Content co-ordination for the Panel Discussion on Crypto-Currencies

by Prasad Krishna last modified Dec 05, 2014 01:35 AM
Sharath Chandra Ram was a panelist at this event organized by the Law and Technology Society on November 15, 2014 at the National Law School of India in Bangalore. His presentation was titled Scalability and Security Issues in Distributed Trust based Cryto-Currency Systems like BITCOIN.

Moderator: Ms. Sonal Basu (Program Director-Legal, Mindtree)

Mr. Vikram Nikkam (Co-founder, Unocoin)
Mr. Benson Samuel (Co-founder, Coinsecure)
Dr. (Prof.) TS Somashekar (Associate Professor of Economics, NLSIU)
Mr. Sharath Chandra (Researcher, Centre for Internet and Society)

Student Speakers:
Ms. Nivedita Mukhija

Download Sharath's presentation

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