WIPO SCCR 24 Post-lunch Text (July 25, 2012)
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(Please stand by for the afternoon session of the WIPO SCCR Twenty-Fourth Session.) (Standing by.) (Standing by for WIPO SCCR Twenty-Fourth Session afternoon meetings.) >> CHAIR: Good afternoon, colleagues. Welcome back to our Plenary discussion. We commence this afternoon discussion on the agenda item vip. The African Group had requested for time to look at the document. African Group? Egypt? >> EGYPT: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. We wanted to thank yourself for giving time for the group to go through it. Actually, because we just had like few time to see the latest document, but we did so. We would like to express the group supports the document to be adopted as working document for the Future Work. Thank you. >> CHAIR: Thank you. Are there any objections against adopting the document as a working document for this Committee? (There is no response.) >> CHAIR: I see none. The document is adopted as the working document on an international instrument or limitations and exceptions for visually impaired persons, persons with print disabilities. I would at this stage give very limited time for the request for the floor from the NGOs. I did recognize WBU. There were actually three. KEI, WBU, and RNIB. So the list is WBU. (Standing by.) >> Visual treaty adopted in Beijing only a month ago. I note in the document here at this meeting on broadcasting where there is a long way to go before there is an agreement on the text. This is referred to as a treaty. On behalf of the 285 million people in the world from 190 countries, 90 percent living in developing countries that I represent here today, this is more than frustrating. It is insulting. While we wait, Pat ourselves on the back and come back next time to further work on the text, the reality of the world is that many people are waiting to receive an education, access to employment, access to culture and participate in their communities. Many Member States in this room have signed and ratified the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities. In doing so you have an obligation to make that convention a reality and this treaty is putting human rights into action. It is in your hands. I urge you to seize the moment, to build on the good will here this week and ensure that in the conclusions of this SCCR 24 and the recommendations to the 2012 General Assembly that there be a call for a diplomatic conference for a treaty on TVI. Thank you. >> CHAIR: KEI? >> KEI: >> KEI is not here. >> CHAIR: INCP? >> INCP: Thank you, Mr. Chair. I'm speaking on behalf of inclusive planet. Inclusive planet is the world's largest social network for persons with visual impairment. The concerns of persons with print disabilities and the urgency for the treaty has been discussed for the last few decades. And everyone here knows where the worldwide union stands on this. I do not wish to repeat these concerns here. However, I would like to make a few observations on the way the negotiations on the VIP issue have been dealt with by those Member States who are opposing the treaty. Those opposing the treaty do not recognize that it is no longer possible to treat the concerns of the developing countries today in the same way that they were treated a few decades back. We in the developing countries have found our voice and we are not going to back down. If the world Intellectual Property organisation is top any relevance in the coming years and any progress has to be made on any issue in the future, developed countries must realize that they can not antagonize the developing world and that all members have to work together. There is no better issue than the TVI for the developed world to demonstrate that they are concerned about the problems that the rest of the world faces. To conclude, I must remind those opposing the treaty of the story of Marie Antoinnette who is reported to have said let them eat cake when the hungry people begged for food outside the gates. This issue is no different. When people are demanding their basic rights, no power in the world is strong enough to stop them getting what they want. And the only way to be fair right now is to support the treaty. Thank you. >> CHAIR: IPA? >> IPA: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I would just like to state that the international publishers association welcomes the adoption of the current working document as a basis for the conclusion of the discussions for an international instrument. We hope that all the remaining issues will be resolved with expediency. The only thing I would like to add is that the international publishing community is very much interested and supports all methods and all ways that we can use to improve access for persons with print disability. Thank you very much. >> CHAIR: NIB? >> NIB: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'm running out of things to say, to be honest, having attended the last 15 SCCR meetings and having at least at the last seven of those urged the Committee to get on and agree to a binding treaty to assure that blind and print disabilitied people to access books and crossborder exchange. I'm heartened for the last three meetings all seem to agree that we need a law to froaf this commit. I'm heartened that the prints could not now be met in part by a WIPO and RNIB thanks them for that. I'm heartened at the hard work undertaken