Internet Governance Blog

Free Basics: Negating net parity
— by Sunil Abraham — last modified Jan 03, 2016 05:58 AMResearchers funded by Facebook were apparently told by 92 per cent of Indians they surveyed from large cities, with Internet connection and college degree, that the Internet “is a human right and that Free Basics can help bring Internet to all of India.” What a strange way to frame the question given that the Internet is not a human right in most jurisdictions.
Eight Key Privacy Events in India in the Year 2015
— by Amber Sinha — last modified Jan 03, 2016 05:43 AMAs the year draws to a close, we are enumerating some of the key privacy related events in India that transpired in 2015. Much like the last few years, this year, too, was an eventful one in the context of privacy.
Millions of Indians Slam Facebook's ‘Free Basics’ App
— by Subhashish Panigrahi — last modified Dec 30, 2015 02:37 PMIt has been less than two months since the nationwide launch of the Free Basics app in India. The smart phone application (formerly known as offers free access to Facebook, Facebook-owned products like WhatsApp, and a select suite of other websites for users who do not pay for mobile data plans.
Benefits and Harms of "Big Data"
— by Scott Mason — last modified Dec 30, 2015 02:48 AMToday the quantity of data being generated is expanding at an exponential rate. From smartphones and televisions, trains and airplanes, sensor-equipped buildings and even the infrastructures of our cities, data now streams constantly from almost every sector and function of daily life.
Facebook Shares 10 Key Facts about Free Basics. Here's What's Wrong with All 10 of Them.
— by Sunil Abraham — last modified Dec 25, 2015 02:59 PMShweta Sengar of Catch News spoke to Sunil Abraham about the recent advertisement by Facebook titled "What Net Neutrality Activists won't Tell You or, the Top 10 Facts about Free Basics". Sunil argued against the validity of all the 'top 10 facts'.
Ground Zero Summit
— by Amber Sinha — last modified Jan 03, 2016 06:06 AMThe Ground Zero Summit which claims to be the largest collaborative platform in Asia for cyber-security was held in New Delhi from 5th to 8th November. The conference was organised by the Indian Infosec Consortium (IIC), a not for profit organisation backed by the Government of India. Cyber security experts, hackers, senior officials from the government and defence establishments, senior professionals from the industry and policymakers attended the event.
Smart Cities in India: An Overview
— by Vanya Rakesh — last modified Jan 11, 2016 01:30 AMThe Government of India is in the process of developing 100 smart cities in India which it sees as the key to the country's economic and social growth. This blog post gives an overview of the Smart Cities project currently underway in India. The smart cities mission in India is at a nascent stage and an evolving area for research. The Centre for Internet and Society will continue work in this area.
RTI response regarding the UIDAI
— by Vanya Rakesh — last modified Dec 22, 2015 02:57 AMThis is a response to the RTI filed regarding UIDAI
CIS's Position on Net Neutrality
— by Sunil Abraham — last modified Dec 09, 2015 01:06 PMAs researchers committed to the principle of pluralism we rarely produce institutional positions. This is also because we tend to update our positions based on research outputs. But the lack of clarity around our position on network neutrality has led some stakeholders to believe that we are advocating for forbearance. Nothing can be farther from the truth. Please see below for the current articulation of our common institutional position.

Security Research
— by Vanya Rakesh — last modified Jan 03, 2016 09:55 AMThe Centre Internet and Society, India has been researching privacy policy in India since the year 2010 with the following objectives.
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