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by Ben Bas last modified Jul 30, 2012 10:44 AM
Debating Ethics: Dignity and Respect in Data Driven Life by Admin — last modified Nov 07, 2018 03:03 AM
Elonnai Hickok was a speaker in the panel "Move Slower and Fix Things" which was part of the 40th International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners. The event was organized by International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners (ICDPPC) from October 22 - 26, 2018 in Brussels. Elonnai participated in the event on October 24 and 25, 2018.
Stakeholders Consultation on draft WIPO Treaty to Protect Broadcasting Organization by Admin — last modified Nov 14, 2018 02:26 AM
Anubha Sinha participated in a stakeholder consultation organized by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India to discuss the various aspects of draft WIPO Treaty to Protect Broadcasting Organization, which is under discussion in Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights at Copyright Office in New Delhi on October 23, 2018.
South India Copyright Workshop by Subodh Kulkarni — last modified Nov 06, 2018 01:25 AM
A workshop on Copyright was organized by CIS-A2K at Hotel Bhagini Icon in Bengaluru from 19th to 21st October 2018. Seventeen members from 5 language communities (Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Tulu) participated in the workshop. Yann Forget was the master trainer for the workshop.
Not Surprised by Indian govt's data localisation directives: Michael Dell by Admin — last modified Oct 18, 2018 01:37 AM
The Indian government's attempts to ensure that companies adhere to data localisation norms will spawn similar requests from other countries, Michael Dell, the founder and chief executive of Dell Technologies, said.
Spending too much time on social media? Tech abuse may lead to mental health issues by Admin — last modified Oct 18, 2018 12:55 AM
Technology is a boon, no doubt. But where can we, in ourdigital lives, draw the line between convenience and addiction? ET’s Divya J Shekhar finds out how the IT city is dealing with internet addiction and how collective social effort might help find the sweet spot.
377 Bites the Dust: Unpacking the long and winding road to the judicial decriminalization of homosexuality in India by Agnidipto Tarafder and Arindrajit Basu — last modified Oct 18, 2018 12:39 AM
An informal case comment tracing the journey and assessing the societal implications the recent 377 (Navtej Johar v Union of India).
Sting job by Hyderabad scientist exposes fake journals by Admin — last modified Oct 17, 2018 02:06 AM
Scientists have at last found a cure for Schlodomoniasis -- a deadly brain infection caused by the "inter-galactic parasite Klaousmodium cruzi" -- they claim to have identified for the first time.
Are online shows obscene? by Admin — last modified Oct 16, 2018 03:58 PM
Should content on online platforms such as Netflix be monitored and censored? How can they show nudity when films made for the cinema halls can’t, a petition wants to know.
Internet services not to be affected as DNS servers undergo update by Admin — last modified Oct 16, 2018 02:28 PM
Internet services across the country are unlikely to be impacted over the next 48 hours even as the Domain Name System (DNS) servers undergo a security update coordinated by global regulator, Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
Sales of surveillance cameras are soaring, raising questions about privacy by Admin — last modified Oct 16, 2018 02:22 PM
The Telangana government wants more eyes on the streets to upgrade Hyderabad’s safety. It has asked enterprises, public sectors, residential associations and individuals to install closed-circuit television cameras (CCTVs) in and around their premises.
Why Data Localisation Might Lead To Unchecked Surveillance by Pranesh Prakash — last modified Oct 16, 2018 02:08 PM
In recent times, there has been a rash of policies and regulations that propose that the data that Indian entities handle be physically stored on servers in India, in some cases exclusively. In other cases, only a copy needs to be stored.
Community Standards Roundtable Conversations by Admin — last modified Oct 16, 2018 02:01 PM
Ambika Tandon was a participant in a roundtable organized by Facebook, School of Media & Cultural Studies, and Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Bengaluru on October 7, 2018.
Broadcasters Eager For Global Signal Protection; Others Warn Of Major Players Sneaking In by Admin — last modified Oct 16, 2018 01:55 PM
Anubha Sinha was recently part of a panel discussion on broadcast treaty.
Indian Feminist Judgment Project Workshop by Admin — last modified Oct 16, 2018 01:34 PM
Swaraj Paul Barooah was a discussant at the Indian Feminist Judgment Project 'righting together' workshop organised in Delhi by Jindal from October 6 - 7, 2018.
Comments to The Personal Data Protection Bill by Pranav M B — last modified Nov 15, 2019 09:42 AM
CIS has conducted extensive research into the areas privacy, data protection, data security, and was also a member of the Committee of Experts constituted under Justice A P Shah. CIS has also been cited multiple times in the Report of the Committee of Experts led by Justice Srikrishna. CIS values the fundamental principles of justice, equality, freedom and economic development. This submission is consistent with CIS’ commitment to these values, the safeguarding of general public interest and the protection of individuals’ right to privacy and data protection. Accordingly, the comments in this submission aim to further these principles. We welcome the opportunity provided to our comments on the Bill and we hope that the final Bill will consider the interests of all the stakeholders to ensure a Bill that protects the privacy of the individual while encouraging a free and fair economy.
State of Work in India by Admin — last modified Oct 09, 2018 02:25 PM
Aayush Rathi and Ambika Tandon attended a panel discussion organized by Bangalore International Centre (TERI) and Azim Premji University, on Wednesday, October 3, 2018 in Bengaluru. A report titled 'State of Working India' by the Centre for Sustainable Employment was released on the occasion.
Countering Patriarchy, One Feminist Judgement at a Time by Admin — last modified Oct 30, 2018 01:24 AM
The Indian Feminist Judgement Writing Project, following the movements in the US, Australia and Canada, decides to challenge male hegemony in the judicial process.
CyFy 2018 by Admin — last modified Oct 08, 2018 03:36 PM
Swaraj Paul Barooah and Arindrajit Basu participated in CyFy 2018 organized by Observer Research Foundation at Hotel Taj Mahal, New Delhi from October 3 - 5, 2018.
Gmail users beware while giving access by Admin — last modified Oct 08, 2018 03:25 PM
Recently, Google admitted to giving hundreds of firms access to users’ Gmail inboxes. It also revealed that many apps are able to scan and share data from email inboxes. However, Google explained that it vets third parties that are given access, and permission should be given by the user.
Call for Position - Programme Officer (Communication) - Access to Knowledge by Tito Dutta — last modified Nov 02, 2018 09:37 AM
We are inviting applications for the position of a Programme Officer (Communication) to join the Access to Knowledge (CIS-A2K) team at the Centre for Internet and Society. Please find below the description of the position, the eligibility criteria, and the application process.

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