at this Committee by many Delegates under your excellent chairmanship, Mr. Chair I's disheartened that despite this a double staled is being p applied by a few Member States in this Committee. That double standard is unnecessarily holding up. As Mary Anne just said s representing the audio blind union. The treat was the without any discussion about whether the law should be a treaty or something else. It might have been tough to agree to content of that treaty, but it was always assumed that the final text would become a treaty. We see now that broadcasting is reappearing on the Agenda here. Already the draft conclusions that we've seen for this SCCR 24 talk of a treaty in broadcasting. Almost every law that is made in this house in the past has been a binding treaty. Why, oh why is it not possible for all Member States here to take blind and print disabled people as seriously as they take law making in this forum for the protection of industry? Why are disabled people's rights, human rights subject to debate deliberation and procrastination about the nature of the law? Why in short do some Delegations view people worthy of a second class solution and not a treaty? It is not enough to say that you have not decided yet. How many years does it take to decide on the law for blind people when you don't even have to think twice about the nature of laws to protect commercial rights? On the establishes of the text I have two points. Firstly, I agree with our library colleagues that libraries must be, their services to blind people are too important to be ig ignored by the treaty. Second there's a question nagging away at me. That's the issue of the three step test. We hear that the EU would like wording in the text to say that the new law would have to be subjected to the three step test. Is this because the EU believes that the law they have been negotiating in this forum does not fit with that test already? Surely it must do. Is access to special format works for blind people not a special case? If not, what would be? Would such access conflict with normal exploitation of the work given that books, organisations like mine would render accessible are not being exploited by publishers for print disabled people, which is why we have the book famine. Would it unreasonably prejudice the rights of the author to ensure that blind people can read their book? Surely we should and can have a treaty that fits the three step test. Thurl we could not create an unlegal certain position where law is inserted in the text to say this law may not require the three step test so you cannot use it without further checks being p a played. Such a significant caveat would lead to uncertainty and hamper not improve the rights of people who have such a clear and proven need for such a treaty. Ladies and gentlemen I said I was running out of new things things -- running out of new things to say. It is time for you to act not for my colleagues and I to talk. You can finalize a binding text, agree na it should be a treaty and recommend to the General Assembly for 2013 to make the treaty a reality. This Committee's conclusion should contain a plan to do just that. RNIB and WBU expect equal treatment for disabled people's rights and we will work constructively with you to get this job done. Thank you. >> CHAIR: Thank you. The Committee takes note of the statements made in this respect. Item 8, SCCR contribution to the Development Agenda. Brazil? >> BRAZIL: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I take the floor on behalf of of the gag weds. Mr. Chairman, the Development Agenda Group takes the opportunity to express satisfaction with improvement made in all will parts of this session. We recognize the progress achieved in the sessions, while we see that much work needs to be done still by the SCCR on this issue. The work program adopted in SCCR 21 in its concrete results are being consolidated as one of the most important contributions of the SCCR to the implementation of the 45 Development Agenda recommends. Adoption of the work frame, the SCCR is on the right path to implement the agenda development recommendations and should be seen as a model to other bodies in terms of implementation of the coordination mechanism and the given to cluster B of the Development Agenda recommendations. The work program is a important contribution to WIPO as a whole for mainstreaming the Development Agenda recommendations since it provides a non-zed mandate that takes into account the development needs to a more balanced Intellectual Property system in a more pragmatic way. The Development Agenda Group has other highlighted in other opportunities that we recognize the value of copyright in encouraging creative and cultural development. However, we also recognize the need to establish limitations and sessions in key areas with the view to strike the necessary balance in the Intellectual Property system to ensure that those rights do not adversely affect access to knowledge and culture to disadvantaged segments of the population, especially those in the developing countries. Mr. Chairman, the DAG is encouraged by the progress made during this session towards the conclusion of a treaty on the benefit of visually impaired persons. It is the result of a constructive engagement of all WIPO Member States. We are ready to engage in the negotiations with international instruments for libraries and archives, teaching and research institutions and