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by Ben Bas last modified Jul 30, 2012 10:44 AM
Imagining the Internet – A History and Forecast by Radha Rao — last modified Apr 02, 2011 02:26 PM
Workshop: A Rights-Based Framework - Open Standards - A report on the workshop by Senior segment producer, Janna Anderson - IGF 2009 – Egypt – Sharm El Sheikh (Nov 15th, 2009)
UN Official pledges support to tackle Copyright Challenges for the Visually Impaired by Radha Rao — last modified Apr 02, 2011 02:34 PM
Article on the UN News Centre - New York, Nov 11 2009 6:10PM
WIPO Director General Pledges Support for India’s Visually Impaired Community by Radha Rao — last modified Apr 02, 2011 02:34 PM
An article in the WIPO website on the “Right to Read of persons with print disabilities and copyright challenges” organized by the VIP community in cooperation with the Government of India in New Delhi on November 11, 2009.
National workshop on Web Accessibility - Thiruvananthapuram (Report) by Radha Rao — last modified Aug 17, 2011 08:45 AM
The third National Workshop on Web Accessibility for Web developers was organised by CIS at Thiruvananthapuram in collaboration with SPACE.
Right to read for the print impaired and copyright challenges by Radha Rao — last modified Nov 08, 2011 03:56 PM
The National Institute for the Visually Handicapped (NIVH), Daisy Forum of India (DFI) and Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) together organised an event titled “Right to read for the print impaired and copyright challenges” on behalf of the Visually Impaired (VIP) community of India in New Delhi on 11th November.
User generated content, citizen journalism and news by Radha Rao — last modified Aug 20, 2011 10:55 PM
Jamillah Knowles, who is an online and radio journalist for the BBC, gave a public talk at CIS on the 26th of September on User generated content , citizen jounalism and news. The videos of the talk are given in this blog.
Digital Natives with a Cause? by Nishant Shah — last modified May 15, 2015 11:31 AM
Digital Natives With A Cause? - a product of the Hivos-CIS collaboration charts the scholarship and practice of youth and technology with a specific attention for developing countries to create a framework that consolidates existing paradigms and informs further research and intervention within diverse contexts and cultures.
Control shift? by Radha Rao — last modified Apr 02, 2011 02:35 PM
USA might have ceded the control of the Internet, but only partially - An article by Pranesh Prakash in Down to Earth (Issue: Nov 15th ,2009)
Copyright obstacle for Braille, audio books by Radha Rao — last modified Apr 02, 2011 02:35 PM
An article by Arpit Basu, The Times of India (Kolkata) Nov 7th, 2009
Managing Spectrum by Radha Rao — last modified Aug 18, 2011 04:54 AM
The Empowered Group of Ministers' goal should be nothing short of a broadband revolution - Shyam Ponappa / New Delhi, November 5, 2009 (Business Standard)
Open Debate by Pranesh Prakash — last modified Apr 02, 2011 02:34 PM
Deepa Kurup's article in Frontline on the battle over open standards in e-governance.
IPv6: The promises and challenges by Radha Rao — last modified Apr 02, 2011 02:45 PM
An article by Pranesh Prakash, Programme Manager at the Centre for Internet and Society, in the DNA Mumbai edition (4th Nov '09)
IPv6 in India: The promises and challenges by Pranesh Prakash — last modified Aug 02, 2011 07:16 AM
Newspapers have been reporting that IPv4 addresses will get over soon, and that we will have to shift to IPv6. In this short piece, Pranesh Prakash gives a layperson's introduction to the IPv6 Internet we will be entering into soon, and what that means for you.
Open Source Peluang tidak Terbatas Industri TIK (GCOS 2009) by Radha Rao — last modified Apr 02, 2011 02:45 PM
JAKARTA--MI: Perangkat lunak Open Source membuka peluang tak terbatas untuk mengembangkan industri di bidang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) dalam negeri sekaligus sumber daya manusia di sektor TIK. GCOS '09 was organized by AOSI (Asosiasi open Source Indonesia) and was supported by the State Ministry of Research and Technology and the Ministry Communication Information Technology. The Global Conference on Open Source was held on 26th and 27th of October, 2009 at the Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia.
GCOS 2009 by Radha Rao — last modified Apr 02, 2011 02:44 PM
The Global Conference on Open Source, held on 26th and 27th of October, 2009 at the Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia was organized by AOSI (Asosiasi open Source Indonesia) and was supported by the State Ministry of Research and Technology and the Ministry Communication Information Technology.
Is Copyright Law Censoring the Art World? by Rebecca Schild — last modified Aug 18, 2011 05:09 AM
Last week, ART and the Center for Law and Policy Research held a workshop on “Copyright, Censorship and the Creative Commons” for individuals interested in examining the art/law nexus, and exploring its broader implications for individual artists and the creative commons. While it appears that artists are becoming more rights conscious, the increasing copyrightability of art today is compelling many artists to critically rethink the role of law in the art world.
Call for Applications: 'Maps for Making Change' - Using Geographical Mapping Techniques to Support Struggles for Social Justice in India by Anja Kovacs — last modified Oct 05, 2015 03:04 PM
Deadline: 20 November 2009. Maps for Making Change is a two-month project specifically designed for activists and supporters of social movements and campaigns in India. It provides participants with an exciting opportunity to explore how a range of digital mapping techniques can be used to support struggles for social justice. It also allows you to immediately develop and implement in practice a concrete mapping project relevant to your campaign or movement, with full technical support. Interested in joining us? Send in your application by 20 November 2009.
At the end of the niche optical pirate by Siddharth Chadha — last modified Aug 04, 2011 04:44 AM
In this blog post, Siddharth Chaddha goes enquiring into the modus operandi of a video pirate / film lover / businessman in Bangalore's famed National Market.
Access Beyond Developmentalism: Technology and the Intellectual Life of the Poor by Radha Rao — last modified Aug 02, 2011 07:16 AM
Essay by Lawrence Liang, September 21, 2009 in response to - A Dialogue on ICTs, Human Development, Growth, and Poverty Reduction
Youth light up lives, one book at a time by Radha Rao — last modified Apr 02, 2011 02:42 PM
Chennaiites join a campaign to aid the visually challenged in accessing popular works of English literature THERE ARE MILLIONS OF BOOKS THAT THE VISUALLY CHALLENGED CAN'T ACCESS - an article in the Deccan Chronicle - Chennai, dated 10th Oct 2009.

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