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by Ben Bas last modified Jul 30, 2012 10:44 AM
Statement of CIS on the WIPO Broadcast Treaty at the 23rd SCCR by Pranesh Prakash — last modified Nov 30, 2011 06:55 AM
The twenty-third session of the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights is being held in Geneva from November 22, 2011 to December 2, 2011. Pranesh Prakash delivered this statement on a new proposal made by South Africa and Mexico (SCCR/23/6) on a treaty for broadcasters.
Mobility Shifts 2011 — An International Future of Learning Summit by Prasad Krishna — last modified Mar 30, 2015 02:55 PM
The summit was organised by the New School and sponsored by MacArthur Foundation and Mozilla. It was held from October 10 to October 16, 2011 at the New School, New York City.
Move over Kolaveri di, here comes Gowda by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 28, 2011 06:58 AM
Transparency is the buzzword in governance and chief minister DV Sadananda Gowda is eager to set a new benchmark. You could soon watch what the chief minister is doing at office, live on YouTube. This article was published in on November 28, 2011.
An Interview of Nirmita Narasimhan on ITU Portal by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 28, 2011 06:36 AM
ITU Girls in ICT is now online! ITU interviewed Nirmita and published her profile on their website.
Is Facebook tracking your virtual footprints? by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 24, 2011 03:02 AM
Social media experts claim number of cases of privacy violations against the site has increased in past few months; Facebook rubbishes the allegations. This article by Sheetal Sukhija was published in MidDay on 22 November 2011.
3rd Canadian Science Policy Conference by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 23, 2011 03:57 PM
The Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC) organised the 2011 conference at the Ottawa Convention Centre from 16 to 18 November 2011. Sunil Abraham spoke in the session on Global Implications of Open and Inclusive Innovation.
The Case for Accessible Banking by Dinesh Kaushal — last modified Jan 03, 2012 04:54 AM
Dinesh Kaushal examines the state of accessibility of banking services in India. By giving concrete examples of shortcomings in existing ATMs and net banking facilities which make it difficult for persons with disabilities to do electronic transactions, Dinesh urges banks to make a move to upgrade their ATMs and make their web services accessible.
Know your Users, Match their Needs! by Rebecca Schild — last modified Feb 27, 2012 03:06 PM
As Free Access to Law initiatives in the Global South enter into a new stage of maturity, they must be certain not to lose sight of their users’ needs. The following post gives a summary of the “Good Practices Handbook”, a research output of the collaborative project Free Access to Law — Is it Here to Stay? undertaken by LexUM (Canada) and the South African Legal Institute in partnership with the Centre for Internet and Society.
Names Not Numbers Mumbai by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 21, 2011 05:04 AM
Names Not Numbers Mumbai is part of an annual series of invitation-only ideas conferences for 100 key players and thinkers across politics, business, media, culture, academia and technology to discuss and debate what individuality in a mass age means. Names Not Numbers Mumbai is put together by the Media, Analysis & Networking company Editorial Intelligence in association with the British Council, the Financial Times and partners including Jnanapravaha.
M-governance gains momentum by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 21, 2011 03:46 AM
Governments worldwide have successfully deployed mobile-based technologies for providing a wide variety of public services, and the Indian States are following suit.
SOPA: The bill that could kill the Internet by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 18, 2011 07:26 AM
As the US government’s House Judiciary Committee begins hearings on the proposed Stop Online Piracy Act, (SOPA), both supporters and opponents are ramping up their campaigning, with big names getting involved. And so they should. SOPA’s stakes are no less than the future of the Internet itself.
Telecom Path-Breaker? by Shyam Ponappa — last modified Nov 18, 2011 05:42 AM
Does the draft National Telecom Policy-2011 reflect true brilliance or smoke-and-mirrors? It will be a game-changer if a shared network is implemented effectively, writes Shyam Ponappa in this article published in the Business Standard on November 3, 2011.
International human rights community vs SOPA by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 28, 2011 10:15 AM
The Centre for Internet and Society was mentioned in a news story published in BoingBoing. Cory Doctorow wrote the story published on November 17, 2011.
The 2nd IJLT-CIS Lecture Series — A Post-event Report by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 17, 2011 10:25 AM
The Indian Journal of Law and Technology (IJLT) and the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), organised the 2nd IJLT-CIS Lecture Series on the 21st and 22nd of May 2011 at the National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore. The main theme for this year was Emerging Issues in Privacy Law: Law, Policy and Practice.
Broadband user base still has a long way to go by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 16, 2011 02:59 AM
Internet users in India have crossed the 100-million mark, still distant from China’s nearly 500 million and the 250 million or so in the US, but experts are buoyant about prospects in cyberspace even as low broadband penetration and poor online payment and distribution channels persist as hurdles.
Professor Balaram talks Open Access by Tom Dane — last modified Aug 03, 2012 11:10 PM
Last week Tom Dane spoke with Professor P Balaram, Director of the Indian Institute of Science, about his thoughts on the Open Access movement. A podcast of the interview is available for download in the audio player within this post.
The Write Stuff by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 14, 2011 03:32 AM
“Digital natives are no longer those youngsters who fit in the bracket of a Harvard return professional, glued to their PC all day,” says Nishant Shah, director of research, Centre for Internet and Society, a Bengaluru-based organisation. For Nishant, and many youngsters across the globe, digital natives are not any of those secluded geeks who spend hours on the Internet. “I am a homemaker, yet I am a digital native,” says Nilofer Ansher, a community manager who manages members from across three continents.
The Book of Jobs by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 14, 2011 03:27 AM
The man who made the computer personal, who changed the face of the digital media industry, who was inspired by Zen philosophy to create an eight-billion-dollar empire, Steve Jobs, died last month. Just a few weeks before his death, in the midst of his painful illness, he told Walter Isaacson, the man chosen to write his authorised biography, “I really want to believe that something survives”. And Isaacson wrote him a fairy tale which will make sure that Jobs will be remembered beyond the gizmos and gimmicks.
The Wikimedia India Program Trust by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 13, 2011 07:58 AM
A new entity, the “Wikimedia India Program Trust”, has now been formed and registered (in Delhi.) This will be the organization that will eventually drive India programs and house the team in India.
CIS Comments on Finance Committee Statements to Open Letters on Unique Identity by Prasad Krishna — last modified Nov 13, 2011 02:39 AM
We from the Centre for Internet and Society had sent six open letters to the Parliamentary Finance Committee on the UID. The Committee responded through an email on 12 October 2011. Our response to the points raised is reproduced below.

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