persons with disabilities with the same enthusiasm and exitment. Those areas also demand effective an concrete results. The DAG is convince that had art limitations and ascensions for those beneficiaries play an important role in the promotion of cultural and economic development, not only for developing countries but for all WIPO Member States. One of the key elements -- key lesson we have learned during the current negotiations that all WIPO membership can benefit from a balanced and fair copyright system. Mr. Chairman we also commend the efforts being made towards the conclusion of a treaty on the protection of broadcasting organisations. Progress has been made in this session and further work sill maids to be done in stabtive issues. We are confident that this work will be done taking into account the WIPO General Assembly 2007 mandate and the Development Agenda recommendations. Mr. Chairman in terms of process, the dag would like to emphasize the need to discuss the negotiations formally even though formal negotiations are needed. We would like to recommend number 44 which deals with the need to consult formally and informal in a p open and transparent manner. This negotiation has been done in inform am. This should be observed within discussions within the SCCR. Finally, Mr. Chairman, it is with pleasure that the dag congratulations WIPO and all the Member States for the successful conclusion of the diplomatic conference of Beijing which resulted in a new treaty on audio visual performances. This was possible due to the engagement and productive efforts of all Member States. Develop Development Agenda Group cease with satisfaction the inclusion of a clause in the preamble of the new treaty referring to the importance of the Development Agenda Group recommendations adopted in 2007 by the General Assembly. It is meaningful that the first international instrument to be created after the adoption of the Development Agenda recommendations contains such a reference. We hope that the future WIPO instruments also will be fully consistent with the 45 development recommendation Agenda recommends especially those provided by its cluster B. I thank you, Mr. Chairman. >> CHAIR: 'S Iran to be followed by Egypt. >> ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I am taking the floor on behalf of my personal capacity and associate myself with the statement of Brazil on behalf of the Development Agenda Group. My Delegation has the view that development objective laid down at the heart of this SCCR and the 45 recommendations of WIPO Development Agenda are immediately relevant to its ongoing work and already integrated therein. They are happy to see that valuable work of this Committee takes into account various Development Agenda recommendations, especially in the area of norm setting as a stipulated in the cluster B of the Development Agenda recommends. We think that WIPO norm setting activities limited to exceptional limitations, namely libraries and archives and educational and research institutions and also broadcasting organisations to be supportive of development goal in the countries and have direct linkages with their development. Therefore we welcome the commitment of this Committee to develop comprehensive and inclusive framework on its work plan agreed to at the 21st session of SCCR. And we believe this approach should be continued to reach tangible result in all areas. While acknowledging the importance of copyright for creativity, my Delegation attached great importance to the issue of exceptions and limitations to copyright and related rights which has outstanding role in upholding the public interest and especially contributing towards achievement of the development goals. Exceptional limitations would allow the government to strike the balance in the Intellectual Property system to ensure that those goals did not affect access to science and knowledge for their population. In this context my Delegation takens great importance to the exceptional limitation for persons with disabilities including visually impaired. My Delegation committed to establish a strong treaty to ensure sustainable accessibility of blind persons to copyrighted work. We are happy to see significant progress in the text and holding di mat I can conference as soon as possible and we would look forward to similar progress being made with regard to libraries, archives and research institutions andelled cation as outlined? The SCCR work program. My Delegation hopes that those pertaining to norm setting in cluster B would fully take into account while negotiating various treaties in this Committee. Broadcasting also plays an important role in the social, cultural and economic development of all countries, but particularly developing countries. The -- this would help the broadcasting industry in developing country to rely on local or national TV programs and audio visual productions. This method will assist this industry in the developing country to produce original TV and radio program compatible based on their local traditional and cultural values. This would help them not to be only importing TV and radio programs from a broad. If this industry is not to be supported sufficiently by updating their right in the new distribution platforms only the powerful broadcasting organisations could continue to survive. We are confident that the new treaty on protection of broadcasting organisations as it is decided by the WIPO General