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What is IFF? A model for digital rights advocacy in India

by Pranav M B last modified Mar 29, 2019 05:42 AM

Event details


Apr 03, 2019
from 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM


The Centre for Internet and Society, Bangalore: No. 194, 2nd ‘C’ Cross, Domlur, 2nd Stage, Bengaluru, 560071

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The Internet Freedom Foundation which was formed 3 years ago towards the end of last year appointed one of it's trustees, Apar Gupta as it's first executive director. In one of the first introductory talks explaining his mandate and plans for IFF, Apar hopes to candidly discuss the challenges to digital rights being faced in India. 


This talk hopes to invite interaction on three main tracks:

1. The larger policy movements on technology in the areas of net neutrality, privacy, free expression and innovation and the role for greater public advocacy.

2. Recurring themes of lack of capacity in areas of digital rights advocacy in India and how it compliments research outputs.

3. Experimenting with funding models for work and questions on sustainability. 


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