Democracy and the Internet in 2017

by Prasad Krishna last modified Mar 28, 2017 03:19 PM
Vidushi Marda gave a talk at St. Joseph's College of Commerce in Bengaluru on January 25, 2017. Vidushi spoke about democracy and the internet. The 50 minute talk was followed by 20 minutes of questions/comments.

Undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines such as social science, engineering, business, etc. attended the lecture. The talk broadly focused on:

  • The relationship between democracy and the internet. Why/how are they are closely related.
  • The internet's role in changing information exchange and communication. I drew on examples like the Arab Spring/Elections/Political change.
  • The growing usage of internet platforms for elections and also governance. Problematising the fact that these few private platforms seem to monopolise the internet, are only restricted to a certain elite audience, cannot be conflated with actual governance etc.
  • Fake News.
  • Algorithmic curation and filter bubbles.
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