Assembly in 2006 and 2007 will be the balanced approach would help promotion of cultural diversity in this leading world industry. Mr. Chairman, we invite Secretariat to enhance its technical assistance for developing countries to assist them in using appropriate limitation and exception in the favor of public interest including making appropriate amendment in their national law. We also request CDIP to come up with projects on the best practices on assessing the effectiveness of limitations and exesions in developing country enhancing Member States in benefiting from exceptions and limitations. Thank youp Mr. Chairman. >> CHAIR: Egypt, to be followed by South Africa. >> EGYPT: I am pleased to thifer the statement of the African Group. The mainstreaming the Development Agenda recommendations in all areas of WIPO is of great importance to African Group. We have owe there have been rights in the last year in addressing, the exceptions and limitations visual perform ones and protection for broadcasting organisations. The group is pleased to see the work of the Committee who continues to be guided by the Development Agenda recommendations, especially regarding innovation, creativity, public domain and norm setting. The Beijing treaty on audio visual performances, the first treaty to be concluded after the adoption of the WIPO recommendations has clearly recognized the importance of its recommendations as an integral part of WIPO work. Copyright exceptions and limitations and gorks are also progressing, most immediately towards a treaty for vip and in this regard my Delegation would support the statement by the WBU and recalling the famous profferesh that says if you don't have the time to do it once, you never have time to do it. This is the time to do it, we think. And it is crucial that we continue to do so in accordance with the Development Agenda recommendation 15 so that norm setting activities are inclusive, member-driven, taking into account different levels of and aligned with WIPO's neutrality. We should be proud that our work in the SCCR where the international copyright system is making significant contribution to important public policy objectives such as education, especially to support the development goals agreed within the U.N. system in accordance with recommendation 22 as well as to preserving the human rights of visually impaired persons access to information and knowledge. Most importantly the international copyright system is contributing to the preservation of human heritage and knowledge through supporting the role of line rashes and archives. Mr. Chairman, the group believes that SCCR Future Work should be guided by recommendation 21 to ensure that WIPO shall conduct a formal, open an balanced negotiations towards any freements and promotion testimony of experts from Member States particularly develops and in addition our collective objective should remain seeking to achieve the right balance between the protection of moral and economic rights of writers, creators and innovators and the need that their works are accessible so that they contribute to overall human development, progress and accumulation of knowledge. Thank you. >> CHAIR: South Africa to be followed by India and then EU. South Africa the speaker thank you, Mr. Chairman. We wish to associate ourselves with the statements of Egypt on behalf of the African Group and Brazil on behalf of the Development Agenda Group. We would like to make points in our national capacity to reinforce these statements. Let me emphasize how much south Africa attaches to the WIPO general Development Agenda as south caver an and other Member States strive to. We are pleased that the Committee will be reporting to the General Assembly for the second time on its contribution towards the implementation of the Development Agenda. However, we would like to reiterate our preference to have this issue as a standing agenda item in the SCCR sessions preceding the General Assembly. Mr. Chairman, South Africa recognize that is the Committee is currently engaged on stroib the for libraries and archives, educational and research institutions and for visually impaired persons as well as for the protection of broadcasting organisations. Therefore, we attach significance to implementation of cluster bmplet recommendations on norm setting in relation so the work of the Committee, especially the principles outlined in recommendation 15. Mr. Chairman, the work of the Committee on exceptions and limitations should be viewed within a broader international Development Agenda. As we are three years away from the review of the Mum development goals, the work of Committee could provide clarity on the potential role Intellectual Property could play in advancing issues related to education. Although the Committee would not be in a position at this stage to smilet recommendations, at least for my country international legally binding instruments to the General Assembly on all exceptions and limitations, South Africa phots that significant progress has been made especially on the tax for visual impaired persons. South Africa is pleased with the 23rd and 24th session of the Committee advanced work on exceptions and limitations and we urge the conclusion of all instruments at the earliest possible time. For my Delegation it would be prudent for the Committee to convene a diplomatic conference in 2013 to adopt a treaty on exceptions and limitations for visually impaired