CIS Statement in WIPO SCCR 43

Posted by Shweta Mohandas and Anubha Sinha at Mar 28, 2023 02:12 PM |
Shweta Mohandas delivered a statement on behalf of CIS, on day 1 of the 43rd WIPO SCCR session on the Broadcast Treaty.

Thank you, Mr. Chair.

I’m speaking on behalf of the Centre for Internet and Society, India.

The second revised draft text for the WIPO Broadcasting Organisations Treaty presents certain concerns.

The absence of a provision on term allows perpetual rights to both traditional broadcasters and streamers. Further, the provision on limitations and exceptions is narrow, and not mandatory. It undermines the existence of open-licensing models on the internet. In the absence of a strong mandatory limitations and exceptions provision, the text gives broadcasters rights over openly-licensed content and works in the public domain.

Thank you.