities are currently flawed and politically-inflected. Therefore, we must ensure that basic human rights are not violated in the race to make cities “smart”.

Too Clever By Half: Strengthening India’s Smart Cities Plan with Human Rights Protection - Read More…

Aadhaar Bill 2016 Evaluated against the National Privacy Principles

by Pooja Saxena and Amber Sinha — last modified Mar 21, 2016 08:38 AM

In this infographic, we evaluate the privacy provisions of the Aadhaar Bill 2016 against the national privacy principles developed by the Group of Experts on Privacy led by the Former Chief Justice A.P. Shah in 2012. The infographic is based on Vipul Kharbanda’s article 'Analysis of Aadhaar Act in the Context of A.P. Shah Committee Principles,' and is designed by Pooja Saxena, with inputs from Amber Sinha.

Aadhaar Bill 2016 Evaluated against the National Privacy Principles - Read More…

Vulnerabilities in the UIDAI Implementation Not Addressed by the Aadhaar Bill, 2016

by Pooja Saxena and Amber Sinha — last modified Mar 21, 2016 08:33 AM

In this infographic, we document the various issues in the Aadhaar enrolment process implemented by the UIDAI, and highlight the vulnerabilities that the Aadhaar Bill, 2016 does not address. The infographic is based on Vidushi Marda’s article 'Data Flow in the Unique Identification Scheme of India,' and is designed by Pooja Saxena, with inputs from Amber Sinha.

Vulnerabilities in the UIDAI Implementation Not Addressed by the Aadhaar Bill, 2016 - Read More…

Salient Points in the Aadhaar Bill and Concerns

by Amber Sinha and Elonnai Hickok — last modified Mar 21, 2016 04:37 AM

Since the release of the Aadhaar Bill, the Centre for Internet and Society has been writing a number of posts analyzing the Bill and calling out problematic areas and the implications of the same. This post is meant to contribute to this growing body of writing and call out our major concerns with the Bill.

Salient Points in the Aadhaar Bill and Concerns - Read More…

The Digital is Political

by Nishant Shah — last modified Jun 05, 2016 03:58 AM
June 05, 2016

To speak of technology is to speak of human life and living.

The Digital is Political - Read More…

Adoption of Standards in Smart Cities - Way Forward for India

by Vanya Rakesh — last modified Apr 11, 2016 03:04 AM

With a paradigm shift towards the concept of “Smart Cities’ globally, as well as India, such cities have been defined by several international standardization bodies and countries, however, there is no uniform definition adopted globally. The glue that allows infrastructures to link and operate efficiently is standards as they make technologies interoperable and efficient.

Adoption of Standards in Smart Cities - Way Forward for India - Read More…

Sexual Harassment at ICANN

by Padmini Baruah — last modified Apr 06, 2016 02:40 PM

Padmini Baruah represented the Centre for Internet & Society at ICANN in the month of March 2016. In a submission to ICANN she is calling upon the ICANN board for implementing a system for investigating cases related to sexual harassments.

Sexual Harassment at ICANN - Read More…

Analysis of Aadhaar Act in the Context of A.P. Shah Committee Principles

by Vipul Kharbanda — last modified Mar 17, 2016 07:43 PM

Whilst there are a number of controversies relating to the Aadhaar Act including the fact that it was introduced in a manner so as to circumvent the majority of the opposition in the upper house of the Parliament and that it was rushed through the Lok Sabha in a mere eight days, in this paper we shall discuss the substantial aspects of the Act in relation to privacy concerns which have been raised by a number of experts. In October 2012, the Group of Experts on Privacy constituted by the Planning Commission under the chairmanship of Justice AP Shah Committee submitted its report which listed nine principles of privacy which all legislations, especially those dealing with personal should adhere to. In this paper, we shall discuss how the Aadhaar Act fares vis-à-vis these nine principles.

Analysis of Aadhaar Act in the Context of A.P. Shah Committee Principles - Read More…

Privacy Concerns Overshadow Monetary Benefits of Aadhaar Scheme

Privacy Concerns Overshadow Monetary Benefits of Aadhaar Scheme

by Pranesh Prakash and Amber Sinha — last modified Mar 17, 2016 04:12 PM

Since its inception in 2009, the Aadhaar system has been shrouded in controversy over issues of privacy, security and viability. It has been implemented without a legislative mandate and has resulted in a PIL in the Supreme Court, which referred it to a Constitution bench. On Friday, it kicked up more dust when the Lok Sabha passed a Bill to give statutory backing to the unique identity number scheme.

Privacy Concerns Overshadow Monetary Benefits of Aadhaar Scheme - Read More…

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