persons. Mr. Chairman, for South Africa the broadcasting, the protection of Australia is central to our developing industry, the cultural industrial. South Africa has come to recognize that the protection of the broadcasting industry is a challenging endeavor but one that needs to be accomplished in stroart the to stop the scourge of broadcasting piracy. We welcome the progress made in terms of completion of the treaty, particularly the informal consultations had in November 2011 and reviving the interest in this interest. My Delegation have benefited inbenefitted from ib acting with other vo et stot on the Troy the of the p stroipg the women E.M.T. we will continue to work with stakeholders for successful he will conclusion of the treaty on broadcasting for the near suture. Our preference is to have a dip mate I can conference convened in 2014 to adopt this treaty. Mr. Chairman, South Africa recognizes that the Committee was able after a decade to resolve issues that stalled that adoption of the treaty for audio visual performances. We are pleased that the treaty was eventually adopted last June in Beijing. It is worth neating that it ebb compasses provisions that strike a balance between the interests of stakeholders and public interest. We would like to express appreciation again to the people's Republic of China and the WIPO group for organizing such a successful event. We note that the outcomes of Beijing are already having a positive impact to the remaining issues being discussed in the Committee. I think the Delegation of chip also recognized the same in the morning. We would like to echo the same sentiments. Mr. Chairman, in our view to make sure that the Beijing spirit does indeed permit the work of the Committee, a clear and shared vision of the scope and expected outcomes are needed. Therefore, a work program providing clear guidelines on Future Work of the Committee is highly desirable. Over and above the Agenda recommendations, the program must be guided by the principle of equal treatment of issues. Taking into account their different levels of maturity. I think that principle is very important for my Delegation. In conclusion, Mr. Chairman, my Delegation will engage proactively and constructive in ensuring that the development issues in the Agenda of this Committee receive the priority and attention they deserve. I thank you. >> CHAIR: Thank you, South Africa. Colleagues, on my list I have India, EU, Algeria, and Indonesia. Nigeria. That is the list on this Agenda Item and the list is closed. India, to be followed by the EU. >> INDIA: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Indian Delegation joins the distinguished Delegations of Iran, Egypt, South Africa in supporting the statement by the Distinguished Delegate and leader of the Development Agenda Group, the Brazil Indian Delegate. The Development Agenda recommendations and goals have achieved recent success in the Beijing spirit when we included the paragraphs, the preamble of the new treaty. And from there we have been listing -- participating in the norm setting activities, he in the limitations and exceptions. And my friends and colleagues from the Egypt and South Africa did mention about the importance of the success of U.N. Mum development goals he -- Millennium development goals and linking it to limitations and exceptions to the educational institutions and research organisations. This is very important and a valid point. Similarly another reference made about the human rights issues refer to the adoption of a treaty for the limitations and exceptions for the visually impaired and other print disabled. This is very, very important. We all should know that without any conditions, the member countries should go forward and as South Africa suggested we should finalize the treaty in the diplomatic conference to be convened in the year 2013. So I always, the moment we sit here and discuss the VIP treaty issues, I always try to close my eyes and read the document in front of me. I know I can't read. As always, we relate this problem of the visually impaired. We should think in such a way, close our eyes and try to read the VIP working document and then expedite your assent of giving treaty status to the document. And then overall limitations and exceptions are not creating any imbalance in the international copyright system. If you look at the very mother of all conventions, the Bern Convention, the lengths and breadth of the convention, is the balancing of rights. That is one way the rights of the rightholders versus the public interest. Similarly the preambles of the WCT an WPP talk about balancing the rights. Article seven of the famous trips agreement talks about the balancing of the rights. Adopting the limitations and exceptions, no rights of the rightholder are put in danger. Without any hesitation now as we are sitting here and doing, in all norm setting activities we should march over the finalizing of the treaties. There should be an equal treatment for these treaties. The way we are to negotiate and the document as to progress. There should not be any difference between adoption of the limitations and exceptions and one area just like VIP treaty and another area like education exceptions, libraries and archives because all these limitations and exceptions help not only the developed countries or developing countries or least developing countries. The contribution to the development of knowledge economy and