Internet Governance Blog

by kaeru — last modified Oct 18, 2011 06:40 AM
No, India did NOT oppose the United Nations move to “make internet access a human right”

No, India did NOT oppose the United Nations move to “make internet access a human right”

Posted by Pranesh Prakash and Japreet Grewal at Jul 13, 2016 04:09 PM |

Last Friday, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) passed a resolution titled “The promotion, protection and enjoyment of human rights on the Internet.”

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Trans Pacific Partnership and Digital 2 Dozen: Implications for Data Protection and Digital Privacy

Posted by Shubhangi Heda at Jul 12, 2016 07:55 AM |

In this essay, Shubhangi Heda explores the concerns related to data protection and digital privacy under the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement signed recently between United States of America and eleven countries located around the pacific ocean region, across South America, Australia, and Asia. TPP is a free trade agreement (FTA) that emphasises, among other things, the need for liberalising global digital economy. The essay also analyses the critical document titled ‘Digital 2 Dozen’ (D2D), which compiles the key action items within TPP addressing liberalisation of digital economy, and sets up the relevant goals for the member nations.

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Big Data Governance Frameworks for 'Data Revolution for Sustainable Development'

Posted by Meera Manoj at Jul 05, 2016 12:55 PM |

A key component of the process to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals is the call for a global 'data revolution' to better understand, monitor, and implement development interventions. Recently there has been several international proposals to use big data, along with reconfigured national statistical systems, to operationalise this 'data revolution for sustainable development.' This analysis by Meera Manoj highlights the different models of collection, management, sharing, and governance of global development data that are being discussed.

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CIS Submission to TRAI Consultation on Free Data

Posted by Pranesh Prakash at Jun 30, 2016 10:50 PM |

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) held a consultation on Free Data, for which CIS sent in the following comments.

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Submission by the Centre for Internet and Society on Revisions to ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior

Prepared by Vidushi Marda, with inputs from Dr. Nirmita Narasimhan and Sunil Abraham.

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Jurisdiction: The Taboo Topic at ICANN

Posted by Pranesh Prakash at Jun 27, 2016 02:10 PM |

The "IANA Transition" that is currently underway is a sham since it doesn't address the most important question: that of jurisdiction. This article explores why the issue of jurisdiction is the most important question, and why it remains unaddressed.

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UN Special Rapporteur Report on Freedom of Expression and the Private Sector: A Significant Step Forward

On 6 June 2016, the UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, David Kaye, released a report on the Information and Communications Technology (“ICT”) sector and freedom of expression in the digital age. Vidushi Marda and Pranesh Prakash highlight the most important aspects of the report.

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Smart City Policies and Standards: Overview of Projects, Data Policies, and Standards across Five International Smart Cities

Posted by Kiran A. B., Elonnai Hickok and Vanya Rakesh at Jun 08, 2016 02:35 PM |

This blog post aims to review five Smart Cities across the globe, namely Singapore, Dubai, New York City, London and Seoul, the Data Policies and Standards adopted. Also, the research seeks to point the similarities, differences and best practices in the development of smart cities across jurisdictions.

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Criminal Defamation and the Supreme Court’s Loss of Reputation

Posted by Bhairav Acharya at Jun 03, 2016 03:05 AM |

The Supreme Court’s refusal, in Subramanian Swamy v. Union of India, to strike down the anachronistic colonial offence of criminal defamation is wrong. Criminalising defamation serves no legitimate public purpose; the vehicle of criminalisation – sections 499 and 500 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 (IPC) – is unconstitutional; and the court’s reasoning is woolly at best.

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Submission by the Centre for Internet and Society on Draft New ICANN By-laws

Posted by Vidushi Marda at May 30, 2016 01:40 AM |
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The Centre for Internet & Society sent its comments on the Draft New ICANN Bylaws. The submission was prepared by Pranesh Prakash, Vidushi Marda, Udbhav Tiwari and Swati Muthukumar. Special thanks to Sunil Abraham for his input and feedback.

