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by Ben Bas last modified Jul 30, 2012 10:44 AM
Noopur Raval and Rajendra Jadhav - Power Chronography of Food-Delivery Work by Noopur Raval and Rajendra Jadhav — last modified May 19, 2020 06:33 AM
Working in the gig-economy has been associated with economic vulnerabilities. However, there are also moral and affective vulnerabilities as workers find their worth measured everyday by their performance of—and at—work and in every interaction and movement. This essay by Noopur Raval and Rajendra Jadhav is the fourth among a series of writings by researchers associated with the 'Mapping Digital Labour in India' project at the CIS, supported by the Azim Premji University, that were published on the Platypus blog of the Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing (CASTAC).
Comments to National Security Council on National Cybersecurity Strategy 2020 by Elonnai Hickok and Arindrajit Basu — last modified Jan 13, 2020 09:18 AM
CIS submitted brief comments to the National Security Council on the National Cybersecurity Strategy within the 5000 character limit provided. CIS will continue producing outputs building on these ideas.
Call for Researchers: Welfare, Gender, and Surveillance by Ambika Tandon — last modified Feb 13, 2020 03:05 PM
We are inviting applications for two researchers. Each researcher is expected to write a narrative essay that interrogates the modes of surveillance that people of LGBTHIAQ+ and gender non-conforming identities and sexual orientations are put under as they seek sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in India. The researchers are expected to undertake field research in the location they are based in, and reflect on lived experiences gathered through field research as well as their own experiences of doing field research. Please read the sections below for more details about the work involved, the timeline for the same, and the application process for this call.
Automated Facial Recognition Systems and the Mosaic Theory of Privacy: The Way Forward by Arindrajit Basu, Siddharth Sonkar — last modified Jan 02, 2020 02:12 PM
Arindrajit Basu and Siddharth Sonkar have co-written this blog as the third of their three-part blog series on AI Policy Exchange under the parent title: Is there a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy from Data Aggregation by Automated Facial Recognition Systems?
Automated Facial Recognition Systems (AFRS): Responding to Related Privacy Concerns by Arindrajit Basu, Siddharth Sonkar — last modified Jan 02, 2020 02:09 PM
Arindrajit Basu and Siddharth Sonkar have co-written this blog as the second of their three-part blog series on AI Policy Exchange under the parent title: Is there a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy from Data Aggregation by Automated Facial Recognition Systems?
Decrypting Automated Facial Recognition Systems (AFRS) and Delineating Related Privacy Concerns by Arindrajit Basu, Siddharth Sonkar — last modified Jan 02, 2020 02:01 PM
Arindrajit Basu and Siddharth Sonkar have co-written this blog as the first of their three-part blog series on AI Policy Exchange under the parent title: Is there a Reasonable Expectation of Privacy from Data Aggregation by Automated Facial Recognition Systems?
Pegasus snoopgate, an opportune moment to revisit legal framework governing state surveillance framework by Gurshabad Grover and Tanaya Rajwade — last modified Jul 09, 2020 01:30 AM
Revelations of hacking call for a relook at India’s surveillance regime
Anushree Gupta - Ladies ‘Log’: Women’s Safety and Risk Transfer in Ridehailing by Anushree Gupta — last modified May 19, 2020 06:29 AM
Working in the gig-economy has been associated with economic vulnerabilities. However, there are also moral and affective vulnerabilities as workers find their worth measured everyday by their performance of—and at—work and in every interaction and movement. This essay by Anushree Gupta is the third among a series of writings by researchers associated with the 'Mapping Digital Labour in India' project at the CIS, supported by the Azim Premji University, that were published on the Platypus blog of the Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing (CASTAC). The essay is edited by Noopur Raval, who co-led the project concerned.
Extra-Territorial Surveillance and the Incapacitation of Human Rights by Arindrajit Basu — last modified Jan 02, 2020 11:02 AM
This paper was published in Volume 12 (2) of the NUJS Law Review.
Is India's Digital Health System Foolproof? by Aayush Rathi — last modified Dec 30, 2019 05:58 PM
This contribution by Aayush Rathi builds on "Data Infrastructures and Inequities: Why Does Reproductive Health Surveillance in India Need Our Urgent Attention?" (by Aayush Rathi and Ambika Tandon, EPW Engage, Vol. 54, Issue No. 6, 09 Feb, 2019) and seeks to understand the role that state-run reproductive health portals such as the Mother and Child Tracking System (MCTS) and the Reproductive and Child Health will play going forward. The article critically outlines the overall digitised health information ecosystem being envisioned by the Indian state.
