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Comments to Telecommunications Bill 2023
by Shweta Mohandas last modified Jan 06, 2024 01:18 AM
Health Data Management Policies - Differences Between the EU and India
Through this issue brief we would like to highlight the differences in approaches to health data management taken by the EU and India, and look at possible ... by Shweta Mohandas last modified Jul 10, 2023 04:36 PM — Filed under: , , , ,
WIPO SCCR 43: Notes from Day 3
by Shweta Mohandas last modified Apr 28, 2023 01:03 PM — Filed under: , , ,
WIPO SCCR 43: Notes from Day 2
by Shweta Mohandas last modified Apr 28, 2023 12:22 PM — Filed under: , , ,
WIPO SCCR 43: Notes from Day 1
Member states delivered opening statements and deliberated on the progress, substantive provisions, and method of work on the draft broadcasting treaty text. ... by Shweta Mohandas last modified Apr 28, 2023 12:01 PM — Filed under: , , ,
Making Voices Heard
We are happy to announce the launch of our final report on the study ‘Making Voices Heard: Privacy, Inclusivity, and Accessibility of Voice Interfaces in ... by Shweta Mohandas last modified Jun 27, 2022 04:18 PM — Filed under: , , , , , ,
A Guide to Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 Compliance - Privacy Policy
by Shweta Mohandas last modified Sep 17, 2021 02:37 PM
Making Voices Heard: Privacy, Inclusivity, and Accessibility of Voice Interfaces in India
We believe that voice interfaces have the potential to democratise the use of internet by addressing barriers such as accessibility concerns, lack of abilities ... by Shweta Mohandas last modified Dec 18, 2019 12:10 PM — Filed under: , , , , , , , ,
In India, Privacy Policies of Fintech Companies Pay Lip Service to User Rights
A study of the privacy policies of 48 fintech companies that operate in India shows that none comply with even the basic requirements of the IT Rules, 2011. by Shweta Mohandas last modified Jul 31, 2019 02:21 AM — Filed under: ,