progress of the knowledge society because access to knowledge is very, very important and this is why the limitations and exceptions treaty, whether it is for visually impaired for educational exceptions or the -- educational exceptions of libraries and archives are focusing, too. With this I would like to thank you once again, Mr. Chairman, for giving me this opportunity. >> CHAIR: EU to be followed by Algeria. >> EUROPEAN UNION: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The European Union and its Member States note that some recommendations of the Development Agenda are relevant to the SCCR. In particular, recommendation 15 which mentions inter alia, taking into consideration a balance between costs and benefits for norm setting activities. Such an approach is particularly relevant when discussing a new topics in this Committee for which instruments in whatever form are envisaged, like limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives or limitations and exceptions for educational and research institutions. Taking into account also the different levels of development, this Committee should carefully look into the socioeconomic dimension and potential impact of such possible instruments. The EU and its Member States are satisfied of the progress made in this Committee in the past year. First and foremost, the conclusion and adoption of the Beijing treaty on the protection of audio visual performances. Important tasks remain ahead of us, including as regards VIP and broadcasters. This Committee should strive in the future to adopt a balanced and inclusive work program. In this respect the European Union and its Member States stand ready to make concrete and constructive proposals. I thank you, Mr. Chairman. >> CHAIR: Algeria, to be followed by Indonesia. >> ALGERIA: Thank you, Chairman. My Delegation would first like to express that it shares the views of Brazil on behalf of DAG and Egypt on behalf of the African Group. The mechanism approved by the Assembly in 2011 makes it pobility for all Committees of WIPO to determine how the work undertaken by the organisation can improve the Intellectual Property system and make it more efficient and ensure that knowledge and information is available, is accessible to all Member States. Concrete proposals should be made in order to better integrate the development issues in the WIPO's program. My Delegation's views, the contribution to the contribution of DAG is undertaken in two manners. First of all, the contribution to the very spirit of these recommendations which implies an examination of the work of the Committee to create a importance balanced Intellectual Property system. Therefore, through an Agenda which would make it possible to achieve international instruments on exceptions and limitations, SCCR contributes in a notable manner to the Development Agenda. On the other hand, we have the consideration of the restrictions and we believe that SCCR is on the right path when it talks about category B of the norm setting. Furthermore, my Delegation would also share the declaration made, the statement made by the Delegation of Brazil regarding recommendation 44. We believe that the process of debate should be inclusive an transparent, as also established in recommendation 21 of the DAG. My Delegation also notes the contribution of SCCR, the implementation of these recommendations. However, we only believe that once its work program has been concluded that our Committee will have formally and substantively contributed to the spirit of the recommendations, which is why we would urge Member States to work together in order to ensure that a treaty on exceptions and limitations for the visually impaired persons for libraries, archives, educational and research institutions and finally a treaty on broadcasting be adopted as soon as possible. And my Delegation is committed to that outcome. >> CHAIR: Indonesia and Nigeria. >> INDONESIA: Thank you, Mr. Chair. We would like to associate itself with the statement of Brazil on behalf of the Development Agenda Group and the Delegation of Egypt on behalf of African Group. Our Delegation also cease progress has been met in this SCCR and would like to express our thanks to you, Mr. Chair and the Secretariat for the hard work as well as Member States for the constructive engagement to make that possible. Although certainly more work is still needed ahead and we expect to see that the works also take into account the Development Agenda recommendation to ensure all WIPO members could benefit from the outcomes. Thank you, Mr. Chair. >> CHAIR: Nigeria? >> NIGERIA: Thank you, Mr. Chair. As other Delegations have said, the Delegation of Nigeria would like to appreciate and thank the Development Agenda Group for the statement and to support that statement. It was exactly 100 years ago and 30 days today that the first copyright act came to Africa by ordering counsel number 912 of the English crown. That copyright act extended to 11 countries, all of which remain independent countries today in the African continent. When one looks back at the developments both in international relations but also in particular in international copyright law, it is clear that this is a system that will always need adjustments. The pendulum swings sometimes too far in the area of protection. Sometimes too far in the area of defend reference and sometimes too far in the area of ignorance. It is in fact important to note that the