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by Ben Bas last modified Jul 30, 2012 10:44 AM
An online community platform for people with different needs by Prasad Krishna — last modified Sep 13, 2011 05:29 AM
An online community platform designed for the print-impaired, probably the first such in the country, seeks to make the internet accessible to people with different needs.
Should Ratan Tata be Afforded the Right to Privacy? by Elonnai Hickok — last modified Mar 21, 2012 10:03 AM
The Ratan Tata case has raised many important questions pertaining to privacy. This note looks at a few of those questions, and the debate that centers around them.
UID Meeting in Bangalore – A Report by Prasad Krishna — last modified Jan 04, 2011 08:14 AM
On 23 November 2010 a public meeting was held for the UID in Bangalore. The speakers included B.K Chandrashekar, former Chairman of the Karnataka Legislature Council, Mr. Vidyashankar, Principal Secretary to Government of e-commerce, Sunil Abraham, Executive Director of Centre for Internet and Society, Jude D’Souza, Technology Specialist and Mathew Thomas, Retired Army Officer.
DSCI Information Security Summit 2010 – A Report by Elonnai Hickok — last modified Mar 21, 2012 10:04 AM
On 2 and 3 December 2010, the DSCI Information Security Summit 2010 took place in the Trident Hotel, Chennai. The two day summit included a broad spectrum of speakers/panels and topics, ranging from Securing Data & Systems to how to leverage the Cloud. The key speakers were Mr. Gulshan Rai, Director General, CERT-In, DIT, Mr. Rajeev Kapoor, Joint Secretary, DoPT, Govt. of India, Mr. Vakul Sharma, Advocate, Supreme Court of India and Dr. Kamlesh Bajaj, CEO, DSCI. Elonnai Hickok attended the summit.
Public Statement to Final Draft of UID Bill by Elonnai Hickok — last modified Mar 22, 2012 05:48 AM
The final draft of the UID Bill that will be submitted to the Lok Sabha was made public on 8 November 2010. If the Bill is approved by Parliament, it will become a legal legislation in India. The following note contains Civil Society's response to the final draft of the Bill.
CIS Submission on Draft Patent Manual 2010 by Pranesh Prakash — last modified May 29, 2014 06:47 AM
The patent office has released a revised version of the Draft Manual of Patent Practice and Procedure. Section of the Manual deals with patenting of computer programmes. CIS is happy to note the many improvements in this draft of the Manual from the previous version. CIS made its submission along with a few suggestions that it thinks would make the document even better.
Digital Natives with a Cause? A Report by pushpa — last modified Jan 03, 2012 10:28 AM
Youth are often seen as potential agents of change for reshaping their own societies. By 2010, the global youth population is expected reach almost 1.2 billion of which 85% reside in developing countries. Unleashing the potential of even a part of this group in developing countries promises a substantially impact on societies. Especially now when youths thriving on digital technologies flood universities, work forces, and governments and could facilitate radical restructuring of the world we live in. So, it’s time we start listening to them.
Digital Natives with a Cause? Thinkathon: Position Papers by Prasad Krishna — last modified May 15, 2015 11:34 AM
The Digital Natives with a Cause? Thinkathon conference co-organised by Hivos and the Centre for Internet and Society is being held from 6 to 8 December at the Hague Museum for Communication. The position papers are now available online.
Take 'Model T' for Telecom by Shyam Ponappa — last modified May 10, 2012 10:16 AM
We need an initiative coordinated by the PMO that optimises both services and government revenues, says Shyam Ponappa in his article published in the Business Standard on 2 December 2010.
Intellectual Property Rights as seen in a graphic novel by Prasad Krishna — last modified Apr 02, 2011 06:32 AM
While most engagements with the issue of Intellectual Property Rights take the form of academic papers and scholarly articles, the Centre for Internet and Society is approaching the subject through another medium – an online graphic novel. Commissioned by the organisation, and conceived, written and drawn by Mumbai-based Anand Ramachandran (a man who keeps himself busy in a number of ways, from writing satire columns to developing videogame designs), the novel, titled Learning to Floo, is being serialised on the CIS website.
A Detour: The Internet and Forms of Narration: A Short Note by Nitya V — last modified Sep 18, 2019 02:10 PM
There are a number of blog posts on the Internet about transgendered and transsexual people but there is a separation between print as a medium and Internet as a medium. This blog post informally discusses the authority that attaches to media other than the Internet and how this authority is displaced when it comes to Internet texts of the same nature.
Meeting on the Refreshable Braille Displays and Copyright Frameworks for Open Hardware Development by Prasad Krishna — last modified Aug 23, 2011 04:49 AM
A meeting on Refreshable Braille Displays and Copyright Frameworks for Open Hardware Development will be held in the office of the Centre for Internet and Society on 4 December 2010.
UID elicits mixed response by Prasad Krishna — last modified Apr 02, 2011 06:32 AM
Which is the root cause for pilferage of welfare funds in India: fake identity or corruption?
Information Security Summit 2010 by Prasad Krishna — last modified Apr 02, 2011 06:33 AM
The Information Security Summit 2010 will be held between 2-3 December 2010 in Chennai. The following is the agenda for the event.
This Is All India Radia by Prasad Krishna — last modified Apr 02, 2011 07:28 AM
Our news media blanked it out, but the Internet forced the issue, says Debarshi Dasgupta in an article published in the Outlook Magazine.
The Niira Radia Tapes: Scrutinizing the Snoopers by Prasad Krishna — last modified Apr 02, 2011 07:29 AM
There’s been plenty of outrage in India over taped phone calls between corporate lobbyist Niira Radia and local journalists, revealing what some people believe is evidence that star reporters at the country’s newspapers and TV channels are too cozy with the subjects they’re supposed to be reporting on.
City in the Internet 1: Geography Imagined (Part 2) by Prasad Krishna — last modified Aug 02, 2011 06:06 AM
In the last post, I have articulated the nature of understanding and imagination of our urban and rural geography. As mentioned, the understanding of the land, its water and people is an essentially one, that comes through living and experiencing. In this post I will be posing issues around the historical legacy of maps in the Indian context. The issues of imagination of our cities is very much related to this legacy along with the shift that we are witnessing in geographical representation of maps on the Internet.
Time to bury e-mail? by Prasad Krishna — last modified Apr 02, 2011 07:30 AM
Earlier this week, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, had a simple message to the world: email is outdated since it can no longer handle the sort of digital communication that we’ve got used to. Facebook Messages, which integrates email, SMS, instant messaging and social networking, is the way forward, he claimed.
Mobile banking set to get a boost from IMPS by Prasad Krishna — last modified Apr 02, 2011 07:38 AM
Customers will now be able to transfer money from their accounts to any other account in the country using their cellphones, through the National Payment Corporation of India's Inter-bank Mobile Payment Service (IMPS). The facility allows transactions without the need for a computer or an Internet-enabled phone.
The internet’s new billion by Prasad Krishna — last modified Apr 02, 2011 07:31 AM
New web users — in countries like Brazil and China — are changing the culture of the internet.

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