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by Ben Bas last modified Jul 30, 2012 10:44 AM
India should reconsider its proposed regulation of online content by Gurshabad Grover — last modified Jan 24, 2019 04:59 PM
The lack of technical considerations in the proposal is also apparent since implementing the proposal is infeasible for certain intermediaries. End-to-end encrypted messaging services cannot “identify” unlawful content since they cannot decrypt it. Presumably, the government’s intention is not to disallow end-to-end encryption so that intermediaries can monitor content.
New movies lose out due to piracy by Admin — last modified Feb 02, 2019 02:24 AM
Piracy continues to be a huge concern among filmmakers but it can also be a marketing strategy for small-budget films.
Response to GCSC on Request for Consultation: Norm Package Singapore by Arindrajit Basu, Gurshabad Grover and Elonnai Hickok — last modified Jan 27, 2019 03:43 PM
The GCSC opened a public comment procedure to solicit comments and obtain additional feedback. CIS responded to the public call-offering comments on all six norms and proposing two further norms.
Google Gives Wikimedia Millions—Plus Machine Learning Tools by Admin — last modified Feb 02, 2019 12:52 PM
Google is pouring an additional $3.1 million into Wikipedia, bringing its total contribution to the free encyclopedia over the past decade to more than $7.5 million, the company announced at the World Economic Forum Tuesday.
Cyber Policy Centres Meeting in Sri Lanka by Admin — last modified Jan 21, 2019 11:50 PM
Elonnai Hickok, Sunil Abraham and Ambika Tandon participated in this event organized by IDRC in Sri Lanka on January 11 - 14, 2019.
RFCs We Love meetup by Admin — last modified Feb 02, 2019 01:43 PM
In collaboration with India Internet Engineering Society (IIESoc), CIS hosted the a 'RFCs We Love' meetup, where we discussed some IETF specifications and standards. The event was held on January 19 at the CIS office, Bangalore.
Is the viral #10YearChallenge just another sneaky way for tech firms to gather users’ personal data? by Admin — last modified Feb 02, 2019 01:57 PM
Is it merely an exercise in nostalgia? Or is it providing fodder for facial recognition algorithms on ageing?
Oyo Hotels’ Real-Time Digital Record Database Sparks Privacy Fears by Admin — last modified Jan 18, 2019 02:26 AM
Oyo Hotels’ pilot to maintain a real-time digital database of guests and plan to share it with law-enforcement agencies has triggered privacy concerns.
Webinar on the draft Intermediary Guidelines Amendment Rules by Admin — last modified Jan 18, 2019 02:13 AM
CCAOI and the ISOC Delhi Chapter organised a webinar on January 10 to discuss the draft "The Information Technology [Intermediary Guidelines (Amendment) Rules] 2018". Gurshabad Grover was a discussant in the panel.
They know where you are by Admin — last modified Jan 18, 2019 02:14 AM
With hotel-booking app routinely sharing real-time guest data with police and government, lives of those fleeing persecution is in danger, privacy advocates fear.
The DNA Bill has a sequence of problems that need to be resolved by Shweta Mohandas and Elonnai Hickok — last modified Jan 15, 2019 02:36 AM
In its current form, it’s far from comprehensive and fails to adequately address privacy and security concerns.
How to make EVMs hack-proof, and elections more trustworthy by Pranesh Prakash — last modified Jan 14, 2019 03:34 PM
Free and fair elections are the expression of democratic emancipation. India has always led by example: the Nehru Committee sought universal adult franchise in 1928, at a time when France didn’t let women vote, and laws in the USA allowed disqualification of poor, illiterate, and African-American voters. But how reliable are our voting systems, particularly in terms of security?
Civic activism over WhatsApp and stories of and from cab drivers are part of a new narrative in Bengaluru by Admin — last modified Feb 02, 2019 02:48 PM
Does a city have a pulse? And can that pulse be felt in its technological interactions?
Creeped out by Netflix's 'You'? Here's how you can avoid online stalkers, data thieves by Admin — last modified Jan 12, 2019 02:13 AM
Several social media users have no idea of how much of their information is stored on the Internet and what kind of information they are allowing the applications to access.
Response to TRAI Consultation Paper on Regulatory Framework for Over-The-Top (OTT) Communication Services by Gurshabad Grover — last modified Jan 11, 2019 04:01 PM
This submission presents a response to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s Consultation Paper on Regulatory Framework for Over-The-Top (OTT) Communication Services.
Internet Researchers' Conference 2019 (IRC19): #List, Jan 30 - Feb 1, Lamakaan by Puthiya Purayil Sneha — last modified Jan 31, 2019 06:41 AM
Who makes lists? How are lists made? Who can be on a list, and who is missing? What new subjectivities - indicative of different asymmetries of power/knowledge - do list-making, and being listed, engender? What makes lists legitimate information artifacts, and what makes their knowledge contentious? Much debate has emerged about specificities and implications of the list as an information artifact, especially in the case of #LoSHA and NRC - its role in creation and curation of information, in building solidarities and communities of practice, its dependencies on networked media infrastructures, its deployment by hegemonic entities and in turn for countering dominant discourses. For the fourth edition of the Internet Researchers’ Conference (IRC19), we invited sessions and papers that engage critically with the form, imagination, and politics of the *list* - to present or propose academic, applied, or creative works that explore its social, economic, cultural, material, political, affective, or aesthetic dimensions. IRC19 will be organised in Lamakaan, Hyderabad, during January 30 - February 1, 2019.
Registering for Aadhaar in 2019 by Sunil Abraham — last modified Jan 03, 2019 02:59 PM
It is a lot less scary registering for Aadhaar in 2019 than it was in 2010, given how the authentication modalities have since evolved.
Welcome to r@w blog! by Puthiya Purayil Sneha — last modified Jan 02, 2019 11:48 AM
We from the researchers@work programme at the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) are delighted to announce the launch of our new blog, hosted on Medium. It will feature works by researchers and practitioners working in India and elsewhere at the intersections of internet, digital media, and society; and highlights and materials from ongoing research and events at the researchers@work programme.
Internet Researchers' Conference 2019 (IRC19): #List - Selected Sessions and Papers by Puthiya Purayil Sneha — last modified Jan 21, 2019 12:11 PM
Here is the list of selected sessions and papers for the Internet Researchers' Conference 2019 (IRC19) - #List. IRC19 will be held in Lamakaan, Hyderabad, from Jan 30 to Feb 1, 2019. The conference announcement, along with the final agenda, will be published on Monday, January 7.
The constitutionality of MHA surveillance order by Nehaa Chaudhari — last modified Dec 31, 2018 02:06 PM
The rules require review committees to examine all surveillance orders issued under this section every couple of months.

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