Internet Governance Blog

by kaeru — last modified Oct 18, 2011 06:40 AM

E-administration Efforts are Lame Ducks without Internet

Posted by Amit Kumar & Sat Singh at Dec 20, 2017 04:05 PM |

Strap: How Haryana engages with the Digital India dream when one act of vandalism can invite a net ban.

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Will Darjeeling Regain the Trust of Tourists?

Posted by Roshan Gupta at Dec 20, 2017 04:01 PM |

An agitation coupled with an internet ban that left tourists stranded, it looks like a tough time ahead for tourism in the Hills.

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Silence on the Dera Front

Posted by Sat Singh at Dec 20, 2017 03:58 PM |

Strap: How DSS followers, accused of violent protests after their leader was sentenced, manage without the internet.

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ISPs in Kashmir Grappling with Mounting Losses Amid Recurrent Shutdowns

Posted by Safeena Wani at Dec 20, 2017 03:54 PM |

Strap: Internet savvy youth taking to alternative routes to access the world wide web.

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Taxes in the Time of Internet Shutdown

Posted by Avijit Sarkar at Dec 20, 2017 03:49 PM |

Strap: Darjeeling businesses buckle under a bandh, network ban, and GST

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Every Town had its Jio Dara

Posted by Ayswarya Murthy at Dec 20, 2017 03:45 PM |

Strap: In the hills of Darjeeling, residents facing an indefinite internet shutdown were thrown an unexpected lifeline in the form of 'Jio dara', a feeble signal from Sikkim towers that nevertheless kept a small line of communication open between the besieged towns in the region and the rest of the world.

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Education and Employment Opportunities Tossed out of the Window

Posted by Roshan Gupta at Dec 20, 2017 03:41 PM |

Strap: Schools, students and teachers remember how they survived 100 days of internet shutdown.

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Darjeeling’s e-commerce Crumbles after 100 days sans Internet

Posted by Avijit Sarkar at Dec 20, 2017 03:16 AM |

Strap: The shutdown on ground and that of the internet have together hurt the economy critically

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Days to Derail Work of Two Generations?

Posted by Mahesh Kumar Shiva at Dec 19, 2017 04:35 PM |

Strap: How an internet shutdown hurt a family woodwork business.

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Internet Shutdowns: A Modern-day Siege

Posted by Ayswarya Murthy at Dec 19, 2017 04:29 PM |

Strap: Technology activists, lawyers, politicians and NGOs weigh in on the spate of internet shutdowns in India in 2017.

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Sorry, Business Closed until Internet is Back On

Posted by Nalanda Tambe at Dec 19, 2017 04:25 PM |

Strap: Exporters say they lose face with international clients when internet shutdowns block deliveries.

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The Rising Stars in Music Loath Losing their Only Platform

Posted by Umar Shah and Mir Farhat at Dec 19, 2017 04:20 PM |

Strap: The music from Kashmir wants to find a way out, but shutting internet down only adds to the bitterness.

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Stock Brokers Don't Love an Internet Shutdown

Posted by Binita Parikh at Dec 19, 2017 04:20 PM |

Strap: For a trade that rides on price volatility and fast reactions, an internet shutdown is a costly slowdown.

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Internet and Banking: A Trust Broken

Posted by Roshan Gupta at Dec 19, 2017 04:10 PM |

Strap: Some cut down their daily meals and some lost their jobs as the banking sector took a major hit during internet shutdowns.

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Was there an Unofficial Internet Shutdown in BHU & NTPC?

Posted by Saurabh Sharma at Dec 19, 2017 04:05 PM |

Strap: In Varanasi and Raebareli, residents allege internet bans, while govt denies it all.

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How Media beat the Shutdown in Darjeeling

Posted by Manish Adhikary at Dec 19, 2017 03:57 PM |

Strap:Journalists did what the state was expected to do: fight rumours.

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Internet and the Police: Tool to Some, Trash to Others

Posted by Manoj Kumar at Dec 19, 2017 03:52 PM |

Strap: Disconnection with colleagues discomforts one part of the administration, but the other quips, what’s the big deal?

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Business Woes from Saharanpur's Internet Ban

Posted by Mahesh Kumar Shiva at Dec 19, 2017 03:50 PM |

Strap: Three businessmen reveal the price they paid

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Online or Offline, Protest Goes On

Posted by Junaid Nabi Bazaz at Dec 19, 2017 03:40 PM |

Strap: Kashmiris say internet blockades have no effect on uprisings

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Amid Unrest in the Valley, Students See a Dark Wall

Posted by Aakash Hassan at Dec 19, 2017 03:25 PM |

Strap: Frequent, prolonged restrictions on internet have kept many from using the learning resource.

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