Internet Governance Blog

by kaeru — last modified Oct 18, 2011 06:40 AM

Sense and Censorship

Posted by Sunil Abraham at Jan 31, 2012 06:15 AM |

The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) bills, at the US House of Representatives and Senate, respectively, appear to enforce property rights, but are, in fact, trade bills. This article by Sunil Abraham was published in the Indian Express on 20 January 2012.

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Our Internet and the Law

Posted by Nishant Shah at Jan 28, 2012 04:55 PM |
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Nishant Shah was interviewed by the BBC Channel 5 (Radio) for its Outriders section. Jamillah Knowles reports this through this blog post published by BBC Radio on 24 January 2012.

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Privacy Matters — Analyzing the Right to "Privacy Bill"

Privacy Matters — Analyzing the Right to "Privacy Bill"

On January 21, 2012 a public conference “Privacy Matters” was held at the Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai. It was the sixth conference organised in the series of regional consultations held as “Privacy Matters”. The present conference analyzed the Draft Privacy Bill and the participants discussed the challenges and concerns of privacy in India.

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How India Makes E-books Easier to Ban than Books (And How We Can Change That)

How India Makes E-books Easier to Ban than Books (And How We Can Change That)

Without getting into questions of what should and should not be unlawful speech, Pranesh Prakash chooses to take a look at how Indian law promotes arbitrary removal and blocking of websites, website content, and online services, and how it makes it much easier than getting offline printed speech removed.

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The Quixotic Fight to Clean up the Web

The Quixotic Fight to Clean up the Web

The ongoing attempt to pre-screen online content won’t change anything. It will only drive netizens into the arms of criminals, writes Sunil Abraham in this article published in Tehelka Magazine, Vol 9, Issue 04, Dated 28 Jan 2012.

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Keeping it Private

Keeping it Private

Posted by Nishant Shah at Jan 16, 2012 09:25 AM |

As we disclose more information online, we must ask who might access it and why. This article by Nishant Shah was published in the Indian Express on Sunday, 15 January 2012.

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Future of Integrated Science Education in Higher Education in India

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Jan 15, 2012 09:50 AM |
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The Higher Education Innovation and Research Application (HEIRA) at the Centre for the Study of Culture and Society (CSCS) and the Centre for Contemporary Studies (CCS) at the Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc) hosted a two day workshop on 2 and 3 January 2012 on the Future of Integrated Science Education in Higher Education in India at the Centre for Contemporary Studies, IISc, where they invited a core group of academics and researchers from the leading technology and science studies institutes in the country, to look at the possibility of designing innovative and new curricula for undergraduate students in India.

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Click to Change

Click to Change

Posted by Nishant Shah at Jan 03, 2012 09:35 AM |
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From organising political protests and flash mobs to uploading their versions of Kolaveri Di, people brought about change with the help of the internet, writes Nishant Shah in this article published in the Indian Express on 1 January 2012.

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The Historian Wins Over the Biographer

The Historian Wins Over the Biographer

Posted by Nishant Shah at Dec 31, 2011 12:15 PM |
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In Walter Isaacson's eponymous biography of Steve Jobs, the multibillion dollar man who is credited with single handedly changing the face of computing and the digital media industry, we face the dilemma of a biographer: how do you make sense of a history that is so new, it is still unfolding? Nishant Shah's detailed review of Steve Jobs' biography is now out in the Biblio and is is available online (after a free registration) as a PDF.

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Of Surrogate Futures and Scattered Temporalities

Of Surrogate Futures and Scattered Temporalities

Posted by Nishant Shah at Dec 28, 2011 07:20 AM |
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There can be no refuting Michael Edwards’ claim that the world we live in is not only thick with problems, but that the problems that we are collectively trying to address are ‘thick...complex, politicized and unpredictable...complicated and contested’.

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Exposing Data: Art Slash Activism

Exposing Data: Art Slash Activism

Posted by Prasad Krishna at Dec 26, 2011 06:10 AM |
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Tactical Tech and the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS) organised a public discussion on the intersection of Art and Activism at the CIS office in Bangalore on 28 November 2011. Videos of the event are now online. Ward Smith (Lecturer, University of California, LA), Stephanie Hankey and Marek Tuszinsky (Co-founders, Tactical Technology Collective), Ayisha Abraham (Film maker, Srishti School of Art Design) and Zainab Bawa (Research Fellow, Centre for Internet and Society) spoke in this event.

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US Clampdown Worse than the Great Firewall

US Clampdown Worse than the Great Firewall

If you thought China’s Internet censorship was evil, think again. American moves to clean up the Web could hurt global surfers, writes Sunil Abraham in this article published in Tehelka, Volume 8, Issue 50, 17 December 2011.

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Now Streaming on Your Nearest Screen

Now Streaming on Your Nearest Screen

Posted by Nishant Shah at Dec 24, 2011 07:30 AM |

Digital cinema, especially the kinds produced using mobile devices and travelling on Internet social networking systems like YouTube and MySpace, are often dismissed as apolitical and ‘merely’ a fad. Moreover, content in the non-English language, due to incomprehensibility or lack of understanding of the cultural context of the production, is labeled as frivolous, or inconsequential, writes Nishant Shah in this peer reviewed essay published in the Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2009.

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Internet and Society in Asia: Challenges and Next Steps

Posted by Nishant Shah at Dec 23, 2011 05:56 AM |

The ubiquitous presence of internet technologies, in our age of digital revolution, has demanded the attention of various disciplines of study and movements for change around the globe. As more of our environment gets connected to the circuits of the World Wide Web, we witness a significant transformation in the way we understand the politics, mechanics and aesthetics of the world we live in, says Nishant Shah in this peer reviewed essay published in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Volume 11, Number 1, March 2010.

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Spy in the Web

Spy in the Web

The government’s proposed pre-censorship rules undermine the intelligence of an online user and endanger democracy.

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Invisible Censorship: How the Government Censors Without Being Seen

The Indian government wants to censor the Internet without being seen to be censoring the Internet. This article by Pranesh Prakash shows how the government has been able to achieve this through the Information Technology Act and the Intermediary Guidelines Rules it passed in April 2011. It now wants methods of censorship that leave even fewer traces, which is why Mr. Kapil Sibal, Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology talks of Internet 'self-regulation', and has brought about an amendment of the Copyright Act that requires instant removal of content.

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That’s the unkindest cut, Mr Sibal

That’s the unkindest cut, Mr Sibal

Posted by Sunil Abraham at Dec 12, 2011 04:59 AM |

There’s Kolaveri-di on the Internet over Kapil Sibal’s diktat to social media sites to prescreen users’ posts. That diktat goes far beyond the restrictions placed on our freedom of expression by the IT Act. But, says Sunil Abraham of the Centre for Internet and Society, India is not going to be silenced online.

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Press Coverage of Online Censorship Row

We are maintaining a rolling blog with press references to the row created by the proposal by the Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology to pre-screen user-generated Internet content.

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Online Pre-Censorship is Harmful and Impractical

The Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Mr. Kapil Sibal wants Internet intermediaries to pre-censor content uploaded by their users. Pranesh Prakash takes issue with this and explains why this is a problem, even if the government's heart is in the right place. Further, he points out that now is the time to take action on the draconian IT Rules which are before the Parliament.

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An Interview with Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada

An Interview with Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada

Posted by Elonnai Hickok at Dec 02, 2011 05:45 AM |

Elonnai Hickok interviewed Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario, Canada. The full interview is reproduced below.

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