Wikiorientation at Dr.GR Damodaran College of Science by Bhuvana Meenakshi — last modified Jan 18, 2020 08:11 AM
An orientation session on Wikimedia projects was held on 6-7 December 2019 at Dr. GR Damodaran College of Science. This talk was part of the “Hour of Code” event, which is an International event celebrated across the globe to encourage students to develop their knowledge on Computer Science. This event was supported by Open Knowledge movements like Wikimedia, Mozilla, etc.which would help students to share their knowledge in the form of volunteerships and contributions. The highlights of gender gap research and women based projects such as Women in Red were covered as part of a focussed group discussion.
Wikiorientation at Dr.GR Damodaran College of Science by Bhuvana Meenakshi — last modified Dec 23, 2019 08:18 AM
An orientation session on Wikimedia projects was held on 6-7 December 2019 at Dr. GR Damodaran College of Science. This talk was part of the “Hour of Code” event, which is an International event celebrated across the globe to encourage students to develop their knowledge on Computer Science. This event was supported by Open Knowledge movements like Wikimedia, Mozilla, etc.which would help students to share their knowledge in the form of volunteerships and contributions. The highlights of gender gap research and women based projects such as Women in Red were covered as part of a focussed group discussion.
Sarah Zia - Not knowing as pedagogy: Ride-hailing drivers in Delhi by Sarah Zia — last modified May 19, 2020 06:35 AM
Working in the gig-economy has been associated with economic vulnerabilities. However, there are also moral and affective vulnerabilities as workers find their worth measured everyday by their performance of—and at—work and in every interaction and movement. This essay by Sarah Zia is the second among a series of writings by researchers associated with the 'Mapping Digital Labour in India' project at the CIS, supported by the Azim Premji University, that were published on the Platypus blog of the Committee on the Anthropology of Science, Technology, and Computing (CASTAC). The essay is edited by Noopur Raval, who co-led the project.
Digital Humanities and New Contexts of Digital Archival Practice in India by Puthiya Purayil Sneha — last modified Dec 18, 2019 10:32 AM
Puthiya Purayil Sneha attended and presented at a conference on 'The Arts, Knowledge, and Critique in the Digital Age in India: Addressing Challenges in the Digital Humanities' organised by Sahapedia and Department of Liberal Arts, Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad on November 28-29, 2019.
ICANN takes one step forward in its human rights and accountability commitments by Akriti Bopanna and Ephraim Percy Kenyanito — last modified Dec 19, 2019 11:35 AM
Akriti Bopanna and Ephraim Percy Kenyanito take a look at ICANN's Implementation Assessment Report for the Workstream 2 recommendations and break down the key human rights considerations in it. Akriti chairs the Cross Community Working Party on Human Rights at ICANN and Ephraim works on Human Rights and Business for Article 19, leading their ICANN engagement.
Call for Comments: Model Security Standards for the Indian Fintech Industry by Pranav M B — last modified Dec 16, 2019 01:16 PM
The Telecom Crisis is an NPA Problem by Shyam Ponappa — last modified Dec 15, 2019 07:26 AM
After interim relief for telecom, structural reforms must follow.
IETF106 by Admin — last modified Dec 15, 2019 06:14 AM
Gurshabad Grover participated at IETF106, which was held in Singapore 16-22 November, 2019.
Stakeholder Consultation on Digital Assets for Women’s Economic Empowerment | UN Women + SEWA by Admin — last modified Apr 07, 2020 01:14 PM
On December 06, 2019, Ambika Tandon and Aayush Rathi participated in a "Stakeholder Consultation on Digital Assets for Women’s Economic Empowerment: Addressing Barriers and Enhancing Opportunities for Women in Informal Economy and in Agriculture".
Power over privacy: New Personal Data Protection Bill fails to really protect the citizen’s right to privacy by Nikhil Pahwa — last modified Dec 15, 2019 05:57 AM
Nikhil Pahwa throws light on the new personal data protection bill.

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