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Comments on Draft Electronic Health Records Standards

Posted by Amber Sinha at May 28, 2016 08:25 AM |
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The Centre for Internet & Society submitted its comments on the Draft Electronic Health Records Standards to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

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Women's Safety? There is an App for That

Posted by Rohini Lakshané at May 19, 2016 01:30 PM |
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“After locking ourselves in a room for more than 6 days, this is what we came out [sic] with. Join us in helping make WOMEN feel SAFE,” read a gloating press release about a smartphone app for women to notify their near ones that they were in distress. It was one among many such PRs frequently landing in my mailbox after the rape and murder of a young student on board a private bus in Delhi in 2012.

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Draft Law Would Prohibit Showing ‘Disputed Areas’ on Maps of India

Posted by Subhashish Panigrahi at May 15, 2016 01:05 PM |
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Maps that label geographic areas of conflict as “disputed” territories in India could put one behind bars for seven years with 1B Indian Rupees (US$15M) penalty if a recently proposed bill becomes law.

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MHRD IPR Chair Series: Information Received from Delhi University

Posted by Nehaa Chaudhari at May 15, 2016 12:18 PM |

This post provides a factual description about the operation of Ministry of Human Resource Development IPR Chair’s Intellectual Property Education, Research and Public Outreach (IPERPO) scheme in Delhi University.

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Identity of the Aadhaar Act: Supreme Court and the Money Bill Question

Posted by Vanya Rakesh and Sumandro Chattapadhyay at May 09, 2016 11:52 AM |

A writ petition has been filed by former Union minister Jairam Ramesh on April 6 challenging the constitutionality and legality of the treatment of this Act as a money bill. The Supreme Court heard the matter on April 25 and invited the Union government to present its view. It is our view that the Supreme Court can not only review the Lok Sabha speaker’s decision, but should also ask the government to draft the Aadhaar Bill again, this time with greater parliamentary and public deliberation. Vanya Rakesh and Sumandro Chattapadhyay wrote this article on The Wire.

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Facebook: A Platform with Little Less Sharing of Personal Information

Posted by Nishant Shah at May 08, 2016 12:00 PM |

As Facebook becomes less personal, what happens to digital friendship?

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Privacy Issues with DRM

Posted by Jalaj Pandey at May 03, 2016 02:41 AM |

This post has been written by Jalaj Pandey interning at CIS. It elaborates upon the various privacy issues with the Digital Rights Management. The author talks about the various ways in which content producers use DRM as a tool to infringe the privacy of the end users.

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Cyber Security of Smart Grids in India

Cyber Security of Smart Grids in India

Posted by Elonnai Hickok and Vanya Rakesh at Apr 28, 2016 03:34 PM |

An integral component of the ambitious flagship programme of the Indian Government- Digital India, which paves way for a digital data avalanche in the country, is a well-designed digital infrastructure ensuring high connectivity and integration of services, the potential areas being smart cities, smart homes, smart energy and smart grids, to list a few. Likewise, the 100 Smart Cities Mission envisions changing the face of urbanization in India, to manage the exponential growth of population in the cities by creating smart cities with ICT driven solutions, along with big data analytics. Smart grid technologies are key for both these schemes.

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The Aadhaar Act is Not a Money Bill

Posted by Amber Sinha at Apr 25, 2016 10:51 AM |

While the authority of the Lok Sabha Speaker is final and binding, Jairam Ramesh’s writ petition may allow the Supreme Court to question an incorrect application of substantive principles. This article by Amber Sinha was published by The Wire on April 24, 2016.

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Can the Matters Dealt with in the Aadhaar Act be the Objects of a Money Bill?

Posted by Pooja Saxena at Apr 24, 2016 02:15 PM |

In this infographic, we highlight the matters dealt with in the Aadhaar Act 2016, recently tabled in and passed by the Lok Sabha as a money bill, and consider if these can be objects of a money bill. The infographic is designed by Pooja Saxena, based on information compiled by Sumandro Chattapadhyay and Amber Sinha.

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