Profit by Sharing: Anatomy of an Open Source Hardware Business
Event details
from 07:00 AM to 09:00 AM
Contact Name
Dangerous Prototypes
Dangerous Prototypes started as a hobby on a kitchen table, but now five team members develop new open source electronics projects every month. Open source hardware means every part of an electronic device design can be changed and reused in other projects. Despite giving everything away to users and competitors, open source hardware businesses still flourish. Learn how Dangerous Prototypes started, our development process, the underlying open source business philosophy, and how the business is structured today.
Key Concepts
Open hardware businesses grow by sharing. Companies share design information with customers, the customers create communities that give improvements and fixes back to the company. Sharing is mutually beneficial to the company and community.
An open development process is a further extension of open hardware. The company designs products publicly, with active support and input from the community. Sharing extends to design review, improvements, and even testing before the project is launched.
Ian Lesnet
Ian builds a new open hardware project every month at Copies of the projects are available from Seeed Studio's open hardware manufacturing service.