accomplishments today are only the first step in a very long journey with regard to the treaty for the visually impaired. It is in our view not so much what we have done here but what we must do that we must pay attention to. When we are addressing the needs of the visually impaired or those that have long been underserved by the system, there can be no question that our responses must be law, not sentiment. They must be a commitment, not just an ideal. They must be a promise, not just a wish. In the end, copyright law is government policy, not private policy. It is not the entitlement of users, consumers, authors or intermediaries. We must have the leadership and the moral courage to establish principles that are sustainable, fair, and implemented at the highest levels of integrity. As the Distinguished Delegate of Egypt has said in his statement on behalf of the African Group, a balanced system is not just a system that articulates principles that cannot or will not see the light of day. Nigeria is proud to have produced the first blind physio therapist, the first blind professor on the continent, and to have established the first organisation to train and teach the blind and the visually impaired. The exceptions and limitations Agenda is a reflection of a long history and commitment to ensure that the copyright system and indeed all other systems support the full integration of individuals into a meaningful and productive life. We believe it is time to convene a diplomatic conference in 2013. We believe it is time to recognize that the Development Agenda is serious and that it is one of the instruments by which as a community and as an institution we will be able to see the copyright system productive, adaptable and transformative not only for developing countries but for developed countries as well. However, and whatever we feel about the WIPO Development Agenda, it is clear that the legal, social, and political reality is that an Intellectual Property system specifically an international copyright system that does not work for all will not work at all. Thank you, Mr. Chair. >> CHAIR: Thank you, Nigeria. And all the colleagues that have made statements on behalf of their respective Delegations. The Committee takes note of the statements on this Agenda Item. And will be recorded in the report of the Twenty-Fourth Session to be submitted to the WIPO General Assembly. That concludes that Agenda Item. As I indicated in the morning session before lunch, I intend at this point to convene an informal discussion on the conclusion and on the issue of education working document. So shall we proceed to ouch ten hag enimmediately after adjourning this meeting? The same format will be used. Regional Coordinator plus three. And I may indicate at this stage that we report back to Plenary at 7:00 p.m. Plenary is adjourned. ====== 's (Please stand by.) (Standing by.) (Please stand by.) (Please stand by for the WIPO SCCR 24 evening session.) (Please stand by for the WIPO SCCR 24 evening session.) (Standing by.) (Please stand by.) (Standing by for the WIPO SCCR 24 evening session.) (Standing by for the WIPO SCCR 24 evening session.) (Standing by.) (Standing by for the WIPO SCCR 24 nighttime session.) (Standing by.) (Standing by.) (Please stand by for the WIPO SCCR 24 nighttime Plenary session.) (Standing by.) (Standing by.) (Please stand by for the Plenary session to begin.) (Stand by. The WIPO SCCR 24 Plenary session is about to begin.) >> CHAIR: Colleagues, good morning and welcome back to Plenary. First of all, I wish to apologize to those colleagues of ours that that have been waiting in Plenary for us to come and report back. We appreciate your patience but we have to say that it was hard work to reach some level of convergence and we do not certainly take your patience for granted. During the Plenary before we broke off for the ib formal, we had deferred the Agenda Item on education and research institutions and persons with other disabilities. I have to report that the informal discussions considered the document and discussions were held on the document. It has been agreed by the informal group that met. And these conclusions will obviously be dealt with in a few moments time. But the gist of it is that we have reached some agreement on this document which which we will be considering soon under the conclusions. May I now turn to the draft conclusion document which is now circulated before you. The first section of this document is on the Agenda. With paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and 4. Do we adopt this part of the document? (There is no response.) >> CHAIR: It is so adopted. The second part is on limitations and exceptions, paragraph 5. Do we adopt this section of the document? (There is no response.) >> CHAIR: It is so adopted. Limitations and exceptions on educational institutions and research institutions and people with other disabilities. Paragraphs 6, 7, 8, and 9. Do we adopt this section of the document? (There is no response.) >> CHAIR: It is so adopted. Limitations and exceptions for libraries and archives, paragraphs 10 and 11. Do we adopt this part of the document? (There is no response.) >> CHAIR: It is so adopted. Limitations and exceptions for visually impaired persons, persons with print vision disabilities. Paragraphs 12, 13, 14, 15. Do we adopt this section of the document? (There is no response.) >> CHAIR: It is so adopted. Protection of broadcasting organisations, paragraphs 