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by Ben Bas last modified Jul 30, 2012 10:44 AM
Labour futures: Intersectional responses to southern digital platform economies by Aayush Rathi and Ambika Tandon — last modified Jan 27, 2021 08:43 AM
It is our great pleasure to announce that we are undertaking a two-year research project to comprehensively analyse dominant and emerging sectors in India’s platform economies. The project is funded by a research grant of USD 200,000 from the Internet Society Foundation.
The Boss Will See You Now - The Growth of Workplace Surveillance in India, is Data Protection Legislation the Answer? by Shweta Mohandas and Deepika Nandagudi Srinivasa — last modified Jan 25, 2021 12:37 PM
The use of pervasive technologies to monitor employees was picking up pace in India, the pandemic accelerated it. The pandemic has changed the way we work either through permanent work from home mandates for those who can work remotely, to heightened social distancing norms for office goers.
The Geopolitics of Cyberspace: A Compendium of CIS Research by Arindrajit Basu — last modified Nov 15, 2021 02:48 PM
Cyberspace is undoubtedly shaping and disrupting commerce, defence and human relationships all over the world. Opportunities such as improved access to knowledge, connectivity, and innovative business models have been equally met with nefarious risks including cyber-attacks, disinformation campaigns, government driven digital repression, and rabid profit-making by ‘Big Tech.’ Governments have scrambled to create and update global rules that can regulate the fair and equitable uses of technology while preserving their own strategic interests.
A Guide to Drafting Privacy Policy under the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019 by Shweta Reddy — last modified Sep 20, 2021 10:34 AM
The Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, (PDP Bill) which is currently being deliberated by the Joint Parliamentary Committee, is likely to be tabled in the Parliament during the winter session of 2021.
Media Market Risk Ratings: India by Torsha Sarkar, Pranav M Bidare, and Gurshabad Grover — last modified Jan 25, 2022 01:29 PM
The Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) and the Global Disinformation Index (GDI) are launching a study into the risk of disinformation on digital news platforms in India, creating an index that is intended to serve donors and brands with a neutral assessment of news sites that they can utilise to defund disinformation.
Beyond the PDP Bill: Governance Choices for the DPA by Trishi Jindal and S.Vivek — last modified Nov 10, 2021 07:32 AM
This article examines the specific governance choices the Data Protection Authority (DPA) in India must deliberate on vis-à-vis its standard-setting function, which are distinct from those it will encounter as part of its enforcement and supervision functions.
Does Google’s bid to replace third party cookies with FLOCs protect user privacy? by Maria Jawed — last modified Jun 18, 2021 10:01 AM
In its efforts to deprecate third-party cookies, Google, in August 2019, has brought an alternative plan with its new Privacy Sandbox platform. This plan promises to preserve anonymity when serving tailored advertising. While unveiling the system, Google explained that even though advertising is necessary to keep the web available to everyone, the web ecosystem is at risk if privacy policies do not keep pace with evolving expectations. But does this new framework help users in any way?
IRC22 - Proposed Session - #Involute - Jagged Seams of the Domestic and the Vocational by Admin — last modified May 19, 2022 02:46 PM
Details of a session proposed for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2022 - #Home.
IRC22 - Proposed Session - #CovidConfessions: An internet art project by Admin — last modified Apr 25, 2022 01:16 PM
Details of a session proposed for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2022 - #Home.
IRC22 - Proposed Session - #TransActandWhatFollowed - Access to care for transgender persons during the COVID-19 pandemic by Admin — last modified May 19, 2022 03:12 PM
Details of a session proposed for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2022 - #Home.
IRC 22 - Proposed Session - #ThisMightNotBeOnline by Admin — last modified Apr 25, 2022 12:37 PM
Details of a session proposed for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2022 - #Home.
IRC22 - Proposed Session - #“Going Home”: Constructions of a Digital-Urban Platform Interface in Delhi-NCR by Admin — last modified Apr 25, 2022 01:04 PM
Details of a session proposed for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2022 - #Home.
IRC22 - Proposed Session - #SocialMediaActivism by Admin — last modified Apr 25, 2022 01:01 PM
Details of a session proposed for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2022 - #Home.
IRC 22 - Proposed Session - # ActFromHome by Admin — last modified Apr 25, 2022 12:46 PM
Details of a session proposed for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2022 - #Home.
IRC 22 - Proposed Session - #LockdownsAndShutdowns by Admin — last modified May 19, 2022 03:05 PM
Details of a session proposed for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2022 - #Home.
IRC 22 - Proposed Session - #MetaverseInquilab by Admin — last modified Mar 18, 2022 01:01 PM
Details of a session proposed for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2022 - #Home.
IRC 22 - Proposed Session - #LetsMoveIn by Admin — last modified May 19, 2022 02:54 PM
Details of a session proposed for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2022 - #Home.
IRC22 - Proposed Session - #DigitisingCrisesRemakingHome by Admin — last modified Apr 25, 2022 12:23 PM
Details of a session proposed for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2022- #Home.
Call for Interns by CIS — last modified Mar 30, 2023 02:29 AM
Big Tech’s privacy promise to consumers could be good news — and also bad news by Rajat Kathuria and Isha Suri — last modified Jan 18, 2023 11:25 PM
Rajat Kathuria, Isha Suri write: Its use as a tool for market development must balance consumer protection, innovation, and competition.

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