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Building a Community of Practice: Reflections from 2nd All Partners

by Admin — last modified Dec 01, 2018 04:18 AM
On Wednesday, November 14th, the Partnership on AI held its 2nd annual All Partners Meeting in San Francisco, California. Representatives from our 80+ member organizations – for-profit companies, civil society organizations, academic institutions, and advocacy groups – traveled from across the globe to reflect on 2018 progress, and to plan for the future.

Elonnai Hickok participated in the event held in San Francisco on November 14 and 15, 2018. The event was organized by Partnership on AI. On November 14, Elonnai spoke on the panel on the PAI working groups and on November 15 she co-lead the AI Labor and Economy working group meeting as co-chair of the group. More details can be accessed here.

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