Comments on the National Digital Health Blueprint

Posted by Samyukta Prabhu, Ambika Tandon, Torsha Sarkar and Aayush Rathi at Aug 07, 2019 01:24 PM |
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had released the National Digital Health Blueprint on 15 July 2019 for comments. The Centre for Internet & Society submitted its comments.

This submission presents comments by the Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), on the National Digital Health Blueprint (NDHB) Report, released on 15th July 2019 for publicconsulations. It must be noted at the outset that the time given for comments was less than three weeks, and such a short window of time is inadequate for all stakeholdersinvolved to comprehensively address the various aspects of the Report. Accordingly, on behalf of all other interested parties, we request more time for consultations.

We also note that the nature of data which would be subject to processing in the proposed digital framework pre-supposes a robust data protection regime in India, onewhich is currently absent. Accordingly, we also urge ceasing the implementation of the framework until the Personal Data Protection Bill is passed by the parliament. We wouldbe explaining our reasonings on this particular point below.

Click to download the full submission here.