16, 17, and 18. Do we adopt those paragraphs under that heading? (There is no response.) >> CHAIR: Adopted. Contribution of the SCCR to the implementation of the respective Development Agenda recommendations. Paragraph 19. Do with we adopt paragraph 19? (There is no response.) >> CHAIR: It is so adopted. The next session of SCCR will take place, of course, from November 19th to 23rd, 2012. That concludes the, that is the end of the conclusions. At this juncture I would like to invite Delegations that would want to make very brief closing remarks. Nigeria. >> NIGERIA: Thank you, Mr. Chair. On behalf I'm sure of everybody in this room and all the Delegations around certainly on behalf of the Nigerian Delegation and African Group I want to say thank you to Carlos and I did not get the other young man's name. They have been wonderful. We thank you for your diligence and great attitude and hard work. Thank you. And thank you to all of you as well. >> CHAIR: Thank you. Brazil? >> BRAZIL: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I also would like to first thank you for having conducted the works of this Committee with so diligently. We have been very busy days and I think the outcome and the conclusions reflect that commitment of this Committee. Also I thank the Secretariat for having worked so hard and produced so much for us. And also I would like to thank the interpreters that they are not with us I guess at this time but they have been extensively over the course of this week. I'm taking the floor on behalf of the Development Agenda Group. We are glad to see the strong commitment of all Delegations over weekend sessions and night sessions. It has been remarkable. We are particularly happy to see that the Committee agreed on a clear pathway to the diplomatic conference on limit tastes and exceptions for the visually impaired and they are aligned with the DAG recommends. And we are happy also with the broadcasting treaty. We consider this is a very important moment in the history of WIPO Member States addressing the issue that affects the lives of millions of people around the world. I am talking specifically about the visually I will pared. The large majority of visually impaired persons live in developing countries or in less developed countries. So this organisation is moving in the right way to ensure an appropriate legal environment which is conducive to an increased availability of cultural, educational and scientific materials to the visually impaired people and we are just to remark that this is aimed at providing equality of rights and the necessity of such work. We are very happy to see the high level of commitment of all Delegations to this purpose. I thank you. >> CHAIR: India, Peru, and Chile. India, Peru, Chile, Iran. That is the list of closing statements and I have closed the list at this stage. India. >> INDIA: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Indian Delegation joins the other Delegations in appreciating the efforts of all, especially your leadership and guidance in finalizing the VIP text which can be presented in the extra oord session to convene the diplomatic conference to finalize the treaty. It is really a great achievement not only for you but for all the countries who continue the Beijing spirit to finalize this document. Hopefully this will be further fine-tuned in the forthcoming intercessional meetings and the November SCCR before the extraordinary session is called. And we are going back home with satisfaction that we have achieved the main important task of this SCCR. We would like to thank the hard work and cooperation of the WIPO Secretariat officials and especially the efforts to bring out the documents at the right time and to the satisfaction of everyone. It is very well appreciated including all the staff members. Then I would like to thank all the Delegations who have shown the right spirit in this SCCR. Thank you. >> CHAIR: Peru, to be followed by Chile. Per. >> PERU: (Speaking in Spanish.) >> CHAIR: Sorry, there are no interpreters. Peru: Thank you very much. As a Delegation it has been very important to count on you, with your help. I think with your openness to know that you have reflected us to our country and to our GRULAC. We would like to thank especially the Secretariat because they always help us with the documents in line so we can know that maybe in some moments -- for us it was a very special mechanism and as for the results of this meeting I think we have achieved very important goals and maybe the main would be we had in mind was VIP. And the commitment we have made and the plan, working plan that we have here in the conclusions are very important are in order to achieve our main goal next year to be the conference in 2013 for VIP. Thank you very much. >> CHAIR: Chile and Iran. >> CHILE: Thank you, Chair. Normally I would not speak at this late hour, but I think as was said by Brazil this is a very important moment for this Committee and for this organisation. So I want to say thanks to you for your hard work during this almost two weeks. Also thanks to the Secretariat to all the Delegations that participated in the informals and also to all the NGOs that are still here at this late hour. As I said, I think that we have achieved an important progress today, a balance agreement in different areas and of course especially I would like to highlight the clear program that we have agreed on the issue of visually impaired