DSCI-Infosys Roundtable

by Admin — last modified Apr 05, 2019 02:06 AM
Sunil Abraham participated in this meeting organized by Infosys in Bangalore on March 25, 2019 as a speaker.


10:00-10:15 AM

Opening Remarks:  Infosys

Context Setting: DSCI and Infosys

10:15- 11:00 AM

Elements shaping Data Economy

§  Digitization: Personalization, Experience, Productivity & Possibilities

§  Global Internet Platforms: Transforming B2C and B2B

§  Phantomization of Technology & Business Models

§  Changing nature of Deliveries: value driven, subscription based and platform based

§  Product Economy: Data-centric Designs, Start-ups and Unicorn,

§  IOT and Industrialisation 4.0: Next generation service & business lines

§  Data flow and how it’s shaping trade of goods and services

§  Role of data in delivering the public service and improving public order

§  Artificial Intelligence: at specific product/service level and its ramification to industrial and national economy

§  Technology: role of data in developing next generation tech platforms

Discussion Facilitation: DSCI and Infosys

11:00- 11:45 AM

Tech’s Dilemmas

§  Scale and reach of BigTech: Industrial Capitalism versus Internet Capitalism

§  Competition

§  Influence on personal, social, transactional, economic and political life

§  Stressed relations with values of modern value system

§  Ethical issues: human rights, social harmony, public space decency, health electoral  processes, information warfare...

§  Data Privacy

§  Tech’s response: Locking down of data, editorial/ censorship  controls...

§  Challenges of law enforcement, fraud management and supervision

§  Relevance to national security objectives


§  Principles of Responsible Innovation

§  Ideas under discussion/ experimentation

Discussion Facilitation: DSCI and Infosys

11:45-12:15 AM

Shaping Data Economy

§  Structures and approaches: state controlled, private sector led, decentralized

§  Directions: legal/ policy,  innovation, investments, architectures (like India Stack),

§  Searching the role of liberal economic principles

§  Open architectures and open data ecosystem

§  Positions, Obligations, Burdens and Liabilities for protecting rights, creating level playing field, ensuring competition...

§  Regulatory approaches: establishing supervisory controls

§  National security: Interventions, mandates and cooperation

Discussion Facilitation: DSCI and Infosys

12:15 to 12:30 PM

Discussion Summary

12:30 PM onwards
