Report on the Progress in Bengali Language Testing
Indian Bengali was added to eSpeak by the Indian team. The language was added and improved based on user testing and review.
- Conjunct consonant pronunciation when (ba) is conjunct was corrected.
- INHERENT vowel PRONUNCIEATION SOME TIMES NEED TO BE SUPPRESSED. It was made possible programmatically.
- Changed phoneme rules for য dZV modified to ্) যা :&
- sissue with য়/ Oj eg; desired pronunciation /Poi'sa but was being pronounced as 'payosa'
- Modified the [phoneme to jV and phone,me rules C)য় (C j
- Issue with 'ja'fala, that should double the pronunciation of the preceeding consonant, was rectified. Eg; Onnay was pronounced as 'onyai' as against the desired pronunciation
- The Bengali files sent by the developer on 20th December and Third January had been updated in the version.
- 71 Bengali Exception words had been included with their pronunciation rules - where inherent vowel even being between two consonant is not pronounced.
- Changed phoneme rules for য dZV modified to ্) যা :&
- issue with য়/ Oj was corrected. eg; desired pronunciation /Poi'sa but was being pronounced as 'payosa'
- Issue with 'ja'fala, that should double the pronunciation of the preceeding consonant was rectified. Eg; Onnay was pronounced as 'onyai' as against the desired pronunciation, The Bengali files sent by the developer on, 20th December and Third January had been updated in the version.
- 4/Auguest/2014Few exception words had been added দশটা , তিরিশটা, চল্লিশটা, পঞ্চাশটা, ষাটটা, সত্তরটা, করবে, বলবে, চলবে, শুনবে, শুনব, মানকচু, ওলকপি, ফটকিরি, চরণপদ্ম.
- In eSpeak Indian test build 1.11, the following exception words were added:
- অমরসঙ্গী O:mor'SongI
- চুপচাপ cup'c,ap
- পাগলা pa',g'la
- পাগলামো pa',g'la'mo
- মর্যাদা mO:rJ,ada
- আমপাতা 'ampa,ta
- আকাশবানী akaS'banI
- বিদঘুটে bi,dg#Ut.e
- দেবদেবী deb'debI
- অথচ O:t#oco
- আমরাই am,rai
- খেলা k#&'la
- খেলবো k#el'bo
- চারটি car,t.i
- একটি ekt.i
- একটা &kt.a:
- দরকার dO:r'kar'
- দেখছি dek#'c#i
- বলছি bo,lc#i
- করছি ko'rc#i
- শুনছি Sun'c#i
- ভাবছি b#a'bc#i
- ঘুরছি g#U,rc#i
- দিনরাত din'rat.
- সবরকম SO:b,rO:kom
- কাজকর্ম kaJ,kO:'rmo
- দুঃখ duk#'k#o
- তিনটে tin't.e
- চারটে car't.e
- পাঁচটা p~ac't.a
- সাতটা Sat't.a
- আটটা a:t.'t.a
- দশটা dOS't.:a
- একুশটা ekuS't.:a
- বাইশটা ba:iS't.:a
- তেইশটা tei'St.:a
- চব্বিশটা co'b'biS't.:a
- পঁচিশটা p~o'ciS't.:a
- ছাব্বিশটা ch:a'b'biS't.:a
- সাতাশটা Sat.aS't.:a
- আঠাশটা a:t.#a:S't.:a
- উনত্রিশটা un'triS't.:a
- তিরিশটা tiriS't.:a
- একত্রিশটা ek'triS't.:a
- বত্রিশটা bot:riS't.:a
- তেত্রিশটা tetriS't.:a
- চৌঁত্রিশটা c~ou:triS't.:a
- পঁয়ত্রিশটা p~oj'triS't.:a
- ছত্রিশটা chot:riS't.:a
- সাঁইত্রিশটা S~ai'triS't.:a
- আটত্রিশটা a:t.triS't.:a
- উনচল্লিশটা uno'col'l:iS't.:a
- চল্লিশটা col'l:iS't.:a