The Last Chance for a Welfare State Doesn’t Rest in the Aadhaar System
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Apr 19, 2016
last modified
Apr 19, 2016 01:18 PM
filed under:
Data Systems,
Internet Governance,
Digital India,
Boosting welfare is the message, which is how Aadhaar is being presented in India. The Aadhaar system as a medium, however, is one that enables tracking, surveillance, and data monetisation. This piece by Sumandro Chattapadhyay was published in The Wire on April 19, 2016.
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Internet Governance
FOV Podcast - Data, People, and Smart Cities
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Dec 02, 2015
last modified
Dec 02, 2015 07:54 AM
filed under:
Smart Cities,
Researchers at Work,
Data Systems
For the second part of the Smart City podcast series, Sruthi Krishnan and Harsha K from Fields of View spoke with Sumandro Chattapadhyay on data, people, and smart cities. Here is the podcast. We are grateful to Fields of View for producing and sharing this recording.
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Studying the Emerging Database State in India: Notes for Critical Data Studies (Accepted Abstract)
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Aug 02, 2015
last modified
Nov 13, 2015 05:54 AM
filed under:
Big Data,
Data Systems,
Researchers at Work,
"Critical Data Studies (CDS) is a growing field of research that focuses on the unique theoretical, ethical, and epistemological challenges posed by 'Big Data.' Rather than treat Big Data as a scientifically empirical, and therefore largely neutral phenomena, CDS advocates the view that data should be seen as always-already constituted within wider data assemblages." The Big Data and Society journal has provisionally accepted a paper abstract of mine for its upcoming special issue on Critical Data Studies.
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Open Data Intermediaries in Developing Countries - A Synthesis Report
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Jun 16, 2015
filed under:
Data Systems,
Open Data,
Open Data Community,
The roles of intermediaries in open data is insufficiently explored; open data intermediaries are often presented as
single and simple linkages between open data supply and use. This synthesis research paper offers a more
socially nuanced approach to open data intermediaries using the theoretical framework of Bourdieu’s social model, in particular, his concept of species of capital as informing social interaction... Because no single
intermediary necessarily has all the capital available to link effectively to all sources of power in a field, multiple
intermediaries with complementary configurations of capital are more likely to connect between power
nexuses. This study concludes that consideration needs to be given to the presence of multiple intermediaries in an open data ecosystem, each of whom may possess different forms of capital to enable the use and unlock the
potential impact of open data.
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Mathematisation of the Urban and not Urbanisation of Mathematics: Smart Cities and the Primitive Accumulation of Data - Accepted Abstract
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
May 25, 2015
last modified
Nov 13, 2015 05:47 AM
filed under:
Data Systems,
Smart Cities,
Researchers at Work
"Many accounts of smart cities recognise the historical coincidence of cybernetic control and neoliberal capital. Even where it is machines which process the vast amounts of data produced by the city so much so that the ruling and managerial classes disappear from view, it is usually the logic of capital that steers the flows of data, people and things. Yet what other futures of the city may be possible within the smart city, what collective intelligence may it bring forth?" The Fibreculture Journal has accepted an abstract of mine for its upcoming issue on 'Computing the City.'
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Whose Open Data Community is it? - Accepted Abstract
Sumandro Chattapadhyay
Mar 31, 2015
last modified
Nov 13, 2015 05:41 AM
filed under:
Data Systems,
Open Data,
Open Data Community,
Researchers at Work
My paper titled 'Whose Open Data Community is it? Reflections on the Open Data Ecosystem in India' has been accepted for presentation at the Open Data Research Symposium to be held during the 3rd International Open Data Conference <http://opendatacon.org/> in Ottawa, Canada, on May 28-29 2015. The final paper will be shared by second week of May. Here is the accepted abstract.
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